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    Usa "web" in una frase

    web frasi di esempio





    1. I’m unhappily married to a freeloading spider who just squats around the web doing nothing but waste his precious energy and cost me precious sleep

    2. He’s always up at weird hours, shaking the web

    3. Who made this web? Who supports this family? Certainly not him, and he doesn’t show a lot of gratitude for it

    4. You must control the ants since they herd aphids which produce nectar which the whiteflies love! See my web site entitled Dances with Ants

    5. cleaner, not bad in The Boyfriend as I recall, she looked very good in it on their web

    6. There was a tiger, a 6 pointed star, a large Chinese character on one of the guy's temples, a spider web on the other guy that reached around his neck to the front of his throat

    7. spider’s web out of his hair and then crouched down in the long grass in the same way

    8. threads of her invisible web, a subtly delicious hour of play as she watched him eat,

    9. I couldn't take my eyes off the big, ugly, monstrous spider web tattoo on his neck

    10. As he picked his way through the web, gently pulling himself along in the null-gees, his helmet highlighted the figures of his fellow reds outside, out on the ring

    11. Where the limbs should have been that reached out to her world there were only bundles of colored control conduits extending off into the web around her

    12. "The Chief is back!" Rampone left his console and flew over the web of control leads and concatenators

    13. As he flew across the breaching ship’s bow, through the dome he thought he glimpsed Chief Horcheese’s head and torso strapped in the command chair with a thousand cables trailing out of her, like a spider that had become its web

    14. The massive rings of the extractor, the web of struts around the containment sphere and the tower of capsules standing above it

    15. There would be a little moment of thrill when she stretched her legs out on the threads of her invisible web, a subtly delicious hour of play as she watched him eat, and then there would be the ultimate liaison dangereux

    16. This scan is a map, a web

    17. Most online dating sites also offer members the use of chat rooms powered by advanced web

    18. so the chances of finding someone with similar interests as yours is stronger on the web

    19. Web user controls :- Web User Control is Easier to create and another thing is that its support is limited

    20.  Only the most recent Web page state is retained in the Web browser history folder

    21.  The flicker effect that may occur on a Web page during navigation is minimized

    22. when the user comes back to the Web page

    23. Gets a value that indicates whether Ajax is being used during the request of the Web page

    24. Thus to adopt MVC pattern in a web application, for example, the url need to become a way of

    25. asax would be instantiated first before the aspx web form pages)

    26. NET web application that does not make use of routing, an incoming browser request should

    27. NET web application that does make use of routing makes use of URLs that do not have to map

    28. to specific files in a Web site

    29. Once the images were scanned the older woman copied down the details of Danny’s email and web addresses from Annie’s diary and set about the task of adapting one of her more subtle Trojan Horse viruses so that it would work specifically with Danny in mind

    30. In the future, it hopes that Federal agencies will publish grant announcements electronically, in a single format and on a single web site (www

    31. More information on audits may be found on the Office of Management and Budget's web site (www

    32. At this web site you will be able to answer questions

    33. of those high priced web designers to customize it for me and teach my wife and I

    34. And you know what, the web designer that designed it was

    35. And, it would have been easier for me to learn, rather than paying a web designer to

    36. two sets of username/passwords pairs, one by the web server that is

    37. password is transmitted by your browser to the web server without

    38. used more to restore the entire web server in the event their hard disk fails

    39. pictures or other images through the WordPress web interface, they will also have

    40. been added to your web directory

    41. So what exactly is a blog? It is a simple web page that allows for you to write

    42. the best affiliate marketers on the web, you will have your best chance for

    43. your web page when they do a search on the Internet

    44. These are al accessible through my web store:

    45. While Carol packs a bag for them both, ranting at her ex-husband all the while, he puts the postcode into a driving direction web site and prints out instructions for the journey

    46. How every bug and plant, beast and stream, each were part and parcel of the web of life on the planet

    47. was a tattoo of a spider web with a naked woman in the middle of the arm that

    48. What if Himla’s supplier had changed the dose? If Himla claimed something like that, should he believe him? No doubt he would get embroiled in a circular web of contradictory lies

