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    Use "yearning" in a sentence

    yearning example sentences


    1. He wasn't much slower to get ready himself and must have been saving a yearning for her for these four days also

    2. A yearning is a good indicator

    3. Tarak stared at her as she backed away, yearning to put his hands on her

    4. I knew what it was like to be young and afraid, but Kit’s yearning for his mother was unfamiliar to me

    5. To dream that you are yearning for something or someone indicates that there is a void that is lacking in your waking life

    6. What are you yearning for in your dream? You need to fulfill this void

    7. The two small moons above them communicated a mixture of yearning and fear

    8. Dane looked at him as fresh panic rose, mingled with an intense yearning to protect his new family

    9. Passion excites the Soul to express the inner yearning to create

    10. a young girl yearning to burst out perhaps

    11. knows that whatever yearning it was that made her want to

    12. He even once more felt the presence of his old body, like a yearning beyond what had once passed for proprioceptive reality: his brain telling him this was the case against any counter evidence, just the accordant neurons firing again

    13. She knew his heart was yearning for her to say yes, and she wanted to, but she knew Terese would never forgive her for betraying her trust

    14. Beyond the curtain on the left, the arena lurked, yearning for his blood

    15. stars he’d once stared at with yearning from the warm security of prairie fields, long ago in those

    16. “You really did all that?” gushed Bosco, yearning to be part of such a mission

    17. loneliness with thousands of wretches yearning for his help and

    18. My brain started to dig up the anger and resentment and the pain that it had filed away, but my heart was yearning to reach out to him and hold him and to forgive him

    19. Un-met expectations can cause hurt and pain because of the disappointment and yearning

    20. The new situation, however, did not ease the longing and yearning for the life I once had or for my family

    21. Now I was returning to Poland, yearning for my old life while leaving behind my son, my wife, her parents and my new brother who had endured with me many hardships, in a Muslim country near the Chinese border

    22. This time, when his mouth met mine, it was everything I had been yearning for

    23. Now, there was nothing, and he felt a yearning for his own kind

    24. As she would gaze up into the stunning vastness, she felt as if her body was slowly floating ever upward as if yearning to join with this heavenly scenery

    25. The renewed yearning, she was sure, that shone in his eyes, said no, but his pointing arm had said yes

    26. A sudden yearning for the simplicity of those long-ago childhood days washed over him

    27. her mouth yearning and satisfied, while air

    28. When Jesus came onto the scene of this ancient diorama, he was an instantly polarizing distraction to the Jewish yearning for the appearance of another champion, the new judge who would resurrect their national entity, and identity once more as the Hasmonean Maccabees had seemed to accomplish for a while, during the interregnum in which the Greeks tried to fend off Roman incursions into their fractured Hellenistic world

    29. Your yearning will be for your husband, and he will dominate you”

    30. In all that cold, she had a warm heart yearning to join in

    31. It was more out of intellectual curiosity than any spiritual yearning

    32. She felt the yearning in Jay for oblivion as she woke to her strings being reattached

    33. The word forms from a state of mind that takes hold when a significant portion of the population feels a deepening cynicism, a corrosive distrust of existing institutions, and a yearning to surrender to a new order

    34. The rise of the common man, yearning for a better life for himself and his family, offends them because it displaces their preeminence as the directorate of social and political values

    35. This yearning for love — how constant and

    36. “But I want to lick you,” I whined, yearning to taste him more

    37. Earnestness is not a yearning for the fruits of one’s en-

    38. The natural yearning within us is to learn and explore and push forward

    39. And my yearning for this virgin paradise—this illusion—grows so strong that it cripples me and leaves me breathless

    40. Eliminate these illusions, though, and you are confronted with this raw truth: despite being enslaved in a finite body, you are an infinite mind yearning to make sense of a perplexing yet terrifying reality

    41. There was a constant yearning for chances to sing, to perform, and to gain fame alternating with a nagging sense of its shortage, though an air of high-nosed, celebrity-like manner and living was always kept up

    42. It was from Charlotte, and described their last day together, and cloying, yearning in a way

    43. I’d think the scent would bring me comfort, but no; it only called on a hunger that turned into a desperate need, a yearning to have you in my arms

    44. They continued their journey, yearning for home

    45. The yearning that this revelation gave release to brought forth a flood of emotion that had been contained too long

    46. Thoughts of church bombs and nosie newsies were behind him, although he did remember, with a yearning ache, the cool green eyes of the girl, Charmaine

    47. Does Sari seek to put distance between me and her humiliation? Can she not see by my face that the yearning for her is still there? Have I learned to hide things that well? What does she hope for me to say? Or is she past hope

    48. He now beamed with a look of rediscovered yearning lighting up his eyes

    49. The yearning that this revelation gave release to brought forth a flood of emotion that had been

    50. between me and her humiliation? Can she not see by my face that the yearning for her is still

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    Synonyms for "yearning"

    hungriness longing yearning hope appetite motive craving urge will

    "yearning" definitions

    prolonged unfulfilled desire or need