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    1. A girl was asked by the visiting Inspector of schools to enumerate the Seven Wonders of the World

    2. “I will be able to enumerate their strengths and weaknesses

    3. Senators, one hundred and nine Representatives, fourteen state governors, hundreds of rabbis, priests, and ministers, a score of admirals and generals, and far too many others to enumerate

    4. comprehensive information needed to enumerate all the alternatives or pick the right one

    5. Dawn surprised me and I was eager to run towards The Fortaleza to confess my sins, once for all, before the members of the Wizards Council, hoping that this was the last time I had to enumerate the faults of my character

    6. They are twelve in number, but she tells us that they are taken from a list of seventy-three, to enumerate which would be useless, as they

    7. By intrigues and forays too numerous and devious to enumerate, Gorm became chief of chiefs, the nearest approach to a king the Picts had had in thousands of years

    8. on the price of the stock but are difficult to enumerate because they do not represent a

    9. ’’ Answered in a modest tone of voice the NCO before starting to enumerate a long list of facts and details about Kunming

    10. The main purpose of the CAPM was to enumerate these risks more

    11. LIST, ENUMERATE: give a series of point and number them 1, 2, 3……

    12. Appreciating what causes your stress -Then, instead of blaming yourself or failing to cope, you enumerate and end up pinpointing the sources and then tackling that

    13. number to enumerate here

    14. They can enumerate the

    15. After this he sets out to enumerate some outstanding instances of his

    16. Of course there were many incidents over those years - too many to enumerate here, but we did see some growth in him

    17. But the Baron cleared his throat and began to enumerate contrary facts

    18. I have attempted to enumerate those high-priests

    19. I shall not enumerate the mistakes that started decades earlier when I took over the business from my father

    20. I need not enumerate the many reasons for my difficulties which may sound as if I am exonerating myself from any blame

    21. and thus to discover and enumerate comparative ratios and relationships and thereby gain a greater

    22. Number–To enumerate and quantify the character of something by reasoning, calculation, and

    23. enumerate and locate the wisdom that underlies and permeates all of existence

    24. weigh and thus to discover and enumerate comparative ratios and relationships and thereby gain an

    25. To reiterate, the purpose and functionality of this core symbol group is to enumerate four

    26. I enumerate but a few-a very few-of the many fields which are open, and only those in which great or considerable sums can be judiciously used

    27. spirits to enumerate the make-up of human character, motivations, and deeds

    28. bodies of ancient wisdom and components of the Philosophers’ Stone symbology and enumerate

    29. was to enumerate the philosophical framework of "God’s temple" and to do so "without hand" as is

    30. enumerate a physics of thought, consciousness, philosophy, and spirituality without any of the

    31. The symbology and wisdom that flow from The Apocalypse enumerate the rules

    32. that are knowable and possible to enumerate

    33. Among other things, it provides the ability to enumerate and locate

    34. The Professor then proudly went on to enumerate the many miracles

    35. Who has not frequently reflected on all the momentous things that we get out of that modest animal, the ornament of poultry-yards, that provides us at once with a soft pillow for our bed, with succulent flesh for our tables, and eggs? But I should never end if I were to enumerate one after the other all the different products which the earth, well cultivated, like a generous mother, lavishes upon her children

    36. the wall, spit in my face, with various refinements on barbarity that I forbear to enumerate, though they were all acted over again by the servant, with additional

    37. necessary to enumerate the common exertions of humanity

    38. nor shall enumerate the sums extorted from me during six years that we lived

    39. The readers of THE ENGLISH REVIEW, who cast a friendly eye nearly six years ago on my Reminiscences, and know how much the merchant service, ships and men, has been to me, will understand my indignation that those men of whom (speaking in no sentimental phrase, but in the very truth of feeling) I can't even now think otherwise than as brothers, have been put by their commercial employers in the impossibility to perform efficiently their plain duty; and this from motives which I shall not enumerate here, but whose intrinsic unworthiness is plainly revealed by the greatness, the miserable greatness, of that disaster

    40. And now you shall repay me what you borrowed; and I will enumerate the rewards of justice in life and after death

    41. Tea is an unnecessary and harmful drink; it has been condemned by medical men so often that to enumerate its evil qualities here would be waste of time

    42. What imperfections in a perfect day did Bloom, walking, charged with collected articles of recently disvested male wearing apparel, silently, successively, enumerate?

