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    sells frases de exemplo


    1. Whatever sells, you keep half and give me half

    2. But if you want more than that, I spotted a removal company which says it sells boxes

    3. He sells quality gear at a reasonable price

    4. One is that he never uses the stuff he sells

    5. My concern is how can you have made deposits in the amounts you did over the last ten years, when a cane rod sells for $12, even with your considerable volumes?” Harry posed, once his own clear grasp of his family's finances had been made certain to his benefactor

    6. Alan had heard the term before, one who sells or uses restored items, items that were once broken and since repaired

    7. markets I’ve come across that sells a wide range of live

    8. As I mentioned earlier, the prophetic sells itself

    9. While this sells mainly Internet marketing products, this would be the type of layout I would use, just with different book titles

    10. generally from the price at which he sells his drugs

    11. In Cochin China, the finest white sugar generally sells for three piastres the quintal, about thirteen shillings and sixpence of our money, as we are told by Mr Poivre {Voyages d'un Philosophe

    12. Eight-and-twenty shillings the quarter was, before the late years of scarcity, the ordinary contract price of English wheat, which in quality is inferior to the Sicilian, and generally sells for a lower price in the European market

    13. A salted hide is reckoned inferior to a fresh one, and sells for a lower price

    14. This is the real exchange that is annually made between those two orders of people, though it seldom happens that the rude produce of the one, and the manufactured produce of the other, are directly bartered for one another ; because it seldom happens that the farmer sells his corn and his cattle, his flax and his wool, to the very same person of whom he chuses to purchase the clothes, furniture, and instruments of trade, which he wants

    15. He sells, therefore, his rude produce for money, with which he can purchase, wherever it is to be had, the manufactured produce he has occasion for

    16. A positive law may render a shilling a legal tender for a guinea, because it may direct the courts of justice to discharge the debtor who has made that tender ; but no positive law can oblige a person who sells goods, and who is at liberty to sell or not to sell as he pleases, to accept of a shilling as equivalent to a guinea in the price of them

    17. It is upon this account, they say, the bank money sells for a premium, or bears an agio of four or five per cent

    18. This is where coaching or software really sells well

    19. In England it commonly sells at thirty, in France at twenty years purchase

    20. The corn which grows within a mile of the town, sells there for the same price with that which comes from twenty miles distance

    21. The same regulations, besides, keep so much land out of the market, that there are always more capitals to buy than there is land to sell, so that what is sold always sells at a monopoly price

    22. The man who buys, does not always mean to sell again, but frequently to use or to consume ; whereas he who sells always means to buy again

    23. In years of scarcity, therefore, the corn merchant buys a great part of his corn for the ordinary price, and sells it for a much higher

    24. Though it sells its goods cheaper than it otherwise might do, it will not probably sell them for less than they cost; nor, as in the case of bounties, for a price which will not replace the capital employed in bringing them to market, together with the ordinary profits of stock

    25. The tobacco of Maryland and Virginia, for example, by means of the monopoly which England enjoys of it, certainly comes cheaper to England than it can do to France to whom England commonly sells a considerable part of it

    26. John Smith, that the price of the best English wool in England, is generally below what wool of a very inferior quality commonly sells for in the market of Amsterdam

    27. A share in the stock of the British Linen company of Edinburgh sells, at present, very much below par, though less so than it did some years ago

    28. If he sells his goods at nearly the same price, he cannot have the same profit ; and poverty and beggary at least, if not bankruptcy and ruin, will infallibly be his lot

    29. This practice is, in most cases, the expedient of a spendthrift, who, for a sum of ready money sells a future revenue of much greater value

    30. The dearer the Birmingham manufacturer buys his foreign wine, the cheaper he necessarily sells that part of his hardware with which, or, what comes to the same thing, with the price of which, he buys it

    31. An annuity, with a right of survivorship, is really worth more than an equal annuity for a separate life ; and, from the confidence which every man naturally has in his own good fortune, the principle upon which is founded the success of all lotteries, such an annuity generally sells for something more than it is worth

    32. When Ed’s project sells out, I’m thinking of retiring again

    33. Point being that white men doesn’t feature in business with the government under these rules so if anyone sells you a business shareholding be very careful and make sure about the race of the seller

    34. whether he sells him or he is found in his possession,

    35. “He sells drugs

    36. Apparently, he underreports the amount confiscated and sells the rest

    37. We’ll get a lot of yardage from it in the press, but he is just the middleman who sells to our street dealers here in Limon, not the one I’m really after

    38. Americans will buy nothing that sells for $10

    39. a person finds it, goes and sells all he has to buy the field where the

    40. “Personal” of the registered external supplier (corporation that sells product or service to the agreed organization)

    41. there are other products on the market that sells “delicious”

    42. blessing shall be on the head of him who sells it

    43. Her husband is known at the gates, when he sits with the elders of the land; she makes fine linen, and sells it; and

    44. Here's the unpleasant funny thought: Tobacco companies sells

    45. I assure you they haven’t a clue about advertising that actually sells stuff instantly!)

    46. copy that sells! Plus I use real ads of my own and other top copywriters as examples, illustrations and samples

    47. vending machine that sells a wide selection of sex toys

    48. corpses: 4 Because of the multitude of the whoredoms of the well favoured harlot, the mistress of witchcrafts, that sells nations

    49. 41 He who sells let him be as he who flees away, and he who

    50. manufactures and sells floating surface water

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