Usar "curtail" en una oración
curtail oraciones de ejemplo
1. This has forced them to curtail on such expenses and also reduce/do away with the assured returns on the pension schemes
2. We can do a great service to society if our combined voice is raised resulting in some action to curtail such programmes
3. The inherent ―right‖ to terminate one‘s (own) life as it relates to vague or questionable notions defining quality of life, introduces yet another dubious precedent as it relates to Choice, especially in rather gray areas where the decision to either perpetuate or curtail an individual‘s life has been proxied (sic) at a time when that individual could not possibly foresee the (uncertain) consequences of such decisions entrusted to the care of family members or friends (concealing underlying motives for authorizing such decisions, perhaps) or where a potential illness at some uncertain point in time or that individual‘s problematical reaction (to that illness) could not possibly be understood in advance; that is to say, until that individual is actually sitting on Death‘s doorstep
4. So he uses the indirect approach, curtail this industry, curtail this use, and curtail that, use money to save this or that which cannot be saved
5. Had the Founders been able to see the future better, I am confident, based on their papers, they would have put in the Constitution stronger language to curtail those who would not think clearly
6. We could curtail our citizens’ newly-enhanced luxuries and joys, and militarize as thoroughly as they have in Venak, but that wouldn’t help our defensive position as much as you might think
7. too many weak links that could curtail the smooth functioning of
8. And while thus he spoke, took two backpacks, threw one to me and the other settled on his back, then walked toward the dense forest, with a small machete that was holding in his right hand and began to curtail those shrubs, small and weak, that stood in our way
9. He reasoned with himself that putting people under the illusion that millions could watch their antics might curtail some of their more ridiculous observations and remind them why they were here
10. When his father began to curtail his freedom, he left the slum and shifted to the pavements of the metropolis
11. They would have to now devise a strategy to curtail Jenni’s activities and bring Hu Lyang to book!…but most important of all, they had to find Marianne! - James felt absolutely guilt-stricken about his non-success in rescuing her, as he shamefacedly recounted what he had seen on the video tape …
12. 2 After the breaking up of the Magadan Camp, David Zebedee returned to Bethsaida and began immediately to curtail the messenger service
13. They agreed that Max had to curtail
14. Though there is still much that cannot be said out of respect for their leadership, there is much done to work to curtail the pollution and many other social issues
15. sale, he did possess the ability to curtail other forms of behavi-
16. ” You can curtail the use of this phrase very easily
17. resolutions in order to curtail any further attacks
18. As for my friend from the future, she since has convinced the global government of her day to curtail further time traveling attempts, in order to preserve the integrity of history and prevent potential disasters
19. They continued to scan, watching for points of change they could use when they saw, in one probable outcome, events culminate drastically to curtail his purpose: He had been killed
20. “Friends, we have certainly stirred up a nest of hornets, as we all know there are as many gods as trees in the forests and all these gods are served by as many priests as there are stars, fortunately the majority are god fearing men, the self-seeking and greedy priests are what concerns us, although they are in a minority they are a powerful minority, our victory does not seem to have diminished the stranglehold they have on the people of Teotihuacan, the fear I have witnessed at the mere mention of their names, is a sad reflection on my beloved profession, I would wholeheartedly be behind any action you take to curtail their power, I do not think we should allow this state of affairs to continue in Teotihuacan
21. At the mention of Quetzalcoatl the colour drained from Tezcat’s face and a moan escaped from the other guests leading me to suppose that these self-same guests had also been invited to the execution party, we tied the priests hands and placed a hood over their heads then led them out, I explained to Coatl which priests we were taking back to his compound and told him my feelings about the other guests, I followed him into the palace, as we entered the hall the remaining guests dropped to their knee’s and bowed their heads, in a loud voice he ordered all the women from the room, walking from one to another he questioned the remaining men about the execution of Red Fawn, he learnt that apparently her liaison with Quetzalcoatl had became known to Tezcat quite early in the affair but he had kept the knowledge secret until he could use it to his advantage, after the legislation to curtail the priesthood’s power he decided to demonstrate to the conquerors just how much power he had by ordering the death of Quetzalcoatl’s lover
22. did not curtail their viewing time
23. That being said, there are a few things you can do to curtail the begging:
24. for that would curtail their freedom via self-enslavement
25. Since language games are the most effective propagandizing tool of a democracy, to dictate, curtail, and penalize speech, democratic governments ostracize and occlude dissenting opinions, organizations, and ideals
26. When an economy is built upon its military and security complexes, then you cannot reform and curtail these economies to support the people, because to divert funds to public welfare would destroy the war economy that is undergirding the entire institutional structure
27. Aazuria realized that she should curtail her excitement and refrain from jumping to conclusions
28. The police forces up and down Greece were unable to curtail or keep law and order now that recession-related crime had gone up to an absolute historical high
29. Best way to deal with desires is to curtail them
30. Quietly, not uttering a sound, suppressing our moans not wanting to disturb the sleepers and curtail our lovemaking
