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    Usa "absurdity" in una frase

    absurdity frasi di esempio


    1. ‘Don’t start on that!’ he roared … then, realising the absurdity of the situation, starts laughing ‘Oh, Mum! This is ridiculous!’

    2. The absurdity of our meeting struck me then

    3. laughed again at the absurdity

    4. Everybody laughed at the absurdity

    5. I have to smile at the absurdity of comment, as he intended I should, and start nibbling one of the sandwiches

    6. We stand and calmly talk about office work generally, while a little voice in the back of my head has screaming hysterics at the absurdity of the whole situation

    7. ' I replied, the absurdity of the situation beginning to make itself felt somewhere in the vicinity of my stomach

    8. He appeared oblivious to the absurdity of out of placeness

    9. I could never make mine the opinions expressed by many philosophers that human life is an absurdity void of any real intended meaning

    10. Surprised by the absurdity of the fact, I

    11. Money, in common language, as I have already observed, frequently signifies wealth ; and this ambiguity of expression has rendered this popular notion so familiar to us, that even they who are convinced of its absurdity, are very apt to forget their own principles, and, in the course of their reasonings, to take it for granted as a certain and undeniable truth

    12. Would it be a reasonable law to prohibit the importation of all foreign wines, merely to encourage the making of claret and Burgundy in Scotland ? But if there would be a manifest absurdity in turning towards any employment thirty times more of the capital and industry of the country than would be necessary to purchase from foreign countries an equal quantity of the commodities wanted, there must be an absurdity, though not altogether so glaring, yet exactly of the same kind, in turning towards any such employment a thirtieth, or even a three hundredth part more of either

    13. We must all somehow confront this absurdity

    14. His choice was a life lived for itself, where a person acknowledges the absurdity of the world without flinching, and then lives life to the fullest

    15. His message seems to be that we too should face this absurdity head-on

    16. Sisyphus remaining happy in spite of a terrible situation is the essence of absurdity

    17. However, in an irrational world, doing the unreasonable thing is a way to resolve the absurdity

    18. Embracing the absurdity of an objectively miserable situation is a way to be happy

    19. It has occasionally been the policy of France ; and of late, since 1755, after it had been abandoned by all other nations on account of its absurdity, it has become the policy of Portugal, with regard at least to two of the principal provinces of Brazil, Pernambucco, and Marannon

    20. All sorts of stories were written - some were sad, romantic, funny, inspiring, violent while others were bordering absurdity

    21. consider as their principal business, and by a strange absurdity, regard the character of the sovereign as but an appendix to that of the merchant ; as something which ought to be made subservient to it, or by means of which they may be enabled to buy cheaper in India, and thereby to sell with a better profit in Europe

    22. The teachers of each little sect, finding themselves almost alone, would be obliged to respect those of almost every other sect; and the concessions which they would mutually find in both convenient and agreeable to make one to another, might in time, probably reduce the doctrine of the greater part of them to that pure and rational religion, free from every mixture of absurdity, imposture, or fanaticism, such as wise men have, in all ages of the world, wished to see established ; but such as positive law has, perhaps, never yet established, and probably never will establish in any country ; because, with regard to religion, positive law always has been, and probably always will be, more or less influenced by popular superstition and enthusiasm

    23. the ageing SLK, and then as always he realised the absurdity of

    24. looked skywards he realised the absurdity of his search

    25. I shrugged my shoulders and lit another fag I coughed and thought these things are going to kill you but then I laughed at the absurdity of it

    26. He imagined he would wake soon and realise the absurdity of it

    27. He shuddered, struck by the absurdity of this scene

    28. Without fail our Sergeant always asked on Monday mornings: “Did you f wankers miss me?” He never understood the absurdity of that question, and it seemed that only the Rooinekke and I caught the joke

    29. * We have the absurdity today (all nice Human Rights orientated of course) that someone shot by the police (mostly with good reason), are treated in private hospitals at tremendous cost to the tax payer but their victims, shot by the gangsters, is treated wherever his medical aid demands

    30. Mixed up in? No, hell no, operating the damn thing! That’s just outrageous! If you could only see the gallery in the reception area of his office lined with awards for fighting drug trafficking then you’d know the absurdity

    31. Sometimes life doesn’t make sense, and war is of course the greatest absurdity of all

    32. Maybe it was the whole absurdity of everything

    33. As he sank into the depths of the pond that night, he shook his head, at the absurdity of the plan

    34. The absurdity of grown adults holding imaginary cups to their mouths and eating imaginary cake would have made him choke with laughter if their physical condition wasn’t so painfully haggard

    35. What if such a law were to be contemplated today? Which sect, cult, or congregation would be chosen? How would everyone else react? To pose such questions is to reveal the absurdity of any fear of a traditional religion being established in this country

    36. But when Justice Black can persuade a Supreme Court majority otherwise, considerations of relevance or absurdity are of no concern

    37. ‘I am’ is an absurdity

    38. Absurdity and futility have supplanted them: the absurdity and futility of life, of sentience, of reality

    39. How else to deal with this absurdity?

    40. experiences to the absurdity and horror of what Rosemary

    41. I must deal in this absurdity because they have forced my hand

    42. Can you understand the absurdity and the seriousness of this lie? That would mean that if someone was, say, fifty years old and could travel forty years into the past, he could meet himself as a child

    43. Let the absurdity of that sink in

    44. “Yes, recognize well the absurdity of this lie,” stressed Imya, one of the other adults

    45. From time to time, their superstitions are compared with our Christian dogmas and touched upon indirectly, so that they might realize the absurdity of their primitive beliefs, and may be ashamed to know that their disgusting swamp-rituals have not escaped our notice

    46. absurdity, and we can certainly look at other cultures across the

    47. absurdity exist or endure

    48. And we would also free ourselves of the absurdity of our continual

    49. There is an air of absurdity to what is mistakenly called "health-care reform"

    50. This is another absurdity

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