    43. Again, is it not the agriculturist who fattens, for our clothes, his abundant flocks in the pastures? For how should we clothe ourselves, how nourish ourselves, without the agriculturist? And, gentlemen, is it even necessary to go so far for examples? Who has not frequently reflected on all the momentous things that we get out of that modest animal, the ornament of poultry-yards, that provides us at once with a soft pillow for our bed, with succulent flesh for our tables, and eggs? But I should never end if I were to enumerate one after the other all the different products which the earth, well cultivated, like a generous mother, lavishes upon her children

    44. He began to enumerate: The drought in the state of Rajasthan, the unspeakable famine in India

    45. Below we enumerate factors that ought to be weighted in the determination of capital structure

    46. To give the reader some insight into what these can consist of, we merely enumerate possible factors under three subheadings:

    47. To determine the total number of possible orders of finish, we could enumerate them all one by one or we could use the following trick: We choose a winner (nine possibilities); we choose a second place finisher (eight remaining possibilities), and so forth until all positions are assigned

    48. It would take a dozen pages to enumerate all the reproaches the historians address to him,

    49. I shall enumerate them by their fore-castle appellations; for possibly such a list may be valuable to future investigators, who may complete what I have here but begun

    50. I won't enumerate; there were plenty of them

    1. The hides of common cattle have, but within these few years, been put among the enumerated commodities which the plantations can send nowhere but to the mother country ; neither has the commerce of Ireland been in this case oppressed hitherto, in order to support the manufactures of Great Britain

    2. which have been imposed upon all, or the greater part, of the goods enumerated in the book of rates

    3. These commodities having been enumerated in the act of navigation, and in some other subsequent acts, have upon that account been called enumerated commodities

    4. 15, which puts hides and skins among the enumerated commodities, and thereby tends to reduce the value of American cattle

    5. Sugar was originally an enumerated commodity, which could only be exported to Great Britain; but in 1751, upon a representation of the sugar-planters, its exportation was permitted to all parts of the world

    6. The enumerated commodities are of two sorts ; first, such as are either the peculiar produce of America, or as cannot be produced, or at least are not produced in the mother country

    7. Among the enumerated commodities which can be sent to no other market but Great Britain, there are several of which the quantity exceeds very much the consumption of Great Britain, and of which, a part, therefore, must be exported to other countries

    8. 37, the exportation of gum senega, from his majesty's dominions in Africa, was confined to Great Britain, and was subjected to all the same restrictions, regulations, forfeitures, and penalties, as that of the enumerated commodities of the British colonies in America and the West Indies

    9. The same successful war put the country most productive of beaver under the dominion of Great Britain ; and beaver skins being among the enumerated commodities, the exportation from America was consequently confined to the market of Great Britain

    10. All the invidious restraints which at present oppress the trade of Ireland, the distinction between the enumerated and non-enumerated commodities of America, would be entirely at an end

    11. And why is that? Well, it reserves to the States respectively, or to the people, those rights not enumerated and specifically delegated to the United States by the Constitution

    12. enumerated six other gatherings that were being given that week in

    13. If that’s the result of the falling away, of the latest trilogy, where does that leave us? What of the many elements left, yet to be enumerated in more recent history? What happened to those ring-like echoes through time, from the pebble that this Jesus dropped that started us on our latest Christian trilogy? Have they already cycled past our observation, or are we still riding the crest of these reverberations? Are there more behind us, just now coming within our view? And what about those that might be about to, as well as those whose time is yet to come? These cycles, as referred to earlier, that had begun in the time of Jesus, seem to sweep past ever lower the further from their source in time that they are when observed, and the closer that they are to this observer, the less able they are to be seen at all, with any clarity

    14. Well aware that most newspapers in Latin America and in Europe were predicting McGovern’s victory, Roger enumerated what he thought were compelling reasons why McGovern would lose

    15. He evoked his children’s names, his troubled wife and enumerated his fears, but asked that the Lord’s will be done… with the hope that his home be saved

    16. And there are also acts of luxury which save men; for many who do good indulge in luxury being carried away by their own pleasure: this luxury however is beneficial to the servants of God and gains life for such a man; but the injurious acts of luxury before enumerated bring tortures and punishment upon them; and if they continue in them and do not repent they bring death on themselves

    17. " He answered me and said "All who with their whole heart shall purify themselves from their wickedness before enumerated and shah add no more to their sins will receive healing from the Lord for their former transgressions if they do not hesitate at these commandments; and they will live unto God

    18. This list merely illustrates some of the enumerated first degree murder

    19. Taramis seems to have gone quite mad; whereas formerly she was famed for her virtue, justice and tranquillity, she is now notorious for qualities precisely opposite to those just enumerated