    49. the middle of a spider web

    50. There was a tattoo of a spider web with a naked woman in the middle of the

    1. The ball broke the webbed part

    2. There was a honking and hooting, and a flapping and a hissing, and I was aware that Detective Inspector Grunt was close behind me, his webbed feet splatting in the mud as he waved his feathered arms over my head

    3. His eyes were only sunken impressions on his face, his hands separated into fingers, but only slightly, giving them an odd webbed appearance

    4. He climbed down and posed for several more pictures in his G-suit with his helmet cradled under his left arm, jaw set, legs spread aggressively still wearing his survival vest, para�chute, and webbed belt with pistol

    5. Its leathery wings were folded neatly over it back but its clawed webbed toes were poised for a strike

    6. He trod water with his webbed hands and feet

    7. The female Captain laid her webbed hands over the injury

    8. The green and purple-scaled humanoid used his webbed arms to retreat from the sea trolls and address his companions who continued to collect stunned fish in their travel nets

    9. His suspicion was confirmed when he looked up to the second frog and saw in its webbed hands a most unusual key

    10. ” He opened his mouth and vomited the wooden flute into his tiny, webbed hands

    11. The innkeeper was a tiny woman as wide as she was tall with webbed fingers and orange hair

    12. green webbed lawn chair from the basement and planted it in the

    13. As he aimed his gun, Quonez had something in his webbed claw hand

    14. have webbed toes, a double coat of fur, and are good swimmers

    15. Around his waist, a webbed belt held a holster, and from that, protruded

    16. helmets with tactical headsets, war-paint, and, strap on all the webbed gear

    17. on itself and jumped high, as if repelled by the life-force that webbed the hillside, a leap

    18. in the helmet with the butt of his weapon with such force that it shattered the visor, creating a spider webbed pattern

    19. If this didn’t happen, humans would be born with webbed fingers, and a tail, and fur covering their entire body

    20. And the knock of sailing boats on the net webbed wall

    21. For example, if cells didn’t die, humans would be born with webbed feet and hands, and

    22. He even suspected that Mathion commanded the webbed light for Aesa's Trader sight, not because the Arkenians needed it

    23. “Vampires don’t have webbed fingers,” said Chico

    24. Vidar took hold of a strand of her hair with his tiny webbed finger

    25. between his tiny webbed chest he fell to the ground

    26. seaweed and their webbed fingers were tipped with claws

    27. I was full of wonderment at this unusual mammal, with its circular head adorned by short ears, its round eyes, its white whiskers like those on a cat, its webbed and clawed feet, its bushy tail

    28. The leader didn’t stop moving until they reached a huge bus, its sides dented and scarred, most of the windows webbed with cracks

    29. In the water, their ideal element, I must say these animals swim wonderfully thanks to their flexible backbones, narrow pelvises, close–cropped hair, and webbed feet

    30. In the absolute blackness, his vision is webbed with a thousand traveling wisps of red and blue

    31. I screamed and ran back toward our house, certain I could hear the deadly flip-flopping of webbed feet behind me

    32. The one dark red leg that they could see ended in a webbed foot and three powerful, taloned toes

    33. "He may have flown off the surface or put his great webbed feet down

    34. A sword angled elegantly off of his hip, and circling his waist was a broad webbed belt embellished with an enormous metal buckle

    35. He wore the webbed belt that Louie had seen on him his first day in Omori

    36. Del Rio leaped from the webbed aluminum chair, grabbed Cruz by the neck, squeezed his throat with both hands, then pushed the chair over and managed to straddle Cruz while pressing his thumbs into Cruz’s throat

    37. Light entered the webbed blind eyes

    38. The webbed face of his father jerked over him, the knife was poised

    39. His mother trembled over him, not eating, she had no appetite, her eyes were webbed shut

    40. Immense snakes of copper looped down from the twilight ceiling, and vertical pipes webbed up from cement floor to fiery brick wall

    41. Look at the Mustela vison of North America, which has webbed feet, and which resembles an otter in its fur, short legs, and form of tail; during summer this animal dives for and preys on fish, but during the long winter it leaves the frozen waters, and preys, like other polecats on mice and land animals

