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    Use "southern" in a sentence

    southern example sentences


    1. “Don’t shoot!” It’s a weak voice with a southern accent

    2. “Are we gonna board?” asked a Southern woman sitting behind Hermann

    3. Medfly spraying of Malathion or any other chemical is wasted effort and will not affect the real cause of the Medfly spreading in southern Calif

    4. (overdoing the Southern drawl)

    5. Note : this is for southern areas with warm winter

    6. He even had a slight Southern

    7. She was petite, blonde, with fine features and a smooth lilting voice that swayed with southern French tones

    8. neck and a hard heart! He marched the Southern Kingdom into extinction

    9. He began preaching in 1952 and has served several small congregations in Southern

    10. Kids tormented animals, naughty and short-tempered in the gathering heat, waiting for the next ferry that would take them to the southern sister island of Kissafari or on to the largest island of Crete

    11. Although life by the sea might appear to be idyllic, it is not without its problems of season and poverty, and there was once a poor fisherman who lived with his long suffering wife in a caravan on the cliff tops that rise up from Cornwall’s craggy southern coastline

    12. The corruption in the southern provinces was one of the biggest problems facing Laurentia when she was mortal

    13. territory in one of the poorer southern suburbs

    14. Naria chuckled, “On the northern continent no; but on the southern continent, we have no problem

    15. “I am aware, Lady Tara, that you had knowledge of my ‘guests’ on the southern continent

    16. on the cliff tops that rise up from Cornwall’s craggy southern

    17. Atlantis was third plushest in Europe, first in southern Europe

    18. The southern land dried up and they returned to the

    19. He lives with his family in Southern Utah

    20. “I knew a guy named Ava once, but he wasn’t famous, he had a fish weir in the southern shallows (of North Lake, Jorma figured, though there wasn’t a lot of shallow water there)

    21. southern Ireland which happened to contain a concentration of

    22. She puts the schooner of sherry to her lips and lets the thick, sickly sweet amber wine from the Jerez region of southern Spain slide around her mouth

    23. Later, after her Grandmother's death, he’d even started to visit him in southern Utah

    24. It seems she was waiting for an audience with her employer and happened into a conversation with a wealthy merchant of southern China, who was to meet with the Minister of Trade or some such

    25. Everyone in the Eastern sleep room facility is now dead, plus many more in the Northern, Southern, and Western sectors

    26. She sat cooling her feet in the brisk water of the lake, as the hot southern sun beat down upon her face

    27. On the southern edge of this plateau, overlooking the Karedarzin lowlands and the river itself, far in the distance, there is a series of lofty cliffs stretching irregularly for hundreds of miles

    28. The vivid Southern Cross pointed the way south

    29. It had three southern arms, one seemed pointed at Alan's city, one at the city his girlfriend had come from, and one further west pointing at a basin with very few optical nodes

    30. He was last seen in Southern Sudan ‘harvesting’ the oil fields

    31. This smal southern country on the Mediterranean lies south of Sicily and is near Tunisia

    32. I have mentioned that I had saved the few ears of barley and rice, which I had so surprisingly found spring up, as I thought, of themselves, and I believe there were about thirty stalks of rice, and about twenty of barley; and now I thought it a proper time to sow it, after the rains, the sun being in its southern position, going from me

    33. coated peaks marching along the southern horizon as we

    34. He had the good fortune to run into Sheizenn at that tiny roof-plaz on the Thulingain where you can catch a glimpse of the southern horizon

    35. They rode that to the southern end of the Eastern Slope, then walked down Gense Spiral and reached a streetcar that ran out of the mountain thru the Eastern Breech and out onto a route where streetcar, cargo and foot traffic converged into a great avenue that leapt out of the mountain on a fanciful crystal bridge thirty five stories above the inner branch of the Imoneea river

    36. down in a small lean-to on the southern side of the nave

    37. last they descended into the plains of southern Navarre

    38. the sea of fog stretching towards the southern horizon

    39. "Who'd have thought they'd beat the slope of the southern route, why its bad enough walking up it," said Mr

    40. The tarmac black as night, glistening with heat started to curl and like a giant reel began to roll down the great southern route

    41. which served as the southern entrance to the town,

    42. shrivelled with the harsh, southern sun

    43. final, brutal Inquisition against the Cathars in southern

    44. Alan knew this was only the Cutaiaa Arm of the southern half of this lake

    45. The northern shore for the last thirty miles or so was ever more lavish townhouses and docks, the southern shore had urban beach with forest behind somewhere inland

    46. The southern part, I think, the place we call Oenotria because it’s full of grape vines

    47. The value of the greater part of the lands in the southern counties of Scotland, which are chiefly a sheep country, would have been very deeply affected by this event, had not the rise in the price of butcher's meat fully compensated the fall in the price of wool

    48. Though I’d never conversed in it before, one of Father’s cherished scrolls was in this southern language

    49. continuous motion, occupied the southern

    50. the southern end of the peninsula, where the

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    Synonyms for "southern"

    southerly southern

    "southern" definitions

    in or characteristic of a region of the United States south of (approximately) the Mason-Dixon line

    situated in or oriented toward the south

    situated in or coming from regions of the south

    from the south; used especially of wind