31. Her husband saw no reason to curtail his daily nighttime forays of partying and card playing and the couple settled in an arrangement that seemed to suit them both
32. “The senator has made it clear that he plans to shut us down if we don’t curtail our soft programs
33. “Well that will certainly help curtail the feral feline population around here
34. It symbolizes your own distinctive sphere of influence, and can be used to curtail the intrusion of the channeled malicious entity
35. mandatory to curtail the increase of the population with stringent one child China like
36. Singh countered that this being a joint medical and communal effort would best propagate the message that sterner efforts must be implemented to curtail obesity
37. This of course will only have the effect of introducing greater variety into the stocks - it will not diminish the surplus: and as there would be no sense in continuing to produce more of these things than necessary, it would then be the duty of the Administration to curtail or restrict production of the necessaries of life
38. In any case, when options become very cheap, it is a signal to these traders to curtail their option selling activities as a price explosion may loom on the horizon
39. Management can curtail spending in any of these areas to meet an earnings goal
40. Wheat rallied because the market concluded that as corn prices rose, feed producers that were able would increase wheat usage and curtail corn and/or soybean usage
41. All became so jealous of the rights of their own personality that they did their very utmost to curtail and destroy them in others, and made that the chief thing in their lives
42. When he considered it necessary to curtail his needs, wore an old coat and gave up wine-drinking, everybody considered it eccentric and vain originality; but when he spent large sums in organizing a chase, or building an unusual, luxurious cabinet, everybody praised his taste and sent him valuable gifts
43. " If there were any doubt of Christianity being the truth, the perfect liberty, that nothing can curtail, which a man experiences directly he makes the Christian theory of life his own, would be an unmistakable proof of its truth
44. He came forward on their account, and the fact was demonstrated, notwithstanding his exertions, that the Orders in Council did not, but the prior French decrees did, curtail that commerce
45. The adoption of the amendment, he said, would curtail the present annual expense, $778,000
46. Early in the day, before that woeful message came, he had counted the minutes he could spend with her, and now he was timing his visit so as to curtail it to the least possible duration, and taxing his ingenuity as to how best to avoid seeing her alone
1. It is the very symbol of how the artificial can become more powerful than its creators if it is not curtailed
2. Colling thought back to her flirtatious encounter with the Russians on the river, and the way she had taken charge once they were on board the Orion Belle, as well as how quickly she seemed to have curtailed their intimacy, once her use for him had ended
3. plants and oil refineries and curtailed oil drilling this department is partially responsible
4. Also all sorts of financial misdeeds will come to an end and considering that financial motive is one of the major causes of crime and illegal practices, this too will be curtailed
5. This wonderful power source has been curtailed since the 1950"s
6. Since we have stopped building nuclear power plants and oil refineries and curtailed oil drilling this department is partially responsible
7. Hence my job was curtailed
8. “Your mortal enemies include every member of the insidious conspiracy, and every one of the criminals whose livelihoods have been threatened or curtailed by the crackdown
9. have curtailed my insulin injections by 50%
10. The Sinaloa Cartel had been doing a roaring trade since supplies from Columbia had been temporarily curtailed by the successful targeting of suspect vessels by the Spanish Tax Administration Agency for the last couple of months – 5 tons of Cocaine seized from a vessel in the Atlantic and 4 tons of Cocaine off Spain’s north-western region of Galicia …the drugs gateway into Europe
11. Saw six masted speed schooner that could make the trip in half the time yet when I inquired at the Departure windows, I was told that all shipping east had been curtailed due to the war
12. The native alligator was not the only reptile to increase in population since gator poaching had been curtailed some years before
13. The woman's unexpected visit, her natural charm and appealing beauty, left Harry Travis in a pensive mood, but his thoughts were sharply curtailed by shouts in the corridor
14. Furthermore, resistance to the act can be curtailed or
15. detection was to be, tragically redundant and that the criminal activities of Vernon Duffy had already been curtailed in a way that I could never have imagined
16. Also, if some economic downturn threatens basic services and necessities, then production of luxury products will be curtailed until the economy improves
17. The curtailed interview was never resumed
18. First off, Taiwan, a neutral state in your conflict, has seen its maritime and commercial air traffic drastically curtailed and inhibited by the armed hostilities just off its shores, something that in turn had severe and deleterious effects on its economy and trade, part of the latter being done with the United States, by the way
19. Second, those same hostilities have also severely curtailed both sea and air commercial links between South Korea, another neutral state in this conflict, and the rest of the World
20. And my unshaven beards were curtailed my white complexion
21. We want that influence of these organizations over government should be curtailed
22. The sphere of their working should either be stopped or grossly curtailed
23. A number of newspapers considered to be left-leaning were closed by the government and the rights of assembly were severely curtailed
24. had been curtailed by another subarachnoid haemorrhage
25. and spiritual – of humanity's collective and individual gravity of evolution, cultural expanse and social horizon have been curtailed and crippled by the economic parameters of monergic development?