    42. What can be plainer than that the webbed feet of ducks and geese are formed for swimming? Yet there are upland geese with webbed feet which rarely go near the water; and no one except Audubon, has seen the frigate-bird, which has all its four toes webbed, alight on the surface of the ocean

    43. The webbed feet of the upland goose may be said to have become almost rudimentary in function, though not in structure

    44. Hence it will cause him no surprise that there should be geese and frigate-birds with webbed feet, living on the dry land and rarely alighting on the water, that there should be long-toed corncrakes, living in meadows instead of in swamps; that there should be woodpeckers where hardly a tree grows; that there should be diving thrushes and diving Hymenoptera, and petrels with the habits of auks

    45. Thus, we can hardly believe that the webbed feet of the upland goose, or of the frigate-bird, are of special use to these birds; we cannot believe that the similar bones in the arm of the monkey, in the fore leg of the horse, in the wing of the bat, and in the flipper of the seal, are of special use to these animals

    46. But webbed feet no doubt were as useful to the progenitor of the upland goose and of the frigate-bird, as they now are to the most aquatic of living birds

    47. Hence we can understand, bearing in mind that each organic being is trying to live wherever it can live, how it has arisen that there are upland geese with webbed feet, ground woodpeckers, diving thrushes, and petrels with the habits of auks

    48. The bones of a limb might be shortened and flattened to any extent, becoming at the same time enveloped in thick membrane, so as to serve as a fin; or a webbed hand might have all its bones, or certain bones, lengthened to any extent, with the membrane connecting them increased, so as to serve as a wing; yet all these modifications would not tend to alter the framework of the bones or the relative connexion of the parts

    49. How strange it is that a bird, under the form of a woodpecker, should prey on insects on the ground; that upland geese, which rarely or never swim, would possess webbed feet; that a thrush-like bird should dive and feed on sub-aquatic insects; and that a petrel should have the habits and structure fitting it for the life of an auk! and so in endless other cases

    50. With his horizon all his own, yet he a poor man, born to be poor, with his inherited Irish poverty or poor life, his Adam's grandmother and boggy ways, not to rise in this world, he nor his posterity, till their wading webbed bog-trotting feet get talaria to their heels

    1. distance from their starting point increased the webbing of leaves and branches

    2. He hoped that he had another pack in his webbing but wasn’t sure

    3. He slipped on his webbing, lifted the machine gun and headed for the main gates

    4. Johnson slipped the pack into one of the pouches of his webbing, his face still agrin

    5. The Military Police with their blancoed webbing and clean uniforms and their pistols in holsters attached to their webbing belts were trying to sort out the mess of people

    6. At two kilometres till impact the sudden pressure of deceleration stretched the tolerance of his belt webbing

    7. The neural silicon-organic webbing was now almost fully formed; the processor core would close up with a protective EM casing, possibly within a few hours, and the device would be aware of any anomalies

    8. We draw our kit on the first day which consisted of camouflaged overalls, old fashioned sail webbing (suitably appropriated from the Army just after the Korean War), a sleeping bag and an R1 (SLR) rifle without a strap and two magazines

    9. Everything was about weight and we suffered with our 1950s sail webbing which was very outdated and consequently we appropriated decent chest webbing from the Army afterwards

    10. and no ruck or webbing marches and this time no prolonged standing for more

    11. He dropped, falling back into the webbing that had been meant to hold him securely in position

    12. A potato masher grenade arced through the open spot between the men in the door and lodged in the rear bulkhead seat webbing in front of Haskell's eyes as he lay on the floor

    13. webbing that had been meant to hold him securely in position

    14. The monkey began to twist and turn, causing spider webs to form; it then shot out spider webbing from its hands, and the web began to bind the children together, shaking and pushing them into one group

    15. Sam began to panic; he reached for long old binoculars, so he could see Samantha, who was now covered up in glass webbing from her feet to her waist

    16. She cut through the layers of webbing

    17. The children stayed alert and kept watch; when suddenly a huge spider, red in color, with a silver stripe down its back, sprayed webbing from its mouth, trapping some of the children

