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    1. I do not recall in the bible where God says I will stop

    2. ’ I said, trying to recall where I left the members’ handbook which gives all the details about opening hours and the like

    3. Not that he liked my advice always … I smile to myself as I recall some of the more memorable rows we had which started with me telling him that he ought to do something or other

    4. cleaner, not bad in The Boyfriend as I recall, she looked very good in it on their web

    5. Very basic it was, but I didn’t miss any of the stuff in storage … I recall I made a decision to get rid of all the clutter once we got it all back, but you know how it is … you never get round to it, or else it has sentimental value and you can’t bring yourself to throw it out

    6. Instead of a remembrance of time through the satiation of hunger I recall only periods of light and dark

    7. For some reason I associate it with horses hooves, don’t know why … I recall some brown crystals … funny the things that come to mind

    8. I spent hours trying to recall the faces and names of the taken, wondering which of the select band might be behind those other doors

    9. As for the other two, I could not recall the specifics of their abduction, but guessed that Aban Ganji was probably Persian and quite possibly one of the two television men taken over the summer

    10. I racked my brains for an hour trying to put faces to the Persian and the Armenian, but I could not recall anything other than grainy news footage

    11. ’ Kara said absently, her mind occupied in trying to recall any detail of the two men that might give a clue as to why they had attacked her

    12. Naturally, I have hit a complication – which of Joris’s projects can you recall that did not have such issues! JJ’s adopted mother died some years ago and his father is now on his own

    13. also rich in the mineral magnesium, which is thought to improve recall and delay, age-related memory loss

    14. ’ He said evasively, ‘By the coast, you may have memories of the sea and I’m pretty sure that garden you recall was there … you spent a lot of time in the garden from what I was told

    15. It’s odd knowing that there are years of my life which I cannot recall

    16. JOYCE: But you testified you can recall that on your third date she touched your penis

    17. I have had plenty of time to recall exactly where I left the Element, though I have my tawstones with me so would be able to locate it even if I hadn’t remembered

    18. Numb to the core, I recall tears streaming down my face, but can only remember snapshots …

    19. ‘Are there other designated prayers or whatever?’ I asked, trying to recall any time over the past few days when I had seen him at his devotions

    20. I consider what I recall … in the middle of the night, by the light of the lightstones dimly lighting the room, I had seen Berndt sitting on the edge of the bed … concerned, I had sat up and reached over to see what the problem was … at my touch he had turned, his eyes dark and troubled

    21. So much had happened to him, so many wonderful things, and he simply couldn't recall conversations from that long ago

    22. Tom vaguely remembered that the French called daisies by a woman’s name, and he ran his finger along the plant’s stem while he tried to recall what that name might be

    23. But I can't recall

    24. 1963, you’ll recall how shocking and sad it was

    25. I recall standing in the room with my arm

    26. may recall, all emotions emanate from the organs,

    27. Full Metal Alchemist, Brave Heart, Total Recall, The Terminator, Batman,

    28. recall conversations from that long ago

    29. stem while he tried to recall what that name might be

    30. “But, unfortunately, he warns of an attack that he could not recall

    31. I could not recall any such story in the news, and I paid attention as they argued pro and con over executing women for killing husbands, divorce laws, and then back to the subject woman

    32. Early years at school … no, further back than that … fragments of rooms she can barely recall swim in her consciousness

    33. although Tom could not recall whether it appeared on the duty roster

    34. them, although Tom could not quite recall whether there had been

    35. Andy poked around in his memory trying to recall if there had been any event, however minor, which hinted at the presence of a stranger … he couldn’t remember anything at all

    36. I don’t recall a

    37. She couldn't recall experiencing such silence before

    38. moment and seemed to recall something, but couldn’t put

    39. The two of them shared a bond, a bond she just couldn't recall right then, but he would never be a stranger in her life again

    40. “You recall my praises of Mrs

    41. “The Master, he who was in charge—was the only one who could recall life with a body

    42. He couldn’t recall one instance in which his mother actually took him

    43. fourteen years ago – were still painful to recall

    44. day?’ Claude tried to recall the conversation, then shook

    45. I can recall several occasions on this trip when I

    46. As I stood there trying to recall last night’s events, our friends began to

    47. For several days she had to read manuals on the arcane symbologies employed in the source code for memory recall

    48. I searched my memories to recall the last time I had even held a gun besides

    49. "Not that I can recall

    50. still vividly recall the feeling of absolution he felt standing

    1. Topher recalled feeling conflicted

    2. not know) and recalled that wicked face with whitish eyes and tangled

    3. She recalled that the house was not far from the river, the river she had apparently come to see for no apparent reason

    4. Then I vaguely recalled hearing you say that you were going back to your own bed

    5. He wondered if someone had recalled their commander from backup and Vincef had found a way to regain control of the expedition? He was glad his sentence had only lasted three days

