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    Usa "confluence" in una frase

    confluence frasi di esempio


    1. confluence of opportunity and challenge was his moment of

    2. Mental images of the immediate future, premonitions based on the reality of cold blood, are stopped in their tracks, are brought up short in the sudden confluence of bodies in a courtyard

    3. passed the confluence with the River Yonne, and were

    4. being strategically situated as it was at the confluence of

    5. The village of Indian Creek was located across the confluence of Indian Creek and the Youghigheny

    6. In a few minutes he was on top of a ridge, which looked down onto the confluence of the river and the creek he had just left

    7. It wasn’t until the early 1800’s that Elizabeth’s Morgan’s descendants settled at the confluence of Morgan’s Run and the Youghiogheny River

    8. Someone who would have come through Confluence on the trail

    9. Based on this GPS scanner, if that was him, we can concentrate on the trail from Morgan’s Creek, all the way to Ohiopyle and then to Confluence

    10. “By the way, McDonald, based on what my data screen is telling me, the average man walking non-stop, with a fifty, even a hundred pound backpack, would be somewhere between Confluence back there and where we just saw something

    11. moderation, not excess…the confluence of Mind and Body that sustains the ―Whole‖…

    12. The principal characters of our (early) youth, whether they be family, relatives or friends, especially those we have come to love dearly and who have left indelible impressions in our lives, are perceived in a wholly different manner as we grow older; where the confluence of a child‘s eyes and an adult‘s recollections seems to add ―something‖ that we might have otherwise overlooked as children but have come to appreciate (more) as adults

    13. However, now I am going to present to the reader a place for a real waterborne thrill in the confluence of two rivers, the Balanac and the Bumbungan Rivers, some sixty miles southeast of the Philippine capital

    14. However, every visitor can relax, resting curling up in whichever pond at the confluence of the two rivers

    15. Helplessly caught in the confluence

    16. This seems to be a largely mythical story of a “hero” King of Uruk, located close to the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers

    17. confluence of Krishna with Panchnadi, at Narasobawadi and 36 years

    18. instructed Shri Maharaj to bathe in Godavari at its confluence with

    19. Because of the wide bend of the river, I had still not reached the confluence with the Mongol River by nightfall

    20. Unfortunately, it joined the Chahiks very close to the Mongol and there was a tumen stationed right at the confluence of those two rivers

    21. The emperor told me we would be stopping at Maintz, a major city just at the confluence of the Main and the Rhine

    22. An isolated group lived near the confluence of the Belle Fourche and Cheyenne rivers in south western South Dakota

    23. We are who we are only by grace of a confluence of events that are unique in the history of civilization

    24. Situated at the confluence of the Serpentine and the Columbia rivers, with direct rail connections to busy overseas ports of both Washington and Oregon, the Arborville rail yard had developed into a busy switching station

    25. It only took seconds for him to reach the edge of the lagoon and scant seconds more to wade out and silently breaststroke towards the shadowy center of the confluence

    26. Just south of the confluence was a tremendous stand of melaleuca trees, newer to the area than the rotting chickees

    27. There was just a set of crossroads that seemed as empty as a field or as silent as a meadow, so the bus came to an abrupt stop at the confluence of the two small roads

    28. Thus, the proper confluence between several asset classes and the amount of intrinsic

    29. from the internal dynamics of the firm and is dictated by a confluence of factors in the

    30. confluence of ideal income and capital cost conditions will only be temporary

    31. confluence between tangible assets and the probability of default and operating leverage is

    32. As in late 2002, there was a confluence of risk factors in the firm’s favor

    33. At times, the confluence of operations brings unanticipated

    34. structuralism recognizes that only strategies that adapt to the confluence of risks for

    35. E-commerce is leapfrogging's litmus test because it represents the culmination and confluence of hardware, software, and process engineering

    36. "Is this it?" Jason asked when they reached the confluence of the creeks

    37. Just above the confluence of the two creeks was a uniform, three foot high waterfall that was

    38. This is effected by the confluence of the doer, the agents, and the action

    39. The impetus for the ordained action arises from the confluence of an

    40. Without getting into the long details, it boils down to antiquated record keeping and a perfect confluence of circumstances, such that those responsible for oversight were lax in their duties

    41. Our country has remarkable examples of confluence, such as there being Muslims proudly claiming descent from the Pandav brother Arjun from the Mahabharat, and much research has been done on such interesting cases

    42. At this moment of time, due to a confluence of a myriad of crises, humanity has the strange opportunity born out of the serendipitous blessings of multiple catastrophes to reset the game of life and start over

    43. Due to the confluence of many varied circumstances, I suffered a very serious bout of deep depression that lasted several days

    44. There could be situations in which there was a confluence of both

    45. Whosoever could consider their lot execrable after being graced by such an august vision? Rather, Antarloka rejoiced as one and Lila tossed elysian flowers about gaily while the confluence exulted:

    46. location of the confluence of the River Farset with the River 91

    47. “Did you know that the Nile is the product of the confluence of two great rivers, the Blue Nile and the White Nile?”

    48. The world is slipping steadily towards the confluence of multiple

    49. match this confluence of date math based on the Hebrew calendar and the zodiac

    50. confluence of signs verifying that the End of Days and Armageddon are truly in progress

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    concourse confluence conflux merging meeting crowd gathering assembly convergence junction nexus