26. The ageing and the onset of menopause could have been delayed for a much longer period had she introduced a healthy lifestyle as a daily regime and curtailed certain unhealthy eating and living habits
27. If we deprived another human being of freedom in a previous life, we'd have our freedom curtailed in this life
28. It was time to put aside our political correctness he continued, and face up to the fact that this violence cannot be curtailed “by pretending it is not black kids doing it”
29. curtailed her singing engagements so that she could stay with Onassis
30. The birth of our baby hardly curtailed her activities
31. And when that changed, when you realized the money was not yours, was never going to be yours, when his love became overbearing and curtailed your freedom and held you in bondage, suddenly it dawned on you what a colossal stupidity you had done, what a prostitution of oneself
32. In any case, I would have left him if he had ever curtailed my freedom
33. “It curtailed any carnal adventures you may have had
34. His time in the field was curtailed, his trips out of state were eliminated
35. One thing for sure, her activities will be curtailed for the immediate future
36. gregarious, but her interest was no less curtailed
37. The effect of ray force, working through imperfect forms, must be distorted and curtailed and misapplied
38. The shipments of coal and iron ore which Mother Church’s capital city and its foundries routinely stockpiled each autumn against the coming winter’s needs, especially since the outbreak of the Jihad, had been hugely curtailed last year by the chaos in Siddarmark
39. "It would grieve me inexpressibly if you curtailed your visit by one hour
40. The cottage accommodation at Marlott having been in this manner considerably curtailed by demolitions, every house which remained standing was required by the agriculturist for his work-people
41. morning shadows were curtailed, and the sun filled earth
42. Miss Bertram approved the decision, for the less he had to learn the better; and though she could not sympathise in his wish that the Count and Agatha might be to act together, nor wait very patiently while he was slowly turning over the leaves with the hope of still discovering such a scene, she very kindly took his part in hand, and curtailed every speech that admitted being shortened; besides pointing out the necessity of his being very much dressed, and chusing his colours
43. Somehow—by small borrowings, sundry strokes of business, petitions for grace, and promises to repay—he contrived to carry on the property, and, making himself overseer, donned his father’s greatcoat (still preserved in a drawer), dispensed with horses and carriages, discouraged guests from calling at Mitishtchi, fashioned his own sleighs, increased his arable land and curtailed that of the serfs, felled his own timber, sold his produce in person, and saw to matters generally
44. The sovereignty of every State is co-extensive with its dominions, and cannot be abrogated, or curtailed in its rights, as to any part, except by conquest
45. The result is, I suppose, that the glorious Anglo-Saxon liberty of running away from unpaid bills is, for them, somewhat curtailed
1. Regarding the latter, our society has faced a number of critical crossroads in its history that resulted in curtailing, if not suspending altogether, its civil liberties and other privileges in times of (national) crisis
2. limiting His abilities, and curtailing His power
3. As we review this chapter on real energy it is obvious that the government is intent on curtailing our energy
4. whenever he told them he was curtailing their consumption? Did they take it personally when he
5. " Said Tina curtailing her smile," I stil think you look good
6. Why stop at only the “product” of an unwanted pregnancy, which is a pregnant woman? Why not punish both ends of the cycle? Why is only one would-be “waster” of that life punished by curtailing her freedom and enslaving her very body, and not the other—the cause, the igniter of that unwanted new life? No one wants to look at the answer to these questions since none want to consider the obvious consequences, if fair and equilateral judgments were to be made
7. Why stop at only the "product" of an unwanted pregnancy, which is a pregnant woman? Why not punish both ends of the cycle? Why is only one would-be "waster" of that life punished by curtailing her freedom and enslaving her very body, and not the other—the cause, the igniter of that unwanted new life? No one wants to look at the answer to these questions since no one wants to consider the obvious consequences, if fair and equilateral judgments were to be made
8. their collective boat by curtailing the escalation of the war in Vietnam and backing the
9. In another case, the United Nations set up an incentive plan to compensate manufacturers for curtailing the pollutants they released into the atmosphere
10. But if stockholders’ opinions were properly informed, it would insist upon curtailing the despotic powers given the directorate over the dividend policy
11. , excess cash holdings) means curtailing the resources of the enterprise, perhaps creating financial problems later on and certainly reducing somewhat the prestige of the officers
12. The men were permitted to carry their cigars with them, owing to the curtailing of the dinner, and the whole party passed into the drawing room
1. incessantly accelerating comformication without direct connection, limits and curtails the possibilities of the depth of our interactions
2. Well, that curtails our conversation, and we continue in silence