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    Usa "impecunious" in una frase

    impecunious frasi di esempio


    1. Even better is the money he's making from it, he's bringing in over six figures a year, which Roland says is more than he ever made when he worked as a senior staff, the impecunious pauper now have become a millionaire

    2. He was a very good customer; not only did he spend whatever money he could get hold of himself, but he was the cause of others spending money, for he was acquainted with most of the other regular customers, who, knowing his impecunious condition, often stood him a drink `for the good of the house'

    3. This fiend has several imprudent letters—imprudent, Watson, nothing worse—which were written to an impecunious young squire in the country

    4. She was very fond of him, but he was impecunious, and she was expensive and terribly jealous

    5. The story is that of young Sayler’s development from a green, inexperienced and impecunious young lawyer, to the seasoned man who controls the politics of the country through his unerring manipulation of both party machines; the maker of Presidents, the master of Congress, the terror of the financial world

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    Sinonimi per "impecunious"

    hard up impecunious in straitened circumstances penniless penurious pinched destitute insolvent distressed broke underprivileged poor impoverished