    20. In Tecuhltli the floors were named The Eagle's Tier, The Ape's Tier, The Tiger's Tier and The Serpent's Tier, in the order as enumerated, The Eagle's Tier being the highest, or fourth, floor

    21. scriptural for all the reasons fully enumerated in this book

    22. fifths of the enumerated (freed) slave population was

    23. As Dana Rox enumerated the animal species, a picture of each animal appeared along the periphery of the screen, attracting a concert of interested whispers

    24. that must be enumerated

    25. Had they been enumerated, it would be proper to exclude them from the capital denominator because they

    26. Common sense and coordination of several factors (some not enumerated) will be the

    27. cessary and that is why they are enumerated in detail

    28. But Arjun’s physical eyes could see none of the glories enumerated by

    29. Thereafter, Krishn has enumerated attributes of the devotee who

    30. There were thus enumerated fourteen steps of yagya,

    31. This Grand Provider who created what He created of which He enumerated to you in the previous verses, says to you: “on that day when I will separate between the good man and the bad one and judge among the creatures is the fixed time to execute what I had promised you

    32. Moreover, those of the readers who reach out to people via mass media platforms, such as books (fiction or non-fiction), radio broadcasts, films, articles in newspapers, magazines or online portals, or the likes, can incorporate these contentions so as to dispel the prejudices enumerated in the book (it is necessary to specifically bring out the prejudiced notions and have them rebutted on the basis of facts and logic as has been done in this book; it is not sufficient to just have a Muslim character in a story who is a nice person from the point of view of changing mindsets of those strongly prejudiced against Muslims)

    33. Shourie’s book enumerates several illogical and regressive fatwas (though he has also ridiculed several fatwas, which may not be considered regressive by believers of any faith, such as those enumerated in pages 673 to 677 (which are about whether it’s appropriate to cut nails on a certain day or travel on a certain day, and by the way, as Shourie himself mentions, there are ulema (Muslim clerics) who themselves branded most of such queries to be baseless in the light of Islam, but there are indeed Hindus with such beliefs too), among several others mentioned in the book, and certain fatwas he has highlighted are based on the clergy’s own cultural notions – for instance, there is nothing in the Islamic texts prohibiting celebrating birthdays, but since Prophet Muhammad did not do so, a cleric has dismissed it as a European practice antithetical to Islam, though having said that, very many Muslims enjoy celebrating their birthdays, and different clerics also have different perspectives!), and though he acknowledges the existence of progressive clerics, he contends, like that apostate of Islam, that the latter are the ones who are not correctly interpreting Islam, while the regressive folk are

    34. the qualities here suggestedare enumerated or directly

    35. Would he have enumerated the prophetic qualifications

    36. both good and evil as enumerated by the Doctrine of Two Spirits

    37. This refers directly to the wisdom enumerated by the Doctrine of Two Spirits and the Seven Spirits of God, which is the same as originally given to Moses and symbolized as the

    38. dualism enumerated by the Doctrine of Two Spirits, and the symbolism of angels and spirits

    39. They that are with him–Refers to those who walk the same path and thereby share the goals and inspirations enumerated by the Lamb, which are the Seven Spirits of God

    40. [Amen]Moses, the basic principles enumerated by the dualism of Ma'at (truth, justice, universal laws

    41. clearly enumerated in the preface to this book and expounded upon throughout

    42. They flow directly from the dualism enumerated by the Doctrine of Two Spirits

    43. enumerated by the Doctrine of Two Spirits

    44. enumerated by the Seven Spirits of God

    45. Hebrew calendar, proved it was they who knew this long kept secret enumerated in Genesis’ story of

    46. This is the refinement of the doctrine enumerated within the “Community

    47. “Doctrine of Two Spirits” are succinctly enumerated is in the Dead Sea Scrolls’ “Community Rule

    48. 11:11–Symbolizes the dualism enumerated by the Doctrine of Two Spirits

    49. This refers directly to the wisdom enumerated by the Doctrine of Two Spirits and

    50. inspirations enumerated by the Lamb, which are the Seven Spirits of God

    1. The book of rates is extremely comprehensive, and enumerates a great variety of articles, many of them little used, and, therefore, not well known