    6. Slowly MacKenzie recalled the confusion and enlightenment, the long struggle for equality under the harsh glare of limited kindness within which mankind wrapped despotism

    7. Facing the world from the balcony that morning, everything looked bright and cheerful - thoughtlessly bright and cheerful - but it wasn't until the cock crowed that my brain cells rumbled awake and I recalled all the sadness of the day before

    8. "He says the only way he sees the distant areas is in the setup screens when he details them," Kelvin recalled Ava telling him, "but I tend to agree with Heymon

    9. into a trailer and I think he recalled his grief

    10. 22After he was raised from the dead, his disciples recalled what he had said

    11. It took a week before I recalled and read the incident, the consequences, and the cure

    12. A rosy red colour, it was shaped like a heart … a white streak crossed from upper right to lower left … she strove to remember what she had learned at school … the bottom bit was called the ventricle, at least that is what she vaguely recalled from a long forgotten, unattended at the time, biology lesson

    13. He recalled that dragons have a good sense of smell,

    14. recalled Ged’s observation that dragons were difficult to hit when

    15. Harry recalled one weekend not long before his big camping adventure, when his mother had gone to visit one of his Aunts

    16. recalled, was Oliver and who was one of the staff from the garages at

    17. He narrowed his eyes seeing again the reports he’d read through earlier – from what he recalled, this one wasn’t terribly bright

    18. Guardians, and he recalled with fondness the warm welcome they had

    19. The Infirmary, Tom vaguely recalled, was in one of the H-block

    20. Emma recalled the difference in the texture of the floor

    21. awful!' she recalled with a shudder

    22. ” White Feathers agreed, and recalled a few of those occasions to mind

    23. he recalled the story

    24. her eyes as she recalled the incident, taking a moment to

    25. For everyone who later recalled the pleasure of being in the audience upon that first performance was ever after given the respect afforded a minor celebrity; to recollect for their listeners the excitement and the thrill of being present at the very beginning of what became a beloved tradition of the little village on the Tahoe

    26. She recalled discussing it last week with the contractor but was sure they’d told her they couldn't get there until next week

    27. She recalled hearing her Grandmother, speaking about it every chance she got

    28. Emma recalled, how her Grandmother had always insisted, that was a true sign of a real woman

    29. momentarily as he recalled his revulsion

    30. ’ He was again moved as he recalled the incident

    31. fairly lazy, as he recalled, with no greater vice than the

    32. When he hesitated, she recalled whom she was dealing with

    33. She recalled that as a child the holidays, had always been the best time of the year

    34. She recalled Jim telling her and Alex, that he was after the stone, and he would find one way or the other to get it

    35. Scanning the abandoned street for a pay phone, she suddenly recalled that she didn't have any money

    36. discouragingly - no one recalled seeing either the relic or

    37. She laughed softly to herself as she recalled his conversation

    38. Then he recalled that he’d been directed to

    39. Nerissa recalled the yearly feast for townsmen at Baron Iadros’s palace

    40. He also recalled all the shrines,

    41. she recalled a love that once

    42. She still recalled her long ride on the cart to Helgen

    43. Though, she had not recalled them being there when she initially entered the structure

    44. “You mean……” the look in his eyes changed as he suddenly recalled the night in question

    45. This relief faded quickly as she recalled the other punishment that Tragus had promised seven years ago

    46. What a coincidence! What was the name of that city in Arabia she moved to? Jibbah or something? Jubbah,” he corrected himself as he suddenly recalled the city’s name

    47. Ralof genuinely hoped to see the Breton soldier again, in the same innocuous circumstances – not only for the friendly drinks but also to relate what he had recalled

    48. The king nodded his agreement; it was the same image he’d seen that had put the fear in him, he recalled

    49. He smiled as he recalled their little fling there on this same bench a few days before

    50. And then she recalled something else

    1. But recalling the texts i could not hold

    2. ‘Oh, it is …’ she enthused, suddenly recalling the merry she and Joris had attended in Abery last summer

    3. They then fell to recalling some of the strange

    4. 'More likely our lives,' said the other - recalling the

    5. problem talking about baseball, or recalling old stories about his teammates

    6. recalling the promise he had made his wife not to put

    7. ’ Recalling his own

    8. smiled at the irony, recalling his experience at the Pass of

    9. Recalling the fulfilled aspiration

    10. (and the teacher vaguely recalling that she spent most of

    11. Through her sobs Helez recounted what had happened, recalling every little detail

    12. She felt a bit uncomfortable, recalling her words too well

    13. "Not even when they come riding swine?" Mr Pinscher asked impishly, recalling their earlier conversation, and causing Mr Snickerty to laugh

    14. Recalling what the Argonian informant had said about his dockside sources, Brynjolf was eager to pick up what he could from every itinerant conversation

