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    Usar "assigned" en una oración

    assigned oraciones de ejemplo


    1. Tig didn’t have time to look away from his assigned sector off the ‘dragger’s right shoulder, but Parker must have hit something with those rounds because he caught a flash out the corner of his eye

    2. He wouldn't climb up there to confront God, but some tech, someone he knew, someone assigned to keep him from his wives

    3. "I think I'm assigned to show you to your quarters after the meeting, would you like me to help warm them?"

    4. She told him of the quarters he would be assigned to and asked about his life at the observatory on the way

    5. “We, and our dragons have been assigned this area to patrol and protect

    6. He didn’t stop however, getting their Systems Administrator back was much more important than any duty he was ever assigned

    7. He had to have Pete help him with a lot of it, and as he was assigned full time to observing the Chinese ship in the electromagnetic spectrum, he could only do it on his own time

    8. “He has Major McFerdie and Lieutenant Maples assigned to that question I believe

    9. Young Bail was assigned the task and accepted the honor with many thanks

    10. Fifteen women were suddenly (within a two-month period) assigned to the shop where I worked

    11. Some were assigned to the flight line to work on the aircraft systems; one in the inspection docks, one to the battery shop, and the rest to in-shop repair section, formerly male only

    12. But at the end of the third day, extra duties were assigned and I booked with the money he’d given already

    13. His old friend Alistair was now assigned to the Guides where, as had

    14. difficult than any the Bishop may have assigned you,

    15. Those young people not adhering to the statutes herein set forth shall be assigned employment at reasonable rates of hire at the discretion of this Council

    16. Already he’d learned the whole history of the planet and answered all the assigned questions while he waited

    17. Assigned to them were their own Mr

    18. 9He was assigned a grave with the wicked,

    19. Tom was assigned with Bagamba to receive the bodies and lay them in the container

    20. Of course we should have assigned you to that base, but there are rules and procedures for getting that done

    21. company was assigned the protection of the bastides –

    22. It was late in Noonsleep when Alan was lead back to the quarters he had been assigned

    23. Some other causes must be taken into the account ; and those which have been above assigned, will, perhaps, without having recourse to the supposed degradation of the value of silver, sufficiently explain this rise in those particular sorts of

    24. Love, satisfaction, and, ultimately happiness manifest themselves, out of the blue sky, as soon as one has satisfactorily assimilated the lessons he had been assigned

    25. be assigned to anyone that keeps the rules existing in

    26. Since his arrival, Evander was the only slave assigned this duty

    27. What the three monied men, A, B, and C, assigned to the three borrowers, W, X, and Y, is the power of making those purchases

    28. A capital lent at interest may, in this manner, be considered as an assignment, from the lender to the borrower, of a certain considerable portion of the annual produce, upon condition that the burrower in return shall, during the continuance of the loan, annually assign to the lender a small portion, called the interest ; and, at the end of it, a portion equally considerable with that which had originally been assigned to him, called the repayment

    29. Though money, either coin or paper, serves generally as the deed of assignment, both to the smaller and to the more considerable portion, it is itself altogether different from what is assigned by it

    30. The deeds of assignment, like the conveyances of a verbose attorney, would be more cumbersome; but the thing assigned would be precisely the same as before, and could produce only the same effects

    31. “The queen has requested that you be assigned as her personal chambermaid

    32. Helez was assigned to occupy a corner suite on the second floor

    33. No other reason need be assigned why it has never been so advantageous as the trade to America, which, between almost every nation of Europe and its own colonies, is free to all its

    34. What is thus paid for the keeping of the deposit may be considered as a sort of warehouse rent; and why this warehouse rent should be so much dearer for gold than for silver, several different reasons have been assigned

    35. With the approval of his mother, Zarko had arranged beforehand with Ashpenaz to have Helez’s family assigned to their household immediately so that they wouldn’t have to live in a tent there on the plain

    36. It must comprehend the whole original capital of the bank, which, it is generally supposed, has been allowed to remain there from the time it was first deposited, nobody caring either to renew his receipt, or to take out his deposit, as, for the reasons already assigned, neither the one nor the other could be done without loss

    37. She allegedly assigned a task force of our finest warriors to set up a colony not too far distant from Lascor---so that their activities could possibly be traced to us---and those activities were supposedly to include the random acts of kindness and charity towards any with whom they made contact

    38. If she was to be assigned here, she would definitely not mind

    39. “It would appear that these are an independent phalanx, separated from or perhaps assigned duty out of reach of their Cruiser

    40. We may be playing our assigned roles in a great plan

    41. She assigned them lands generally in the conquered provinces of Italy, where, being within the dominions of the republic, they could never form any independent state, but were at best but a sort of corporation, which, though it had the power of enacting bye-laws for its own government, was at all times subject to the correction, jurisdiction, and legislative authority of the mother city

    42. The quantity of land assigned to each colonist was seldom very considerable, and, as the colony was not independent, they were not always at liberty to manage their own affairs in the way that they judged was most suitable to their own interest

    43. There was a brief rush from the bridge as the assigned crews headed for the hangar in obedience to their Captain

    44. When the English got possession of this country, they found in it near double the number of inhabitants which father Charlevoix had assigned to it between twenty and thirty years before

    45. involved in a project that is not assigned to

    46. Victor assigned them over his army - as

    47. Now he was also assigned to the old files and in some cases they aren’t recorded

    48. Building blocks, masonry blocks, panels, assigned particularly for internal walls and crosswalls are produced from gypsum concrete

    49. She always felt in some slight way violated, knowing every inch of her was being observed, even if it was only by a non-sentient AI; the outcome of which would be compared to her stored profile – just a set of numbers assigned to her measurements

    50. Even where the reward of the master does not arise altogether from this natural revenue, it still is not necessary that it should be derived from that general revenue of the society, of which the collection and application are, in most countries, assigned to the executive power

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