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    Usar "disservice" en una oración

    disservice oraciones de ejemplo


    1. (Our) failure to attain (our) full spiritual, moral and intellectual potential as human beings places a heavier burden on those entrusted to (our) care, especially (our) children who, requiring the best instruction possible, predicated upon the highest formative examples, otherwise suffer a grave disservice

    2. Many of our public schools are performing a disservice to students entrusted to their care; many of whom, having ―graduated‖, are oftentimes ill equipped to meet the basic day-to-day challenges that lie ahead

    3. who still believed that there was a reality out there, and that finding it in the name of truth was a worthy venture, “history” should be important and tampering with it as it unfolded (propaganda) or after it had aged (revisionism) was a disservice to those attempting to discover and understand it

    4. It does the student a disservice to

    5. If you run yourself ragged taking care of everyone else without replenishing your own reserves, then you are doing everyone a disservice and you will put yourself in an early grave

    6. Humanistic astrology has something of a sour grapes flavor to it; beyond that, it can do a disservice to clients who are not (usually) as interested in a holistic analysis of their human potential as they are in solid information about their love lives, finances, health, etc

    7. However – if they are not in it for the product, you’re doing a disservice to both of you by recruiting them with the idea of building the business

    8. “But as is being done, I see it’s a disservice to his legacy to deify him; it’s when I approach him as man that I value him as a human being, but in his picture of mahatma, I see many a wart in his atma

    9. What a tragedy that Narasimha Rao’s aide-de-reforms had allowed himself to be reduced into Sonia’s camp clerk, well, as the adage goes, one gets what one deserves, and so ‘we the people of India’ have her family retainer as our Prime Minister, sworn to serve the corrupt Congress household to our disservice

    10. However, the dynasty’s real disservice to India lay in denying the due political space for the leadership of the backward classes in the Congress arena, and that hurt the Indian democracy, rather, grievously at that

    11. If you’re in pain from life and exercise without addressing the pain you’re doing yourself a disservice

    12. Listening to her outline the concept, the assets already in place, and how they might be utilized, Cam recognized the disservice he’d done when he’d pushed her into a quick and dirty presentation for the Council

    13. metaphorical expressions in the Hebrew Torah literally would be a disservice to these past peers of

    14. to start beginners without poles---this is a huge disservice in my

    15. done you a disservice - if I should have insisted on

    16. What about leveraged ETFs as far as individual investors are concerned? It’s a huge disservice to list them without providing proper education

    17. Raise or lower your goals to make them jibe with reality, but don’t give up altogether or you’ll be doing yourself a disservice in the long run

    18. By comparing a professional gambler to a trader, I was doing the gambler a disservice!” The professional gambler always knows the odds before making a bet; most traders don't analyze probability at all

    19. This does a disservice to all who are trying to improve at our game, because they enter thinking they have to be able to predict stock movement

    20. When comparisons are made between the recession that began in 2008 and the Great Depression, it not only irritates me, but it is truly a disservice to unknowing Americans

    21. Endlessly recycling the same characters and the same basic idea is just lazy and does the audience a disservice

    22. David shared, “Overwhelmingly, mutual funds extract enormous sums from investors in exchange for providing a shocking disservice

    23. In this way, the field may do a disservice by promoting active trading among investors who already are overtrading and need no further encouragement

    24. In my flurry of nostalgic spite, I have done the Monterey Peninsula a disservice

    25. His opinion of her had been sinking from the day of his return from Antigua: in every transaction together from that period, in their daily intercourse, in business, or in chat, she had been regularly losing ground in his esteem, and convincing him that either time had done her much disservice, or that he had considerably over-rated her sense, and wonderfully borne with her manners before

    26. But the main cause lies in the fact that under very simple conditions of life a high organisation would be of no service—possibly would be of actual disservice, as being of a more delicate nature, and more liable to be put out of order and injured

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    Sinónimos para "disservice"

    disservice ill service ill turn wound injury damage bruise ill-treatment hurt persecution