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    Use "surreal" in a sentence

    surreal example sentences


    1. I would have felt like a total idiot if everything hadn't been so surreal already with his self-help mumbo-jumbo

    2. It was a wonderful moment, a surreal phase in my recent procession towards solitary understanding

    3. This is so surreal

    4. It was almost surreal

    5. When you’ve lived in the desert, surviving from oasis to oasis and never knowing quite when the next one is going to be found, living in a land of milk and honey is somehow surreal

    6. It is as though an artist has painted gloriously surreal blue as far as the eye can see, then taken a brush, loaded it with most brilliant reds and pinks on his palette and streaked it across the lot

    7. After the collision at the plate everything was sort of blurry, surreal like a

    8. almost surreal to travel on roads without any other cars

    9. And even now, it seemed surreal to her DRAFT

    10. It was a surreal feeling for her to take the oath

    11. It was a surreal sight, the very late evening finding a handful of soldiers at the camp’s edge, ready to meet them

    12. ” It was surreal, to say the least!

    13. Unlike a ludicrously surreal dream with its incoherence unquestioned, this bore all the hallmarks of normalcy, except it was an idealised version: troubles in easily resolvable forms, rather then any improved coping ability on his part

    14. moments the serious threat of the surreal situation could be ignored, and resembled a vacation

    15. Under the surreal name the Act for the Government and Protection of Indians, any white male could legally enslave any Native, not just children but adults of any age, by getting him declared an “orphan” by the courts

    16. Instead the US sees the surreal situation of millions of Americans wearing a symbol of treason and being taught to admire traitors who tried to destroy the US because of their own fanatic belief in white supremacy

    17. Nixon made lives better for many ethnic groups he held in deeply racist contempt, one of the more surreal episodes in presidential history

    18. The nation saw the surreal spectacle of Republicans and conservatives opposing a conservative Republican healthcare solution, simply because Obama agreed to it

    19. Particularly had Johnson's impeachment been earlier over his actual abuses of power, the precedent would have made it more difficult to use impeachment for such utterly frivolous and absurd cases as impeaching Clinton for lying about oral sex, or downright surreal and delusional birth certificate theories about Obama

    20. In one of the more surreal episodes in US history, Truman and MacArthur's staffs then began negotiating a meeting place

    21. Now it was the trousers, but it was just so surreal

    22. GW Bush has also spent some time devoted to his very surreal presidential library

    23. At first, this all seemed surreal and Susan could not understand why she reacted like that

    24. It was déjà vu and surreal at the same time

    25. Surreal in its bizarre incongruity, a spotlight followed him as he ran…

    26. “On television it is impressive; to be here in person it is quite frankly surreal

    27. That word has been abused in the past, but I can tell you this track is surreal; it’s really surreal, and that was my first reaction upon arrival

    28. A surreal scene, bent even further

    29. ” I could remember his voice so well in my mind’s eye it was surreal

    30. The landscapes are somewhat surreal

    31. How surreal, I have never had anything to do with a jail, yet here I was with my brother getting his wife out of jail

    32. It was a very painful and surreal situation

    33. It was surreal to confess a lifetime of sin

    34. It was all becoming too strange… so surreal

    35. Stone Blood takes you on a surreal journey through the artist's mind as he confronts the demons of his past

    36. The situation seemed surreal to him; as if it were no less of a

    37. in the first place but he couldn’t get the number of surreal events he’d suffered out of his mind

    38. It was surreal

    39. Jesse had a tenderness that let me know that he would be great with kids, but watching him interact and laugh with one was surreal

    40. The burial felt surreal as I watched his American flag draped coffin get lowered into the ground, I was glad that Angie stayed with my kids at the gazebo

    41. The bar admission ceremony September 20, 1969, at the newly constructed but still unoccupied ASU law school moot court center was surreal

    42. ” The comfort in his arms is surreal

    43. It was surreal to hear him say that

    44. Another reason it was surreal was because of the way the reality

    45. it feels so surreal remembering that he is not here anymore

    46. can tell you that in my life, out of all the strangest moments I have had, this has to be the most surreal experience

    47. surreal calm before the storm they were anticipating

    48. As I stepped out of the carriage, a very surreal feeling came over me

    49. It seemed so surreal

    50. friends over, who’d be enchanted by her surreal haven

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    Synonyms for "surreal"

    dreamlike surreal phantasmagoric phantasmagorical surrealistic

    "surreal" definitions

    characterized by fantastic imagery and incongruous juxtapositions

    resembling a dream