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    Usa "minaret" in una frase

    minaret frasi di esempio


    1. call from the minaret partakes of this character, although it has also

    2. Minaret of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Temple Mount

    3. It was the old git and his pipe-sucking scenario all over again, but this time we gave in easily as climbing a minaret was number 1002 on our list of 1001 things to do before we died

    4. The minaret is a symbol of building a tower not different than the tower of Babel to climb up to the place of Gods

    5. Minaret is also a phallus maintaining an image of sex drive, the silver bullet of fertility which leaves no breathing space

    6. He descended to Mount Afeeq, on the white Eastern Minaret of

    7. A peculiarity: the minaret, in the shape of a telescope has a spiral staircase on the outside circling around it

    8. ONE DAY, A GROUP OF MARINES NEAR US STARTED GETTING fire from a minaret in a mosque a few blocks away

    9. I got two of them—one who was up on the minaret of a mosque, and another on a nearby building

    10. One day, a group of Marines near us started getting fire from a minaret in a mosque a few blocks away

    11. I got two of them—one who was up on the minaret of a mosque, and another on a nearby building

    12. 63 5 muezzin: an officer of a Mohammedan mosque who calls the faithful to prayer by crying from the top of the minaret

    13. Since the minaret is high and from the top the muezzin has a view of the roofs of the houses where the Mohammedan women spend a great deal of the time, blind men are sought for this office--découpant

    14. It is proposed to rebuild the domed minaret of Barkouk's mosque and the suppressed bell-tower of the Sultan's mosque, which is to be replaced by a bulbous roof

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