    18. The spider spewed its webbing, and all of the children were caught in its web

    19. The spider twirled the children in more webbing to keep them from escaping, and then it went after the remaining children

    20. It sprayed webbing all over the temple walls, all over the vegetation, and barely missed the children

    21. Millie quickly ran to where Clara was, and began pulling the thick webbing off of her, layer by layer; until Clara’s hands were free

    22. As they cautiously walked through the opening, there was nothing more than some statues that had spider webbing all over them

    23. There was a soft silken breeze here, it carried the scent of the forest and fields and I saw spiders float by on wings of their own webbing

    24. Dracos, thinking of the Romanov gold, had difficulty in curbing his excitement as he continued to give instructions to La Salle: combat trousers and jackets, waterproof trousers and jackets - parkas -- all white, combat boots, double-laced and water- proofed for snow, red berets for fast and immediate identification, webbing belts, ammunition pouches

    25. Hatch was disappointed at losing the company of his old university friend and, after Siri had collecting his belongings from the Quartermaster with Sergeant Bacon, Hatch slung the webbing of an olive drab canvas bag over Siri’s head and said, ‘Take care of yourself without me, old friend, but maybe this will be of some use to you on your journey

    26. In addition, they have webbing between their

    27. Henry picked it up and felt the weight of it in the webbing of his intertwined fingers

    28. He bolted four lengths of seatbelt webbing into the concrete floor of his workshop with expansion bolts and then looped the other ends around the lower ring of the sail at exactly 90-degree intervals

    29. Beyond the webbing of bridges a vast expanse of emptiness stretched off for eternity

    30. Unease replaced her woe as she witnessed the bulk of the webbing retreat

    31. Outside the office, a Petty Officer Regulator in gaiters, webbing and white gloves stood facing him,

    32. ten sailors armed with rifles and also dressed in full webbing formed up in two rows behind him

    33. but quietly and without the webbing

    34. They covered him from neck to knees, even spider webbing their way up his arms like sleeves

    35. The rest is all the webbing

    36. He had grass stuck in his battle helmet, his webbing and everywhere he could find, in order to blend in with the grass and his surroundings

    37. We were issued with a big hiker’s back pack, chest webbing, battle webbing and a Kevlar battle helmet

    38. “What gift can gift itself?” in the webbing mycelium loom, she did not know where she began and the other ended

    39. He quickly brushed the webbing out and stepped away from where he was standing

    40. “I saw on TV that girls with partial webbing of their toes get piercings there to accentuate it,” Corallyn chimed in

    41. I kind of want to get the webbing between my toes pierced too

    42. There was a slit put in the webbing of the iron mesh so he could transfer the paperwork out of the cage

    43. Momma Bear was struggling to push forward, scores of thread webbing her to the post

    44. It isn’t until its body collides into the webbing does Mary let out a breath

    45. Movement shuffles in the webbing above her

    46. stretched over his head with elastic webbing

    47. Bergit advanced to the nearest pen and released the black nylon webbing from the galvanized nibs, opening the net to the sea

    48. She would stretch open her hand and use the webbing between her thumb and index finger, creating an arc that sliced nicely into the base of his Adam’s apple

    49. And Marie-Laure? Can she still feel the pressure of his hand against the webbing between her fingers as he can feel hers?

    50. Putting his sewing skills to the test, he fashioned what would become the prototype for the modern-day TRX out of an old jiujitsu belt and parachute webbing

    1. She spun webs of

    2. Girls and boys from the Royal Agricultural College wearing spiders webs for clothes

    3. His skin looked like tree bark it was so covered in lines, webs and spirals

    4. She spun webs of silver thread through the evening air, always making direct eye contact, always drawing him in towards her desperate need for love on this particular night

    5. Ragged backed sheep, floating webs of winter fatigue,

    6. over the jugs, building webs that lasted for a thousand years or

    7. Spiders could build webs on me and not notice I'd moved

    8. Except that the surface of the volcano was a jagged wonderland of pinnacled jungle canopy connected with webs of bridges

    9. Papa knew, from experience, that it was actually spider webs, collected just after the morning dew had dried up and the webs were at their cleanest and newest

