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    tangs example sentences


    1. Many saltwater hobbyists are really taken by many of the tangs (surgeonfish)

    2. Without research, they have no clue that tangs really need a large tank for adequate swimming

    3. Black Tang Temperament / Behavior : In the aquarium they will fight with other tangs, especially

    4. of the available tangs

    5. This tang is one of the more peaceful of the bunch and may get picked on by other tangs that

    6. Blue Tang Temperament / Behavior : They can be aggressive with other tangs (surgeonfish),

    7. The Clown Tang is one of the more sought after species of tangs but it has needs that most

    8. Overall Clown Tangs are very active swimmers and can

    9. gallons or more should be the minimum for keeping one of these clown tangs

    10. Compatible Tank Mates : Avoid keeping them in an aquarium with other Clown Tangs

    11. Convict Tangs are nicely colored with a white or yellow body and black vertical stripes

    12. other tangs that are already in the tank

    13. Convict Tang Temperament / Behavior : They may be aggressive with other convict tangs in

    14. Compatible Tank Mates : Generally peaceful but may bicker with other tangs over territory

    15. Use caution if you do stock them with other tangs and introduce them at the same time

    16. with other tangs, especially conspecifics

    17. Don't plan on keeping multiple Kole Tangs in the same

    18. A cleaner shrimp is always recommended when you have a tank with tangs in it because they are thought of as ich magnets

    19. Use caution if you plan on stocking a Lavender Tang with other tangs and only keep them in 100

    20. As far as feeding the Lavender Tang goes, stick to the usual diet for tangs that is heavy on the

    21. tangs but do not keep conspecifics in the same tank to avoid aggression

    22. This is one of the larger tangs

    23. Tangs can reach up to 18 inches and they are very active swimmers

    24. Be careful when using a net with the Naso Tang (and all tangs)

    25. Compatible Tank Mates : Don't mix them in with other Tangs or Surgeonfish but they

    26. They may get aggressive with other tangs, so it's advisable to

    27. before buying! For best results only keep one of these Orange Shoulder Tangs in your tank

    28. Compatible Tank Mates : Don't mix them in with other Tangs or Surgeonfish but they should do

    29. cryptocaryon) is common in tangs

    30. largest of the commonly available tangs

    31. Pacific Sailfin Tangs should primarily eat marine algae and having lots of live rock in your tank

    32. Temperament / Behavior : They may be aggressive with other tangs, especially other Sailfin

    33. other species of tangs

    34. Tangs in general and the Powder Blue Tang especially are susceptible to

    35. Like all Tangs, the Powder Blue Tang needs highly oxygenated water

    36. Compatible Tank Mates : Avoid keeping them in an aquarium with other Tangs

    37. Some consider the Powder Brown Tang to be one of the more passive of the tangs but having

    38. japonicus to a tank but they can be kept with other species of tangs with little

    39. will play nicely with conspecifics (other Powder Brown Tangs) in the same tank unless you have

    40. with other tangs though

    41. Breeding / Mating / Reproduction : Tangs are considered extremely difficult to breed because

    42. Tangs in general are very active swimmers and they

    43. Purple Tang Temperament / Behavior : They may be aggressive with other tangs in smaller

    44. Red Sea Sailfin Tangs can be hardy once properly

    45. Sailfin Tangs also need highly oxygenated water provided through increased surface agitation

    46. Red Sea Sailfin Tang Temperament / Behavior : They may be aggressive with other tangs,

    47. especially other Sailfin Tangs

    48. They are one of the largest of the commonly available tangs and

    49. These Tomini Tangs can be kept with other unrelated tangs provided you have a large enough

    50. them with other non-related tangs

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