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    1. also, our brother, and the interpreter of the revelations to those who pass through life virtuously; And having saluted one another so,

    2. pass through life 8 virtuously; And having saluted one another so, they stood still; And I saw the commander Michael, holding an

    3. 1 And the angel took me and led me then to a fifth Heaven; And the gate was closed; 2 And I said Lord is not this gate-way open that we may enter? And the angel said to me We cannot enter until Michael comes who holds the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven; but wait and you shall see 3 the glory of God; And there was a great sound as thunder; And I said Lord what is this sound? 4 And he said to me Even now Michael the commander of the angels comes down to receive the 5 prayers of men; And note a voice came Let the gates be opened; And they opened them and 6 there was a roar as of thunder; And Michael came and the angel who was with me came face to 7 face with him and said Hail my commander and that of all our order; And the commander Michael said Hail you also our brother and the interpreter of the revelations to those who pass through life virtuously; And having saluted one another so they stood still; And I saw the commander Michael said Hail you also our brother and the interpreter of the revelations to those who pass through life 8 virtuously; And having saluted one another so they stood still; And I saw the commander Michael holding an exceedingly great vessel; its depth was as great as the distance from Heaven to 9 Earth and its breadth as great as the distance from north to south; And I said Lord what is that which Michael the archangel is holding? And he said to me This is where the merits of the righteous enter and such good works as they do which are escorted before the heavenly God

    4. Still we often forget that to live virtuously is the purpose to these stories, not simply the event that took place, but the virtue it took to accomplish them

    5. 29 Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them

    6. If we act virtuously, the seed we plant will result in happiness

    7. lived virtuously or viciously in this life; and the latter are

    8. , 1-4):—'They believe that souls have an immortal vigour in them, and that under the earth there will be rewards and punishments according as they have lived virtuously or viciously in this life, and the latter are to be detained in an everlasting prison, but the former shall have power to revive and live again, on account of which doctrine they are able greatly to persuade the body of the people

    9. Jo was not in a good humor, and the perverse fit returned, but Amy, who had virtuously done her duty, kept her temper and pleased everybody, was in a most angelic frame of mind

    10. Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou

    11. Like many men who take life easily, he had the knack of saying a home truth occasionally to those who felt themselves virtuously out of temper

    12. Deuce take it! None of that in the Fabantou family! I mean to bring them up virtuously, and they shall be honest, and nice, and believe in God, by the sacred name! Well, sir, my worthy sir, do you know what is going to happen to-morrow? To-morrow is the fourth day of February, the fatal day, the last day of grace allowed me by my landlord; if by this evening I have not paid my rent, to-morrow my oldest daughter, my spouse with her fever, my child with her wound,—we shall all four be turned out of here and thrown into the street, on the boulevard, without shelter, in the rain, in the snow

    13. At La Ida drunks discussed it virtuously

    14. The Spaniards caught and strangled some of them, and England virtuously hanged a few

    15. Not, of course, that she would want Nancy to marry for money, she assured herself virtuously; that, in addition to being an indirect violation of an article of the Decalogue, was so distinctly plebeian

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    Synonyms for "virtuously"

    chastely virtuously morally

    "virtuously" definitions

    in a moral manner

    in a chaste and virtuous manner