Usar "unmoving" en una oración
unmoving oraciones de ejemplo
1. but here Danton stood, unmoving in the candle glow, staring at his recently departed
2. As soon as it was safe to move I unwound my aching body and crawled over to where Menachem still lay, mute and unmoving
3. According to the official news wires Marat had been given a hero’s funeral after his murder by the forces of true-blood reaction, but here Danton stood, unmoving in the candle glow, staring at his recently departed co-conspirator’s severed head, which was stuck on a pole of silver metal
4. It was halfway through building a nest now and, although it was initially wary of her – taking to the top of the bush and making a lot of noise as though trying to drive her away - gradually it became acclimatised to her unmoving presence and went back to its work
5. unmoving on that table those few scant days ago
6. mopping and returned to his corner, unmoving, like the guard at the tomb of the
7. Helen is still looking out of the back window at Jock's prone, unmoving legs in the courtyard
8. Seeing his brother on the floor, unmoving, impossibly silent under the circumstances, is like having the keys to the cell door thrust into his hands
9. Roman stood with his arms loose, hanging at his sides, unmoving
10. Still that wall was unmoving, blocking the width of the doorway
11. Finally she snapped out of it, noticing Roman on the ground, unmoving
12. coming out of the shallow bank of the unmoving
13. He looked at his inert partner and the two unmoving men on the street, nodded curtly, and scrambled across the ice toward the cannery
14. Darkburst had no idea how long he'd lain unmoving and half-conscious on the dank surface, but when he finally found the strength to stagger out of the tunnel, he saw that the sun was high in the sky
15. The body lay unmoving where it had fallen, its fur occasionally ruffled by a gentle breeze
16. Thesa, rock still, unmoving, the air about him shimmering with cold, his black eyes, almost invisible in the darkness, two pin-pricks of light reflecting the phosphates covering his body, content in the knowledge that he was here to fulfil his destiny
17. He appeared not to feel a thing and just lay where he’d fallen, unmoving
18. He stayed sat on his perch unmoving, watching intently as the big animal seemed to ooze its way into the ground
19. The remaining alien lay unmoving, buried beneath the soil, pressed up against the glass
20. Fin’s face was pale, drained of blood, eyes staring straight ahead, unmoving
21. The man sat silently, unmoving
22. Macey had sat unmoving, watching the gun fly from her sister’s lifeless fingers and bounce along the garden path
23. Two bodies were laying in the corridor, both unmoving
24. He steadied a hand against the burned window frame and peered at the shimmering image of the tug and barge seemingly unmoving across the wide expanse of harbor
25. And what about Amonas? What had happened to her love? She could not for one second think of him as no more, as a dead body, limp and unmoving
26. The call stopped them all cold: unmoving, they stared from one to the other
27. A glazed look, a deep blur set in at the center of his eyes, unmoving
28. He was standing upright, tensed on the back of his horse which lay unmoving, steadfastly following its riders commands like a valued trained warhorse should
29. Her eyes are brown, the same shade throughout, and unmoving
30. Barret towered over the unmoving body and grinned; a wicked,
31. With a growl, he took a step back, his glaring eyes unmoving from
32. unmoving on the broad steel plates
33. The Executive remained unmoving and without sound long after
34. and gave the unmoving body an investigative kick
35. The soldiers were as silent and unmoving as the statues on the bridge, but their eyes glistened with threats
36. Even the High Police, still standing unmoving behind the gates, seemed to stiffen in anticipation
37. hand, weak and unmoving, was wrapped in mine
38. The spirited man Jesse remembered fussing about a broken window lay pale and unmoving under the white hospital blanket
39. Nearby stood a man lost in deep thought, unmoving apart from blinking tears from his eyes
40. I could feel her go tense and unmoving under me
41. The four stood unmoving for over a minute
42. They knelt on one knee, their body still and unmoving as that of a statue, save for their eyes which took in all detail not missing a single thing
43. Yngvild lay on the bed by Halfdan's body, frantically kissing and stroking his unmoving face
44. Dimarico remained unmoving with his head on his hands, possibly asleep
45. Their efforts were met by an echoing laughter that rocked through the mountains as it dissipated against the unmoving and illuminated protective dome
46. "I suppose it is," said Calvin, unmoving
47. ” He lays there unmoving until sunrise, sleeping in short naps through the surrounding ruckus of sirens, fire trucks, concerned neighbors, and the rest
48. unmoving in the doorway, but figurines and jewelry rattled in the display
49. After all the gold had been loaded the crew threw chains around the unmoving black skeleton—thinking it a relic, and therefore of value—and dragged it aboard before returning to sea
50. Tommy stood unmoving, too frightened to spin around and face Angela