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    Use "toon" in a sentence

    toon example sentences


    1. If I had been a toon, you would have

    2. I now seemed to be in a Toon reality where flying Clydesdales just dropped out of the sky

    3. What did you get for a Toon who could steal anything?

    4. Maybe when I became a Toon, my metabolism had re-metabolized and I

    5. Luny Toon sticker plastered to it

    6. Yes, the Toon had character

    7. He had to get her away from this place – back to the Toon

    8. In addition to opening their ranch to our family for relaxation, Marc and Jan Myers built a range for Chris to use in raising money for the Elizabeth Toon Foundation

    9. A few years ago, my friend Larry Toon was hoping to raise money for the Elizabeth Toon Charities by hosting a weapons demonstration, and I volunteered my ranch

    10. "These blokes 'ave bin givin' the 'Uns a toon

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    Synonyms for "toon"

    animated cartoon cartoon toon

    "toon" definitions

    a film made by photographing a series of cartoon drawings to give the illusion of movement when projected in rapid sequence