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    starve to death example sentences

    starve to death

    1. But what about now, on his own and helpless? How long would he be able to live this way? Was it just hours or minutes until he was devoured? Or would he avoid the carnivores only to slowly starve to death as he wandered around completely lost for the next few weeks?

    2. We’ll starve to death

    3. In any case, he would not want a guest of his to starve to death, especially a lady expecting

    4. Kill the mother and the little ones starve to death

    5. It was my honor to fight along with you in the past and it shall be my honor to fight along you now, and when we see these gorgons we are going to shove them into the darkest holes of Earth, we are going to lock them in there and let them starve to death

    6. letting the animals starve to death

    7. He is a rational animal and his rationality is his prime tool of survival, without which he would literally starve to death

    8. Bit by bit, they would starve to death without even knowing it

    9. “Millions of children starve to death in other countries due to lack of nourishment,

    10. Better to starve to death, she decided, than to live as a pig

    11. “The minute she leaves the Border, a curse will hit her, rebound and leave the prince in the same blood lust you observed him in and she will watch him slowly starve to death

    12. The crowd of fugitives had taken off in all directions except back east into the ocean, most choosing to move in groups in the hope that someone in each group might be able to figure out a way to get to a safer place and not starve to death

    13. Eventual y it will starve to death and you will be with one less

    14. I’ll starve to death

    15. When their habitats are destroyed, survivors either starve to death, or are forced to move on

    16. That means rich people who deny that they have anything to do with the condition of the poor may choose to watch people starve to death out in the cold

    17. The Beast will try and starve to death all those who refuse to submit to

    18. ‘Oh Excellency, you would see the suffering of your children with your own eyes… their pain would be your pain too… in this case, what would you do?… leave them to starve to death?’

    19. This is how societies and cultures die: they starve to death when knowledge becomes the power to own

    20. I'll starve to death or

    21. They would starve to death

    22. starve to death because there is not an abundance of these foods in the tank

    23. If this incomplete view is taken all of the way to its logical conclusion, then there's no one to ever do anything, and you might as well just stay where you are right now and starve to death

    24. From living for 25 million years near active volcanoes that covered the ground with ashes forcing animals who managed to survive to slowly starve to death

    25. Did the last apes stay there? Instead of using sticks as crutches to get the hell out of there? Did they starve to death? With everything covered with ashes? Did they eat food covered with ashes? All bitter human experience; sorrow, sadness, loss, grief … is described in the Bible, as the taste of ashes in your mouth

    26. Once anything goes wrong with any staple crop, you had better have backups or you will starve to death

    27. If you were poor and worked non-stop all of your life… then you did not starve to death when you became old

    28. aren’t you all selectively intelligent? In preferring to watch a football game… instead of watching one million children starve to death in front of your eyes like this child just did…? Isn’t your selective awareness a wonderful thing?’

    29. Do you think that a race of slaves seeing a god-King saving food, might get the idea to save some of their own, or better yet: sneakily steal from these National granaries? And then when all the Egyptian nation is starving to death: and somehow: certain Semite families do not starve to death

    30. Anyone who was discovered to be poor was systematically hunted down and put into a prison or camp, or be used as a common laborer… or were left on the streets to starve to death

    31. The new middleclass inhumanity of letting people starve to death simply because they did not have money and nobody could make a profit off them: was a recreation and copying of the inhumanity of the tradition Europe’s rulings class systematically starving its poor masses into death for 1,000 years

    32. In 1996, Kim declared that he is willing to let the other two-thirds starve to death and to rebuild the country with just the loyal third

    33. He is the one who sends help so the buccaneers are foiled in finding Jim and his mother, he instantly organizes the entire adventure, a secret cabal between the squire himself and Jim: as a secret council to run and get rich fast before anyone else does it!! So they can all become fat! And gouty red faced corrupt Olde English landlords living off their ill-gained gold and living in ease for the rest of their life while beggars starve to death in front of them and they do not give one cent to help any of the poor

    34. he would make them starve to death

    35. It’s only a matter of time before we starve to death or those

    36. Out of food and supplies Napoleon had no choice but to either retreat from Russia or starve to death in Moscow

    37. "Have you known what it is to have your father starve to death in your absence?" cried Monte Cristo, thrusting his hands into his hair; "have you seen the woman you loved giving her hand to your rival, while you were perishing at the bottom of a dungeon?"

    38. They knew they would probably starve to death if they revealed where their food was, but they always told sooner or later

    39. If their numbers are accurate, the Army will literally starve to death by the end of next month

    40. “Lizzie, I heard just a bit too much preaching this morning, and presently I’m about to starve to death

    41. He knew he would not starve to death in the next ten minutes

    42. “But where does it stop? Who can we shoot? I don’t aim to starve to death before I kill the man that’s starving me

    43. But at leas’ we can starve to death with folks we know

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