    10. It wasn’t overhung with spider webs

    11. Spider’s webs were suspended from overhanging awnings or from pillar to post providing huge screens of gossamer

    12. Urgent legs scurried back and forth across Darkburst's snout as the spiders wove their webs, building a net of shimmering fibres around his mouth and nose

    13. She was limping painfully, getting slapped with branches and stuck in thick strands of spider webs that sent shudders through her, as she wiped desperately before one of the huge things could gain a foothold on her skin

    14. Dew webs burn in the valleys of the lawn

    15. She couldn’t see the hits through the spider webs of glass, but his form twisted backward

    16. 6 Their webs shall

    17. Elena, Elijah and Mikael were all getting more tangled in the webs of the three sisters

    18. The webs create high temperatures and an acid-like burning feeling around his body

    19. weaves eternally its many webs

    20. physical reality is an unbroken Unity that presents itself to us as webs of relations, according to

    21. To spin elaborate webs of hope

    22. The four look closely and realized that these were children who’d been killed and hung in the webs

    23. You will be eaten alive for my supper!” Saying that, she pointed her grotesque hand at each of the girls, shooting spider webs to entrap them

    24. Yania and Kami defended themselves by melting the webs, but the monsters and the millions of evil spirits hovering over them fell upon the two, grabbing them from all sides at the same time as a monster with a white lab coat injected them with a strong anesthetic

    25. could be seen on the wooden floor, and spider webs hung in some

    26. Within her upper branches were more webs than tree! Filled with thousands

    27. If she could face a hungry predator in Africa, certainly a few spider webs were not going to get the better of her

    28. spins webs of logic around the categories, treating

    29. And all of the webs of logic of Adam Smith, Karl

    30. the spider webs drip with condensation but are uninhabited because of the light creeping

    31. off the clinging webs with the other

    32. The troll put the lamps in their proper places and swept the black marble free of webs

    33. The monkey began to twist and turn, causing spider webs to form; it then shot out spider webbing from its hands, and the web began to bind the children together, shaking and pushing them into one group

    34. Peter and his classmates were covered in spider webs; they couldn’t move or talk, all they could do was listen to what Captain Red had to say, and it was not good

    35. Spread out across about twenty metres, walk softly, duck under spider webs, don’t wander across ant hills or sit on termite mounds, lift your feet, don’t stumble, and do as little damage as possible

    36. Leeches, spiders with super strong webs, lizards, monitors, kangaroos, wallabies, possums, fruit bats, birds, snakes—most of them deadly

    37. ‘Where can insects live? Where can spiders hang their webs? Where are the seed heads or nectar for birds? I don’t want to even think about it!’

    38. the sisters troupe up (circus act) and spin the webs of deceit with red, tear

    39. Closed windows left the house airless and stale, while sunlight slanting through recklessly askew venetian blinds, illuminated swathes of dust-spangled webs around the bookcase and under lounge-room chairs

    40. And her flesh crawled, for this man was Totrasmek, the priest of Hanuman, who for years had spun his slimy webs of power throughout the city of Zamboula

    41. Smaller ones rose three or four levels cantilevered to the slopes like giant spiders clinging to their webs

    42. Whatever webs of conspiracy were drawn about him, whatever trickery and treachery ensnared him, this knife was real

    43. Menendez shook his head a couple of times as if to shake off the cob webs and then spoke to Puddy

    44. A lot of spiders came out of the dark room and started spinning webs in the broken doorway

    45. yeah there was a show on WEBS that has a show like that, but

    46. was spider webs in every corner

    47. When he entered the cave it was full of spider webs, he took his staff and torch and

    48. Santa Sofía de la Piedad continued struggling alone, fighting the weeds to stop them from get-ting into the kitchen, pulling from the walls the tassels of spider webs which were rebuilt in a few hours, scraping off the termites

    49. Certain that she would be defeated by the realities, he did not even take the trouble to put his velocipede together, but he set about hunting for the largest eggs among the spider webs that the masons had knocked down, and he would open them with his fingernails and spend hours looking through a magnifying glass at the tiny spiders that emerged

    50. They tried to help her with applications of spider webs and balls of ash, but it was like trying to hold back a spring with one’s hands

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