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    Usa "fraction" in una frase

    fraction frasi di esempio


    1. There was no reason not to have a good fraction of Gordon's Lamp's crew restored by the time they finally got the Heavenly Mother in

    2. The planet was well inside that cone of high probability, but was only a tiny fraction of the cross section of this cone where it passed the planet

    3. A good fraction of the original crew has gone totally native and disappeared from their knowledge on the hands of native girls, including one of only two shuttle pilots, on their first trip outside the Kassikan

    4. He was held up for a good fraction of an hour in a big rope-snarl across the whole canal coming from the upstream lock

    5. Human memory, the details anyway, lasts nowhere near that long, not a fraction that long

    6. Who knows what the future holds? These trinkets express only a fraction of my love, respect and esteem for you, carissima mea, I could purchase or steal every ounce of gold in the world and it would not reflect the depth of my love

    7. A fraction of a second later Luray's was also grabbed by a pale tentacle and disappeared beneath the water

    8. Desa and Luray had lived their whole lives here on the ground, had both lived in the country and Desa had run from a quibarta before, though only a minute fraction of this distance

    9. having unleashed the fact, the impossible fraction,

    10. "A small fraction of the impacting bodies," the captain said

    11. pain level was a fraction of what it had been only

    12. She knew he used only a fraction of his strength, but he still gripped her pretty hard

    13. She was a bit taken aback by the number, realizing that humans and all life from Earth was a minute fraction of it

    14. She knew that sensation was caused by the small fraction of the sensors that were still destructive and let the measured quantum state revert to unknown

    15. ‘I’ve read about people who meet and fall deeply in love in a fraction of a second, but never believed it before

    16. ‘I’d hardly call eighteen months a fraction of a second

    17. There would be direct sun for a good fraction of an hour before the next wave of clouds strode in

    18. the lid up by a fraction

    19. “You know, it could be that only a small fraction of shonggot victims get reported until there is a specific one that someone is looking for

    20. One can only write a small fraction of what was actually said, even if they could remember every word and write fast enough to get it all down in a reasonable time, the cost of the paper would be prohibitive

    21. Kemberra gritted his teeth and his muscles tensed for a fraction of a second before he composed his face into a very good approximation of a look of bewilderment and asked, “Who’s Teshi?”

    22. Kemberra hesitated just a fraction of a second, but did not stumble into the trap, “From when she was Ava I would imagine? But she was already O

    23. He thought about how daring Tdeshi had been in her life and thought he needed to show at least a fraction of that in this situation

    24. The ship could crash on one of the larger mountains, leaving perhaps a small pock that would grow over with jungle again in a fraction of the life history he just heard

    25. She came from Dos a good fraction of a century ago

    26. Just as the half second delay expired and Alfred's beam started to swing this way, it was suddenly silent for a fraction of a second, then there was a muffled splintering crunch as the table and its carpet impacted on something stone far below

    27. From which sum, neglecting the fraction, and deducting a ninth, or 4s

    28. And from this sum, neglecting likewise the fraction, and deducting a ninth, or 4s

    29. They were not a fraction as impressed as they should have been

    30. All astronomers agreed there was still an asteroid stuck in Narrulla's inner null point, but a sizable fraction of astronomers still say cometary outgassing could account for the behavior of the other bodies

    31. This list is only a fraction of the wealthy, which give both time and money to help others

    32. Don’t expect a fraction of the tolerance we gave you here

    33. is only going to be a fraction as effective as it could be when working as

    34. a fraction of a second? Does he freeze up when he's

    35. ” She lifted up her chin a fraction and it didn’t go unnoticed by the king and queen

    36. Or if she’d become Theoton’s courtesan, would the bond have been a fraction as secure as this?

    37. Nerissa sent her stone a fraction wide this time

    38. He smiled from ear to ear, lifted his chin a fraction and pushed his chest out a bit further

    39. within few fraction of a second of seconds it passes to the moist nearly transparent membranes of the lungs

    40. You have tasted a fraction of

    41. 9): d – size of particles of the given fraction of aggregate; D

    42. ’ No change, except the tachyon count had increased by an amount that suggested he had in fact gone back in time – his clock out of sync by twenty-three minutes – over two thousand times! There was just the merest fraction of a second after the protection field had given way before automatic shutdown

    43. Still only a fraction of what the real wave was capable of, the experiment he intended would not be regarded as safe by the B’tari

    44. Only for a fraction of a second

    45. Only a year ago of local time Zorandi himself had experienced the merest fraction of a second of this phenomenon; it sent him back to his childhood

    46. It may only happen for a fraction of a second

    47. To the observer in the lab he had entered the event horizon in a fraction of a second, only to appear suspended in time upon entering

    48. Then he remembered that an explosive device a fraction of the size would still be quite sufficient to blow him to pieces

    49. This way I don’t have that problem and I’ll be a fraction smaller

    50. What was matter on a fundamental scale, just forces, vibrations? The physical stuff – the particles themselves – only made up a tiny fraction of what appeared to be solid

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