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    sharks frases de exemplo


    1. He was telling his problems to loan sharks in the cash for gold instead of his dad

    2. By noon the following day I was in front of Sammy the Sharks 'office' on Main Street, otherwise known as the Darklow Cash for Gold shop

    3. wolves, slept in the dens of lions, flew with birds, and swam beside sharks

    4. I preferred to lay under my towel within the safety of the shore, enjoying an ice cream and watching my uncle struggle with his wet suit before he curved into the sea like a dolphin only to reappear sometime later and regale me with stories of seals, gentle basking sharks, forests of stunning pink corals and walls of bright coloured jewel anemones he said he saw on his dives

    5. The contorted faces of loan sharks and estate agents, of fat

    6. They had jumped into crowded pools of sharks and the disorientation of

    7. with the pigs and sharks

    8. He still owed the loan sharks $15,000 plus interest

    9. turtles and the world‘s only freshwater sharks

    10. With 21 beaches, there are warm water sharks, green sea turtles, and migrating whales and dolphins

    11. When the sands are all dry, he is gay as a lark, And will talk in contemptuous tones of the Shark, But, when the tide rises and sharks are around, His voice has a timid and tremulous sound

    12. money from loan sharks to feed the habit

    13. Even if there were sharks in the water

    14. He’d been having terrible nightmares about pirates kidnapping his friends and feeding them to sharks

    15. [later editions continued as follows When the sands are all dry, he is gay as a lark, And will talk in contemptuous tones of the Shark, But, when the tide rises and sharks are around, His voice has a timid and tremulous sound

    16. However, all that bullshit on the phone paid off and we learned that Novorski was sponsoring the fair - a highly prestigious event considering the amount of vomit already visible - and had been scheduled to appear right about midnight, say a couple of words to the gathered crowd and then probably go back to counting cotton balls in his well-guarded warehouse complex, complete with electric fences, a minefield, and a piranha-filled moat, with trained alligators for guards, riding sharks armed with lasers and rocket jets

    17. So plan B didn’t account so much for a plan and ergo wasn’t that much better than plan A, but it did not involve sharks, piranhas, trained alligators, lasers, machine gun fire and assaulting what was in effect, a small fortress

    18. Trailing from his left hip were the remnants of a leg that sharks had reduced to shreds of meat, gristle and vein

    19. He was out played by pool sharks and was eliminated in the third round

    20. The nanoscanners detect large alien sharks approaching from below, as the ship continues to sink

    21. There is a school of fifteen alien sharks approaching in an orderly fashion from the left

    22. The twenty-foot long sharks resemble the shape of a shark on Earth

    23. On each side of the sharks near the head are round, double layer fins that stick out five feet in diameter

    24. The nanoscanners detect the group of sharks communicating with each other using a magnetic radar system in the tips of their noses

    25. The UFO continues to float downwards with these sharks continuing to bite and pull

    26. The sharks on the wings are trying to pull the wings off

    27. The sharks wag their tails in different directions in an attempt to come off with a piece of the ship

    28. The sharks on the tail continue trying to pull a top and bottom side of the tail apart

    29. The angry sharks coordinate and swim the ship towards the left

    30. Jaden can’t believe how organized the sharks are

    31. Suddenly the sharks with the pit bull jaw grip over the wings and tail begin to glow pink

    32. Jaden is surprised that the thrust isn’t hot or bothers the sharks

    33. The side wings point towards the rear, while the sharks continue to hang on

    34. The sharks on the tail lose their grip and spin in circles from the ship’s powerful downwards tidal wake

    35. The sharks around the midsection of the ship do the same and join the tidal wake

    36. The sharks on the wings are slowly being pulled off from the increasing force of 200 mph

    37. A screeching sound is heard on both sides as the sharks slowly lose their strong grips

    38. The sharks fall off one by one, and spin in the tidal wave whirlpool

    39. The sharks are quickly ripping away pieces of the throat with their sharp teeth, but slow down as the strong acid digest their skin and inside mouth area

    40. Jaden sees the mother shark at the end of the tunnel, swimming back and forth over the exit, with an army of sharks nearby

    41. Some argue legal rights for sharks and dogs

    42. There are mechanical, colorful fish that resemble dolphins, triggers, angelfish and sharks the size of a truck

    43. Grey medium-sized sharks with red flapping fins and several eyes around their nose leap out from the clouds below the octopuses

    44. The sharks are going after the octopuses for the helium in their heads

    45. The sharks retreat into the clouds

    46. The gang of sharks hiding in the clouds smells the scent of their fallen comrade and will get revenge when the tide is over

    47. A half dozen sharks come from below and charge at the jellyfish

    48. The sharks are in a straight line and the lead shark has a dead shark in its mouth

    49. The sharks try to eat the jellyfish

    50. Look at the lobsters and sharks hugging each other unconsciously

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