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    Use "supplementation" in a sentence

    supplementation example sentences


    1. Supplementation with creatine increases Cr and CP within the

    2. dietary changes and supplementation

    3. should be careful not to overdo it with both dietary changes and supplementation

    4. Where should this protein come from? To answer this question, we will look at the role of protein in foods versus protein supplementation

    5. Consider CLA supplementation

    6. that doctors don’t always use supplementation in their

    7. reputable website that offers help for supplementation will

    8. upper limit for vitamin D supplementation if you haven't had a blood test to

    9. will drastically cut Omega 6 intake and we’ll cover Omega 3 supplementation later

    10. Here is a real-life example to illustrate the point that iodine supplementation makes no difference in the face of a diet high in goitrogens

    11. Iodine supplementation did not alleviate the goitrogenic effect of pearl millet"

    12. As for the safety of Creatine supplementation, a 1997 study showed that short-term Creatine use (20 grams per day

    13. unstudied with respect to the ef ects of Creatine supplementation

    14. In regards to children and younger athletes, the safety of Creatine supplementation has not yet been investigated in

    15. Overall, Creatine supplementation appears to be safe for healthy adults

    16. Any supplementation practices

    17. precludes indiscriminate use of DHEA supplementation

    18. enzyme supplementation may be beneficial to counter these outcomes as we age

    19. These conditions have been shown to benefit from the use of digestive enzyme supplementation as insuf icient

    20. such, a study was performed to test the ef icacy of pancreatic enzyme supplementation in AIDS patients with

    21. supplementation can be added to the weapons in the fight against HIV/AIDS-associated malabsorption

    22. Supplementation with various essential fatty acids has been shown to be beneficial in the treatment of eczema

    23. Although good results have been reported with gamma-linolenic acid, flaxseed oil or fish oil supplementation,

    24. Increasing DHA and EPA intake (through supplementation) can improve asthma in children by reducing the

    25. supplementation in these individuals has demonstrated improvement in nerve myelination and nerve impulse

    26. Supplementation with an algae source of DHA increases (n-3) fatty acid status and alters selected risk factors for

    27. The effects of dietary supplementation with fish oil lipids on the airway response to inhaled allergen in bronchial asthma

    28. Supplementation with fish oil has been shown to increase the synthesis of prostaglandins (hormone-like substances)

    29. the benefit of omega-3 fatty acid supplementation in the prevention and management of various health conditions

    30. Many studies have revealed that supplementation with either fish oil or flaxseed oil can lower blood pressure in

    31. Studies using fish oil supplementation in patients with rheumatoid arthritis demonstrate that it can profoundly

    32. Flaxseed Oil supplementation can help the body achieve a more optimal ratio of omega-6 fat y acids to omega-3 fat y

    33. Supplementation was initiated as an adjustment to standard breast cancer treatment

    34. 1 Thus, Gamma-Linolenic supplementation has been used in the treatment of rheumatoid

    35. that supplementation with a medicinal oil, rich in GLA, has helped people with these conditions

    36. Nevertheless, supplementation with oils that contain Gamma-Linolenic Acid have shown them to be of benefit for

    37. Some studies have demonstrated that supplementation with evening primrose oil or black currant oil can

    38. Supplementation with oils that yield GLA have demonstrated improvement in patients suffering from eczema

    39. In animal studies, glucosamine supplementation has been shown to be clinically useful for these conditions

    40. 2 Glutamine supplementation has been shown to

    41. Glutamine supplementation in endurance athletes has been shown to reduce the incidence of infections in this

    42. Supplementation with L-Glutamine has been shown to reduce side ef ects associated with the use of methotrexate,

    43. dosage with Lipoic Acid supplementation

    44. Therefore, these patients should not use Lipoic Acid supplementation

    45. investigating the benefits of lysine supplementation for people with cold sores (herpes type I) or genital herpes (herpes

    46. L-lysine supplementation has been shown to increase the release of growth hormones and thus may be used to

    47. supplementation may be helpful in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome

    48. double-blind trails show that Melatonin supplementation can be useful in the treatment of insomnia

    49. Adjunctive Cancer Treatment - Early trials indicate that Melatonin supplementation, as an adjunct to cancer

    50. either untreated or of intermittent hormone blockade, demonstrated that supplementation with 15 gms per day of

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    Synonyms for "supplementation"

    subjoining subjunction supplementation supplement

    "supplementation" definitions

    a quantity added (e.g. to make up for a deficiency)

    the act of supplementing