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    Use "temporarily" in a sentence

    temporarily example sentences


    1. · In case it is essential to ignore pain, may be temporarily, say while playing a game or attending to a more serious patient, remember that beyond a certain time this could lead to serious body injury to you

    2. Chemicals work only temporarily

    3. Ideally it can mean living temporarily in other person’s life

    4. At the same time the old dreamy states of bliss and peace temporarily disappear

    5. make a connection that makes them temporarily out of context

    6. temporarily, and entertain the possibility of a

    7. They both wanted someone to come home to but Luray had temporarily given up on that dream since the triangle with Knume and Valla

    8. died and went to the “other side”, temporarily

    9. Susan” she will test weak temporarily

    10. ‘What – making them?’ I asked, as we dash between the temporarily stationary cars

    11. ' Conversation was temporarily

    12. She was temporarily given room and board at the Great Tahoe Inn until a permanent situation might be found for her

    13. Jack did not pray, however, because in his personal opinion and not necessarily anybody else’s, it was quite selfish to pray, to ask the powers that be that the rules of the universe be temporarily twisted in one’s own personal favor

    14. Jean, feeling the need to temporarily lighten the subject,

    15. “What about you have Jameson draft lists of duties and menu suggestions, and leave the 'Concession' temporarily with someone you trust?”

    16. He didn't have a car so I agreed to meet the students at Jim's, a local restaurant which is like half a block from incarnate Word University where the student was staying temporarily

    17. And no matter who I kill it only satisfies the void temporarily

    18. Abuse temporarily help numb feelings; help one escape from the memories and the pain

    19. The rain had stopped temporarily and we

    20. He was sure that she was educated enough to know that also, but the yaag and the sillies had a way of rendering that information temporarily irrelevant

    21. In 1864 the family dispersed due to Charles's growing alcoholism and the children were temporarily housed across Edinburgh

    22. forest, temporarily safe and huddled together for warmth

    23. Both of the above are excellent examples of people who temporarily traded off

    24. Your goals are temporarily hindered and as a result, you are unable to progress any further

    25. The musician had temporarily halted his playing and with their eyes locked, he had extended a hand in an effort to ease away her reaction and softly hushed the girl

    26. But as quickly as they were spoken, the man himself disappeared with a great gust of wind that forced the young woman to temporarily shut her eyes

    27. But he could set aside his pride temporarily if it meant any sort of breakthrough

    28. be imagined more than in what is temporarily existent in

    29. Once past the secure zone it shot upwards, winded her temporarily, and then the sudden acceleration forward made her feel faint from the G-force

    30. least temporarily and the garden started to bloom

    31. ‘Not at the present time – I've been able to suppress L-Seven-Six’s direct feed to your mind; the counter signal should hold temporarily in this room, and I will know when its about to break through

    32. and the distortion in the field has temporarily halted their advance

    33. ” I didn’t have the heart to tell her it concerned her precious Jocko, so I shrugged and said it may amount to nothing, just a temporarily missing husband

    34. This caused a punch-up / tribal war next to the Casspir with the snake temporarily forgotten

    35. Only being temporarily trapped in another time could keep William from returning to you

    36. Transitional elements, as emerging possibilities present themselves, are oftentimes prone to violence because of rising expectations; unlike a society‘s wealthier segments who, lacking little in the way of material comfort, are ―stable‖, as a rule, or (ironically), the abject poor who, (temporarily) resigned to their wretched living conditions, are equally ―at ease‖ in a dormant stage of transition waiting for such an opportunity when there will be reason enough for hope or ―change‖

    37. John Wilkes Booth was a CSS agent who temporarily escaped thanks to a network of fellow CSS agents

    38. Looking back on it, she speculated that living in isolation too long had driven her temporarily insane

    39. Carter and Castro did temporarily end the travel embargo on Cuba, letting 110,000 Cuban-Americans visit relatives in Cuba in 1979

    40. Using this method she could impose her physical and mental reality temporarily upon the animal, possessing its body

    41. Though I had probably gone temporarily deaf from Eileen’s thunderbolt, I could hear the incantations again, reaching a climax I had thought would only come a lot later, when everything had already been lost and only I had remained as a sad witness and an unwilling executioner of all of creation’s last will

    42. Joseph was temporarily away and she would have a short window of time to observe the Castle

    43. The actual machine was temporarily placed in orbit around Saturn

    44. With Truman no longer at Cabañas Arrecifes, Jesus had resigned and was temporarily working with his brother until he could decide what next to do with his life

    45. [49] This is the outline of a seminar that I led in Aberdeen on 19 January 1976, deputising for Professor Ian Pitt-Watson who was temporarily indisposed

    46. He used a bit of ultra-high temperature rated silicone caulking to hold it temporarily to the hull beside him, half a metre away from his position

    47. Congress acted and temporarily suspended portions of the

    48. I wondered how couldn’t she sense our presence in there and then I guessed maybe the powder I threw at her had temporarily brought down her senses

    49. I was glad to be temporarily out of reach of snakes (though they too swam in the water, someone assured me later)

    50. For nearly six years in Canada, I’d lived temporarily in first one place and then another

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    Synonyms for "temporarily"

    temporarily for now for the time being

    "temporarily" definitions

    for a limited time only; not permanently