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    Use "survived" in a sentence

    survived example sentences


    1. I always wanted a pet bird growing up but Dad said they wouldn’t have survived the winter

    2. Earth's exile community here on this planet is small, herself, derived of an Angel downloaded into a native body, Alan, raised from a frozen zygote by the same expedition that brought her, and the thirty one Brazilians that survived cryofreeze, with or without the intervention of the Kassikan

    3. His nation still survived till the end, it was probably the last surviving mortal democracy

    4. There were studies of its history, its meta-molecular structures, its effects, famous cases, famous users who survived

    5. There was a prehistoric time when the Gengee had been purely Troll and the Trolls had been peaceful fishermen on its shore where the onion groves survived the winter on islands in the lagoons

    6. For all the Troll might of arms, the telling factor over time had been the tiny babies produced by Elven woman so that almost all mothers survived, instead of the average Troll woman's chance in those days, dying in her fourth or fifth childbirth

    7. They took a huge chunk of skin off his back, there's no way he could have survived it

    8. They had survived a skin attack

    9. They survived, because they had a different spirit

    10. I survived through the application of saline and the touch of a stranger’s hand

    11. In the Great War, when the concept of concentration wiped out the lives of millions, there were always those who remained, those who survived and who told their stories

    12. She knew most of the original crew that survived, there were seven women

    13. Son survived by eating rats that came into the treasure chamber, and

    14. We were rescued and both of us survived

    15. She believed he had left it in the woods to be devoured and could not forgive him for that, even though it could never have survived

    16. Son had already survived longer than the king had expected

    17. The catastrophes and failures of colonisation, the disastrous experiments with star drives, all those terrible bug hunts on far away worlds, we survived them all and gave the stars to you, and for what? Thanks? The only thing your masters ever worried about was whether there were enough conditioned and dedicated Barcs available to do the dirty work

    18. Was the brush he was sitting in infecting him with poison or disease? Were there deadly diseases in the water? Much of the water had splashed over his foot, would the wound be full of worms if he survived til daylight?

    19. Any hatching ground that survived would have gone into hibernation till the time was right again

    20. He had survived the party, but mainly because so many other things had happened that day, the whole town had found out about his origins and Desa had scared him nearly to death with a song that made him believe she had been controlling his mind with RNAcid for generations

    21. It was not much fun, but I survived

    22. Living with Nigel had been so very non-normal in the last years, naturally, I believed all he told me – you trust the man you marry … that he could deliberately try to twist my mind is something I still do not understand, and probably never shall, but I have survived it and that is to be celebrated

    23. The post survived by collecting 'taxes' from the most prosperous farms around

    24. And only the strong survived in his Hold

    25. Reston was far enough away that most people there survived, but her parents were Angels already, having ascended when she was still accelerating on the way to 61 Cygni

    26. No descendant of theirs survived in flesh

    27. Sounds a bundle of laughs with Clarissa … this is only 1958 … the woman survived until 1975 … that’s nearly twenty years later

    28. That should cover it Tam; on the plus side, at least we survived the crash

    29. You survived … I came here

    30. Her eyes darting around the length of the shore below her, she ran to the steps and stood uncertainly, searching for any hint that Mickey might have survived the fall

    31. Chrissie was in a room on her own, the nurse told him, set apart from the main medical ward of the old fashioned country hospital which had somehow survived the reorganisation afflicting the rest of the NHS and, as Jarvis walked along the corridor, he reflected on how lucky they were in their part of the world,

    32. I survived that

    33. Amazingly, that fuschia you put in last year has survived

    34. It is so detrimental, idiotic and ill-conceived that it is simply baffling to think that it has survived for so long without anybody stepping forth to question it, 'it' being the advice, the advice in this case being the advice to 'count your blessings', a phrase which simply means to check your privilege and look at how lucky you are, even though the advice does nothing to stop your current trouble

    35. There are people in the Kassikan that have survived from the Energy Age

    36. She noticed that the weaving barn survived

    37. “This device might have been possible in the Energy Age but I don’t see how it could have survived, it looks relatively new and cheap actually

    38. Only five immortals survived from before the fall, as far as he knew, four of the five who were now the Circle of the Dempalan Elves, and he, Brancetrabble, originally of Bef Lazahn

    39. By the way, how are you doing? Hope you still survived from the freezing cold out there

    40. But then again, considering what it could have become, even though it still survived, it would never be anything more than a monstrosity; its hollow, rotting and near-lifeless trunk the ultimate metaphor for the remnants of the elven race

    41. he faced the Plague, and he survived!

    42. His affection had survived a stupid few weeks she spent with an air-musician named Blinta that she'd rather forget

    43. we had survived our last disaster of the holiday

    44. Against all expectations, James survived the operation

    45. The two sons who survived him loved each other, and it was a real grief to the elder, that the laws of the empire forbade him to share his kingdom with his younger brother

    46. The fact that Brancettrabble had survived from ancient times put a few points in the hibernation column

    47. The Magi that survived were no match for their undead brethren, their Oneness failed to put an end to the so-called immortality of the Dead Gods

    48. Fred alas had not survived, the extra effort to swing the lads clear had caused a heart attack and he had fallen and been surrounded by the fire, he could not be easy seen to be rescued

    49. No one lived forever…no one survived the injury that Nathaniel had just survived

    50. Having survived the winter virtually

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