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    Usar "intermediary" en una oración

    intermediary oraciones de ejemplo


    1. It involves also its orientation at will to the world of the soul, and its capacity to act as an intermediary between the soul and the physical brain

    2. "Are you a collection agency? Is that it? Look, I've already told you that I'm making arrangements to have the debts consolidated and an offer of monthly payments will be made to you via my intermediary

    3. is no intermediary object like the service locator

    4. intermediary when you are in direct union with the Word?

    5. He re-routed various pipes and massively insulated cables so that the modulator device became an intermediary between the generator and the power grid, all the while the unnerving sight of sparks flying and coolant vapour escaping

    6. Examples would be the US Sarbannes Oxley Act (SOX), US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act 1977, UK Bribery Act 2010, South African Acts like the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities 2004 (PCCA), Prevention of Organised Crime Act of 1998 (POCA), Financial Intelligence Centre Act 2001 (FICA), Protected Disclosures Act of 2000 (PDA), Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act, 2002 (FAIS), Consumer Protection Act (CPA) and Counterfeit Goods Act 1999 to name a few

    7. How would I get through this special music, with congregation and visitors anticipating something wonderful? The choir relied on my strong voice and role as intermediary between organist and singers

    8. intermediary of the senses

    9. without an intermediary because I possessed a CT law license, and

    10. Every government contractor has a field contract administration office as an intermediary between it and the Procurement Contracting Officer back at agency HQ who actually awarded the contract and funding

    11. The Highest Priest, leader of the Church of Satan, ambassador of Hell, and intermediary between the corrupt rulers of Earth and the Great Beast, called an emergency meeting of the Council’s Infernal Priesthood

    12. the message will say: “But surely that is so-and-so' s style”-- referring to the intermediary to whom the message was confided

    13. 6 Some of the Jews held to the opinion that God might possibly establish this new kingdom by direct and divine intervention, but the vast majority believed that he would interpose some representative intermediary, the Messiah

    14. and it resounded perfectly with the intermediary character; plus,

    15. We quietly pay the insurance company using my cousin as an intermediary

    16. Two days later, however, when he did not dare return but sent an intermediary to arrange the terms of the separation, she understood that she was going to need more patience than she had foreseen because he seemed ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of appearances

    17. I came to help as an intermediary

    18. When his mentor – Anwar Talafani – discovered this, through an intermediary, Nidan was told in

    19. � In exchange, I became a Chosen of The One, tasked with being his intermediary and promoting tolerance, compassion and justice in the World

    20. He had to deliver the key to the intermediary who would pass it on to another to collect the cash

    21. It certainly is suspicious that he was the intermediary for the developers of that place in buying up some adjacent land

    22. Water is the intermediary as his mother also is, that takes us to a level that we know something is there, a transition place, but just can’t quite get a handle on it

    23. ‘’I think that I have the name and phone number of at least one intermediary in Turkey, possibly two

    24. ‘’And if they do kill each other, then what? We still don’t know who the intermediary is in Turkey

    25. With her GPS unit and her satellite telephone in hand, she quickly called her handler in Tehran and gave the present position of the MV Heraklion, then resumed as succinctly as she could what had happened in the last 24 hours, plus passing the information about the identified Turkish intermediary

    26. We will take care of that intermediary in Turkey

    27. That part will be handled by me and by the Turkish intermediary involved in this deal, who will be waiting for the ship in Iskenderun

    28. The Turkish intermediary has already arranged for the appropriate paperwork and permits to facilitate the passage of the Syria-Turkey border at the Turkish border point to be crossed

    29. ‘’After what happened with those ISIS bastards, can we really have confidence in that Turkish intermediary? What if he change plans on us without warning?’’

    30. ‘’Then, with any luck, the captain of this ship will still head to Iskenderun to unload his cargo of weapons, at which time we will be able to get our hands on that Turkish intermediary

    31. ‘’But, once he knows that someone aboard the ship has killed the Russians escorting the weapons, that intermediary will never show up in Iskenderun, fearing a trap

    32. ‘’Then, we go pay a series of visits, first to that Turkish intermediary that was due to welcome the MV Heraklion in Iskenderun, then to a certain Viktor Graschev

    33. relinquished property to a Qualified Intermediary before the close

    34. Intermediary, they are the ones who need to understand and

    35. The Qualified Intermediary is assigned to the transaction

    36. directs that the Qualified Intermediary acquire the relinquished

    37. group and its members, as intermediary between the seen and unseen

    38. As for how we got that ability, I can only say that a superior spiritual being gifted us with it, with the eventual goal of using us as some sort of intermediary

    39. Introducing himself as Murat, he glanced at Mark and offered to act as a intermediary

    40. webcam, you can record directly to YouTube without the need for any intermediary

    41. directly, without an intermediary

    42. Britton, the intermediary,

    43. A king is part of six symbol of power set as an intermediary between God and mankind to coordinate activities

    44. God is a personal one requiring no intermediary to decide

    45. Moses under his limited abilities declared an intermediary between God and the children of Israel, to add more struggle

    46. It tastes, hears, speaks and sees all by itself, directly, without any intermediary

    47. [Footnote 40: #que elogiaba mucho don Quijote#; it is in theAdventure of the Galley-slaves (Part I, chapter 22) that Don Quijotedelivers a eulogy of one who acts as intermediary between lovers

    48. opened by a professional intermediary is on behalf of a single client, that client

    49. rely on the 'customer due diligence' (CDD) done by an intermediary, they should

    50. satisfy themselves that the intermediary is regulated and supervised and has

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    go-between intercessor intermediary intermediator mediator intermediate centre intervening mean