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    Use "trip over" in a sentence

    trip over example sentences

    trip over

    1. · Remove things you can trip over (such as papers, books, clothes, and shoes) from stairs and places where you walk

    2. and trip over their chins

    3. ’ He replied, grabbing my elbow quickly as I trip over a strut of wood at the bottom of the stairs

    4. The others turned some of their attention to the interloper and jeered, “What do you want here 'horse boy'?” “Better not trip over your apron an' fall down

    5. stairs and we trip over it, it's only then that negative space

    6. “Why the fuck would anyone want to attack at night for all you do is trip over things you can’t see anything bloody barmy if you ask me

    7. Jon also tidied ropes as no one wanted the captain to trip over one

    8. Those who, in their frenzied dash, were unfortunate enough to trip over a body were trampled to death

    9. ” The cheapest place on that strip overlooking the gulf probably weighed in at a million and a half plus

    10. I was really irritated, annoyed at Akua for firstly, calling me here under false pretences, secondly, because my stomach was growling, and thirdly, because I could have taken advantage of my trip over to the hospital and possibly have eaten a fresher meal than the one I had just guzzled, which was clearly impossible now, because the jock was here

    11. He left me at the top of the grand staircase leading into the massive ballroom; I went down the stairs hoping I didn’t trip over my dress

    12. In any case it would be silly to start packing so soon, as she would need new clothes; her old things were not good enough for a trip overseas

    13. She knotted the reins over the horse’s neck, but after a minute’s hesitation slipped the complete bridle over his ears as she did not want the loose reins to be caught on branches, or to have him trip over them and further injure himself

    14. Training recruits, the only danger is that someone will trip over his own stupidity

    15. Try not to trip over them

    16. “It appears that our investigation into Mark and the abducted girls is part of something much bigger and they want a coordinated effort put in place so that we don’t trip over each other

    17. After her failure, she managed to trip over a piece of wood

    18. I had to race backwards, keeping my eye on the ball as I tried not to trip over tombstones or grave markers

    19. It is sun up when you step out of your love shack, nearly trip over tiny Wafer stretched across your doormat

    20. 6 The next day they journeyed home by Jericho and the Jordan valley, and Jesus recounted many things by the way, including his former trip over this road when he was thirteen years old

    21. Gary quickly re-stuck the tape, and put a fresh strip over the centre where the doors met

    22. She put one foot in front of the other, being careful not to trip over any debris

    23. The underlying lie that supports all those we tell, all those we let ourselves believe or just leave lying there for others to trip over, cut themselves on and become infected by—then spread to the rest of our world

    24. Jacob trudged upstairs, being cautious to not trip over

    25. It is exciting to start a new project, a new relationship, and a new job, to move into our first home or go on our first trip overseas

    26. Now was my chance to escape I race towards the door as fast as I could to only be stopped by the woman grabbing at my ankles causing me to trip over

    27. "It's easier without him hovering at your elbow hoping you'll trip over so he can catch you

    28. Just yesterday, I saw a starlet trip over a hose and a man take a picture of it

    29. As she continues along the path, taking extra care not to trip over herself as to her sides there are now jagged and grey rocks, Mary begins to wonder just how long it will take after she enters the spire for her to get home

    30. He had personally made the trip over to Naxos and, purely by chance, had visited Agios Thessalouris first

    31. • When applying the cotton strip over the wax, rub in the same direction as the hair growth leaving about 1/3 of the strip free to allow for a firm grip for a fast back pulling action

    32. Thought about trying a trip over to Sheena’s again in the evening, but I think I’d established that I didn’t have the bottle to go up and knock on her door in case Arthur answered

    33. She prayed silently that she wouldn"t trip over the floor-

    34. The Princess had her arm through Grandpas so he didn’t trip over

    35. Crystal looked down at her boots—a pair of brown hikers—wary of the many things there were to trip over on a walk through the woods

    36. any real way, although I enjoyed the barge trip over and the hotel with its sea views

    37. Just play it safe, and stay a bit under the radar for the most part, and you can have a safe and enjoyable trip overseas

    38. Madeline saw one of the Year 2 dads catch sight of Celeste and do a comical double take and nearly trip over a schoolbag

    39. Two steps into the room I almost trip over my stilettos

    40. Because we as a culture expect eighty-five-year-olds to be forgetful, because retired grandparents are no longer accountable to corporate bosses, because they don’t have to produce a certain number and quality of widgets each day, because they might be widowed and living alone with no one to regularly witness the full extent of what is happening, because it is far easier to deny what is happening well after we suspect it or even trip over it, we don’t usually see Alzheimer’s in its beginning

    41. It was all he could do not to trip over them

    42. remotely related to time travel, but I did trip over an old

    43. I’ll follow and trip over the bodies

    44. Juvenal Urbino’s time of life, that night at the film, men blossomed in a kind of autumnal youth, they seemed more dignified with their first gray hairs, they became witty and seductive, above all in the eyes of young women, while their withered wives had to clutch at their arms so as not to trip over their own

    45. This used to be as simple as making a quick trip over to Internet Explorer’s preferences and clearing out your cache and cookies

    46. The deputy staggered and Tom put out his foot for him to trip over

    47. They are only afraid that he may knock something down, or trip over something when he comes into the room

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