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    substance abuse example sentences

    substance abuse

    1. Other psychological factors, including depression, lowered self-esteem associated with overall loss of physical strength and the onset of physical signs of aging, anxiety, and substance abuse can all contribute to male impotence

    2. Substance Abuse has been characterized in some circles a ―victimless‖ crime whose illegality is the result of questionable laws

    3. The center would counsel substance abuse victims and survivors of other forms of abuse

    4. of their substance abuse habits

    5. “I don’t think Terry would have accepted you into the band three years ago if your substance abuse problem had been apparent

    6. They are at higher risk for other sexually transmitted diseases, substance abuse, depression, and suicide

    7. activity, forced substance abuse, and exposure to sexually transmitted

    8. Substance abuse (particularly alcohol which is a wonderful anaesthetic for the harshness of life)

    9. Many of their medical problems are not any different from those encountered in other places I have worked at, but such problems as obesity, diabetes, smoking, substance abuse, unemployment, and domestic violence seemed much exaggerated

    10. The Conduct-Disordered Abuser: (12+) Teens who abuse animals almost always engage in other antisocial behaviors - substance abuse, gang activities, Sometimes the animal abuse is in conjunction with a deviant peer group (an initiation rite or as a result of peer pressure), while other times it may be used as a way to alleviate boredom or achieve a sense of control

    11. However, we are learning that teen dating violence and bullying, and other problem behaviors including substance abuse and weapon carrying, are occurring together in teens

    12. The last I heard is that he is off the substance abuse and in a

    13. As a result, of this addictive abuse, the lives of families and communities have been destroyed The Incidents Analysis research has indicated that 46% of the criminals, arrested last year for serious crimes, such as murder, rape and aggravated assault, had tested positive for illegal substance abuse!

    14. problems with sexuality or food or substance abuse without any societal, and certainly

    15. Cynthia was absent from the funeral because she was confined in a substance abuse rehabilitation program

    16. and substance abuse, how to help people change bad habits and conduct, and how to

    17. disturbances, or substance abuse

    18. substance abuse, and genetic and neurological factors affecting behavior

    19. outpatient mental health and substance abuse centers

    20. An aggressive partner may or may not have a substance abuse

    21. Substance abuse is often an aggravating factor but not

    22. on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University over 20

    23. For instance, when someone nags, fights, or reacts disrespectfully, substance abusers use these reactions to shift the problem’s focus onto the enabler’s behavior

    24. Alcohol and/or substance abuse; if mixed with prescribed

    25. problems, and substance abuse

    26. It allows many individuals to participate in order to transition to other opportunities in the work force, included those with histories of substance abuse, incarceration and homelessness

    27. Knowing that stealing, violence, substance abuse, laziness and any number of other

    28. different from substance abuse; they are still poison

    29. continued to function, as a good many substance abusers do, on a

    30. Substance abuse and child abuse is a family and society disease

    31. Substance abuse is the only disease, which tell its victims that it is not a disease

    32. This disease affects the substance abuser and family members

    33. Child abuse and neglect is often the consequences of alcoholism and substance abuse

    34. through accidents, substance abuse and suicide attempts simply to

    35. alcohol and other substance abuse

    36. call it substance abuse

    37. park bench, substance abuse and safety fears, which can lead to a

    38. This is a well respected company, and we have a very low tolerance for substance abuse, and the illegal sale of our products

    39. Reliable figures produced by several studies and widely cited by authorities in the field, show that some form of incest happens to about one American in three before the age of 18! We are just beginning to accept the terrifying truth of AIDS, the tenacity of substance abuse and its crippling effects, and the wide spread of other unpleasant realities of this age we live in

    40. ” I was also mistakenly thinking that substance abuse only pertained to LSD-users, etc

    41. disorders or substance abuse problems among them?” I said, “The last I

    42. ” Zem said, “As far as substance abuse

    43. (substance abuse counselors) had any suspicion that you were hooked on some drug, you were tested on the spot and given a choice: Detox or get out

    44. In addition, the euphoria of the spiritual fruit in the human spirit eliminates substance abuse by the abolishing the primitive nature of the beast

    45. feeling suicidal, financial issues and substance abuse

    46. The influence of bad company is going to result in substance abuse and an increase in alcohol use

    47. He detailed all his misspent, substance abuse laden youth

    48. ) But since NIH only funded hard science, all the behavioral and social science, training, and education had to be moved to a new agency with a new acronym: the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA, which we call “Sam-sa”—the H is silent)

    49. You will also be able to find updated statistics on mental illness and substance abuse, and their treatment (and appalling nontreatment)

    50. substance abuse and, 142, 194–95

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