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    Usa "conjuration" in una frase

    conjuration frasi di esempio


    1. If someone had a conjuration to resist the charm of the ring, he had to be this elder

    2. - And will that be sufficient? I do not believe I will be saved by just saying "no": I have an ancestral conjuration, a damned ring and demons waiting for me and they are very real

    3. The rest of the evening I amused myself with the guards and the Book looking in between the yellowish and undermined pages the indolent passages for the conjuration that so hard was hiding to my attention

    4. That night I entered the room of conjuration, and in that room I saw some people waiting for spirits that had been called

    5. But, if thou wear this form through mere passing conjuration, then resume thy former aspect!" Changeless and hopeless, the tumbrils roll along

    6. An earnest conjuration from the king,

    7. The great belief which our people have in conjuration, (or “throwing for each other,” as they call it) signs, and the returning of departed spirits, confirm the above opinion

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    Sinonimi per "conjuration"

    conjuration conjuring trick deception illusion legerdemain magic magic trick thaumaturgy trick conjuring conjury invocation incantation necromancy divination enchantment sorcery