    15. excitement over his numerous talents seemed rather frenetic against the backdrop of adult conversation, like a child recalling a trip to Grandma’s house or Disneyland

    16. Now he was recalling the doors opening

    17. Sespian shook his head, recalling the last time he had seen Amaranthe—flying out a window to escape the guards

    18. were piles of filberts, mossy and brown, recalling, in their fragrance,

    19. He barked a short laugh, recalling Grindel's past attempts at trying to outwit him

    20. He chuckled quietly, recalling Darkburst's response to the carvings in the taproot chamber

    21. Slikit smiled, recalling the way she'd looked at the sick boar with such obvious affection

    22. ‘Yes,’ I replied slowly, recalling our conversation, and preparing myself for the worst

    23. There is no recalling the Dead; no redemption, regrets, remonstrations, gashing of teeth or second chances, only Faith in our dearly departed who continue in their own inestimable manner to offer forgiveness (and guidance) from beyond the grave

    24. I could feel the heat of the body laying against my back in the confines of the sleeping bag, smiling to myself in a smug, self-satisfied way, recalling the fry-up Jill had done us, the talk, the monumental amount of beer we had drunk

    25. He smiled, recalling the pervert they’d beaten up here yesterday

    26. Her face flushed slightly as she took a shower, recalling the way Troy had looked at her the last time they’d been together

    27. He was recalling the night they had gone to watch the turtles come ashore, when he became aware that, at moments, the sexy undertones of her voice raised his blood pressure, and another part of his body

    28. “I was sort of a journalist too,” I said recalling too vividly the despair I had felt during those years after thriving as a cop

    29. Recalling that she had made no attempt to defend herself when they accosted her last time, I can‘t say I was surprised by this confession

    30. Gordy remembered the two women: he had shared lunch with them and, recalling Truman’s comments, he confirmed Sylvia’s belief that the American had indeed returned to the US

    31. Suddenly recalling the Lord’s injunction, he put the stick

    32. All so familiar, recalling my growing up years, isolated at Wildwood

    33. They both smiled, recalling the numerous times they had held

    34. “I’m so sorry…” he said, recalling in a moment how they had all been so

    35. His features became gentle, concerned, recalling the man that

    36. Recalling the Buddha's story about the man shot with a poisoned arrow, if we need to have every detail of the teaching proved to us at the outset, we'll be dead before we start practicing

    37. Antiques: Good or evil inherited from our ancestries; reflecting and recalling the past

    38. Maggie stood in the center of the empty farmyard and let the light of the thread dance on the earth and the sides of the buildings, recalling the mystical moment when the whole yard was as full of the light as if one of the stars had come down to earth

    39. Harry was recalling the exact events in his mind

    40. It wasn’t achievable, a vampire who didn’t know he was one, how could Levi control his hunger at such a tender age if he was a vamp? His desire for blood would be far too great to control, but then again, recalling his reaction to the way I had bled earlier, that could be construed as a little off

    41. person would acquire this information unless they were actually recalling, through the aid of

    42. Jenny Cockell was born in 1953, and while still a child began spontaneously recalling a

    43. provide past life memories of the same-sex as the subject recalling the life

    44. with the Universe, and usually prevents souls from recalling their previous lives, but is imperfect

    45. That makes recalling a pleasure

    46. But the cheering instant of recalling

    47. ” I breathed shocked to the brink of tears, recalling a distant childhood memory when I asked Mom what the name Katelyn meant

    48. "The ultimate solution to all of society's troubles," I say, recalling the words printed in last night's news article

    49. He knew there were dangers in rekindling their pain by recalling their mother’s past virtues, but he wanted that blissful past to erase their unpleasant memories of her present distasteful behavior

    50. I accepted immediately, but recalling Dixie’s previous refusal to even travel to Chicago with me re the HFC job, I told Ralph that my wife would have to go to Chicago and meet him and his wife before she would agree

    1. "I knew nothing of days," recalls Hankins

    2. in my home town were talking about me in negative ways," recalls Hankins of the pivotal

    3. "That particular package of drugs is where I said 'this is it, this is my last little trip here,'" recalls Hankins

    4. the room," recalls Hankins

    5. "Inside the prison, they don't have the internet," recalls Hankins with a chuckle

    6. Unlike the last time, fortunately for us, this time round His Majesty clearly recalls the dream

    7. hardship on its people? Should its people, (they cannot properly be called citizens), be held liable for the criminal designs of its ruler(s)? (they cannot properly be called leaders) Should its people be subject to international reprisals by otherwise peaceful nations threatened by its existence? Should its people be perceived as innocent bystanders caught up in the whirlwinds of determined causes or willing accomplices drawn to ―dynamic‖ currents exceeding their moral and physical endurance? Should its people be subject to (economic) sanctions imposed against that nation whose objectionable conduct at home and abroad poses a viable threat to its peaceful neighbors? Is ignorance an excuse, or complacency or cowardliness for that matter? The present situation in Iraq recalls Hitler‘s Germany