    2. While it enumerates the separate risks of both sales and income, it seems to create

    3. GCCI (2006) enumerates the following as the reasons why a firm should own a website:

    4. Duryodhan thus enumerates to his teacher about a score of names

    5. Shourie’s book enumerates several illogical and regressive fatwas (though he has also ridiculed several fatwas, which may not be considered regressive by believers of any faith, such as those enumerated in pages 673 to 677 (which are about whether it’s appropriate to cut nails on a certain day or travel on a certain day, and by the way, as Shourie himself mentions, there are ulema (Muslim clerics) who themselves branded most of such queries to be baseless in the light of Islam, but there are indeed Hindus with such beliefs too), among several others mentioned in the book, and certain fatwas he has highlighted are based on the clergy’s own cultural notions – for instance, there is nothing in the Islamic texts prohibiting celebrating birthdays, but since Prophet Muhammad did not do so, a cleric has dismissed it as a European practice antithetical to Islam, though having said that, very many Muslims enjoy celebrating their birthdays, and different clerics also have different perspectives!), and though he acknowledges the existence of progressive clerics, he contends, like that apostate of Islam, that the latter are the ones who are not correctly interpreting Islam, while the regressive folk are

    6. those that have a crowd around them, or the ones people are talking about,” he enumerates

    7. the Doctrine of Two Spirits enumerates

    8. enumerates the long-prophesied judgments

    9. The Doctrine of Two Spirits enumerates the definition of good and evil, a

    10. There is no doubt that money does possess the inoffensive properties which science enumerates; but it would have these properties only in a society in which there was no violence,—in an ideal state

    11. Rafinesque enumerates over again several plants which have been said to be, and which he appears to believe to be specifics

    12. Spicer, whose dahabiyeh accompanied mine, photographed the inscriptions in which Mentuhotep-Ra-neb-kher of the XI dynasty is mentioned, as well as the one which enumerates the names of three kings of the XVIII dynasty, Amenophis I, Thothmes I, and Thothmes II

    1. have wanted a pipe!" and he went on enumerating his wants while Ann

    2. I finished up by mentioning that there was some talk of switching formally to our unofficial calendar based on the founding of the Khanate or perhaps enumerating the years as years of the reign of the Khakhan

    3. Very early next morning, Roger got up and wrote a letter to Josie, enumerating the effects that her decision would have on each of the children

    4. One major problem with capital structure analysis is enumerating the cost of

    5. Therewith the manifest trinity commenced enumerating in drone:

    6. “eastern” sources that come close to enumerating similar doctrine

    7. country, enumerating the irreparable environmental damage that they were capable of and

    8. Why or when does a person experience pain? Does pain serve any useful purpose? These questions can best be answered by enumerating some of the functions of pain

    9. ‘No, I must go, I must go"; she explained to her sister-in-law the change in her plans in a tone that suggested that she had to remember so many things that there was no enumerating them: ‘no, it had really better be today!’

    10. The first step in any policy is identifying the needs and enumerating the methods to satisfy each need

    11. Audited financial statements, including footnotes, are particularly useful in describing and enumerating many of a concern’s encumbrances, albeit some potential encumbrances, such as necessary or desirable capital expenditures, may not be disclosed

    12. One of his distant relatives, Madame la Comtesse de Lo, rarely allowed an opportunity to escape of enumerating, in his presence, what she designated as "the expectations" of her three sons

    13. "No, I must go, I must go"; she explained to her sister-in-law the change in her plans in a tone that suggested that she had to remember so many things that there was no enumerating them: "no, it had really better be today!"

    14. How many martyrs have suffered for the doctrine of the world torments that I should find difficulty in enumerating!

    15. but what's the use of enumerating them all!”

    16. I could fill a volume by enumerating such combinations, not mentioned by science

    17. It is simply a declaration of the causes of the disavowal, so far from including the obnoxious idea of a knowledge in our Government of the incompetency of Erskine's powers, that in a manner it excludes that idea, by enumerating violation of instructions and want of authority as the only causes of the disavowal

    18. On the contrary, they constantly omit it, when formally enumerating those circumstances

    19. Jackson, also, in his letter of the 23d, when formally enumerating the causes of the disavowal, says expressly, that the disavowal was "because the agreement was concluded in violation of that gentleman's instructions, and altogether without authority to subscribe to the terms of it

    20. Jackson, though expressly enumerating the only causes which led to a disavowal, does not suggest this

    21. Six, enumerating all the coins bearing the names of Datames, mentions only those of the ordinary type of Sinope, with a Greek inscription

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    Synonymes pour "enumerate"

    enumerate itemise itemize recite count number numerate specify mention list cite identify recount rehearse