    8. Dean‘s thoughtless remarks about a ―pathetic old man‖ recalls the relentless efforts of dedicated Nazi Hunters who spent the greater part of their (adult) lives tracking down and bringing to justice ―former‖ war criminals who evaded criminal prosecution after the war and lived to a ―respectable,‖ ripe old age

    9. Buchanan recalls the Republican Party‘s national electoral achievements; winning presidential elections in 1968, 1972 (Landslide), 1980, 1984 (Landslide) and 1988 (Landslide) however losing ground in the Cultural War

    10. “What’s going on in there?” called his pop from the living room, where Frew Cobbs was all wrought up about how the terrible wild fires in California impacted the illegal aliens getting driver’s licenses and port safety and recalls on dangerous Chinese-built Barbie dolls

    11. Any American who remembers basic facts from high school history recalls the Monroe Doctrine, essentially declaring Latin America was the US's turf

    12. Though the Progressives broke up by next election, many of their ideas became law, including recalls, referendums, primaries, income tax, direct election of senators, votes for women, and the eight hour workday

    13. the dream and the morning's recalls

    14. This can be used in such Recalls or any type of democratic exercise

    15. Tucker recalls two types of demagoguery employed throughout history

    16. Phyllis Schlafly, columnist, attorney, and author, recalls in an article for The Washington Times that Ayers’

    17. ” Steele recalls that in the days of segregation, “When they called you a nigger … at least they didn’t ask you to be grateful

    18. ” Steele recalls that the mendacious

    19. correspond with the location for which a child specifically recalls being critically wounded in a

    20. When a child spontaneously recalls a past life, invariably because of a

    21. He naturally recalls the crystalline medicinal water that sprung from its fountain and relieved the sight of those who used it only for that purpose

    22. Catholic cathedral built with such an exterior style which he recalls, perhaps erroneously, having only observed in Anglican churches

    23. He recalls having pronounced enthusiastically not a silent “Lord, let it be so”, but a sonorous “Lord, it is so”

    24. High recalls that he was in a nearby trailer with one other paramedic and a number of

    25. in to conduct an investigation if everything is above board?" he recalls

    26. He often recalls with sadness Agatha’s husband’s reaction to the revelation of her “newly found” homosexuality

    27. He also recalls his short but memorable stay in Túy where Lucía also had stayed for a few years as a nun after the apparitions

    28. One recalls that at this convention the Democrats booed a group of Boy Scouts that were presented on the stage for part of the program

    29. One recalls that Justice Ginsburg, a member of the Council of Foreign Relations, is one of the Supreme

    30. He crashed his auto into a police barrier near the Capitol, last week, and one recalls his father-Sen

    31. Stewart Underwood recalls the massive effort and complexity of dismantling the guidebook program by Procter & Gamble

    32. “Shortly before my arrival in 1964, Roy’s first broadcast investment was funded by Wachovia, with help from the Society Bank of Cleveland,” Babcock recalls

    33. Park recalls adding his first FM stations in the mid-1960’s even though profits then were almost nonexistent

    34. But talk sheets, as Johnnie Babcock recalls vividly, were just the first step in my father’s elaborate “command and control” management of his managers

    35. mystic Muhyi’d din Ibn’ arabi who lived in the thirteenth century recalls:

    36. hand it recalls that, since it is

    37. In "Heart of Darkness" (by Joseph Conrad), Marlow recalls the fascination he felt as a boy when looking at those areas; the greatest of all was in the middle of Africa and to him it was: “An empty space of enchanting mystery – a white stain for children to make fantastic dreams about”

    38. Stef curses his stupidity remembering that his thoughts had been on money and recalls his sub consciousness telling him that the car and driver were out of place

    39. Specks of green exists between the mighty buildings and Grailem recalls from the history records he had read on the starship computer that it was not always like this

    40. Remembering the history of the Arct, Grailem recalls an incident where a city was attacked with the use of disruptor cannons

    41. he briefly recalls the power that

    42. Recalls lost the company over 1 million dollars

    43. recalls the goals with increasing reality

    44. "I think it was when he was eight," Lippman recalls

    45. "It was Richard," she recalls, "He wanted to know if I needed any help

    46. recalls a few stories from her son's infancy, however, that

    47. is an oversensitivity to noises and colors, and Lippman recalls

    48. " She also recalls a similar screaming reaction in relation to color:

    49. For the most part, Lippman recalls her son exhibiting the ex-

    50. PL/I program was too big to fit in the computer," he recalls

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    recall recollection reminiscence callback call back call up recollect remember retrieve think come back hark back return call in withdraw echo revocation repeal nullification withdrawal revoke recant rescind countermand reassemble summon