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    Utiliser "succumbs" dans une phrase

    succumbs exemples de phrases


    1. This planet succumbs to gravitational lock before this sun burns out, but they calculate they have about another billion Earth years, they think fusion power would seriously deplete the planet of water in less than two hundred million

    2. Once the Supreme Court succumbs to external (political) pressures or its own unqualified assumptions of Justice, without regard to legality, that legal body can no longer be properly considered an objective interpreter of our nation‘s laws; its critically-minded reviews and summary conclusions centering on the (penumbral) legality of questionable (historical) assumptions…

    3. But money is power, and power succumbs to flattery from people who use you for their own agenda

    4. The first possibility: she succumbs to and completely accepts what her

    5. If she partially succumbs and partially rebels, she

    6. control of her body, she succumbs to her fate as a woman

    7. Through my stories, I hope the reader understands the insanity the addicted gambler succumbs to, even in a very short time

    8. Even if he succumbs to any kind of disease, he will tide over the crisis very easily in a short time on account of his high standard of health and vitality

    9. But then he disobeys his Creator and succumbs to his whim until he moves from light to darkness

    10. Writings referring to the beast suggest a creature full of evilness and spreads destruction, but succumbs to a supernatural entity of light and goodness

    11. It is the less sensitively aware animal who succumbs to the perils and dangers of its environment

    12. That’s the thing if a girl succumbs quickly to a boy’s charm after his had his way with her he’ll tell all his friends about it and of course they’ll try their hand as well

    13. Still the plain straightforward question why a child of normally healthy parents and seemingly a healthy child and properly looked after succumbs unaccountably in early childhood (though other children of the same marriage do not) must certainly, in the poet's words, give us pause

    14. Though small companies die in dozens and the occasional middle-rank company succumbs, it is fairly rare for a major commercial undertaking to go belly up

    15. The emotion of greed is, of course, a disaster for anyone who succumbs to it because of the surge of adrenaline that runs through the body

    16. All these temptations are so great that they evidently intoxicate the author: he succumbs to them, and, though he continues to work out his novels as regards their forms, and does it even better than before, and even loves what he describes, he no longer loves what he describes because it is good and moral, that is, because it is loved by everybody, and hates what he describes not because it is bad and despised by everybody, but only because one thing accidentally pleases and another displeases him

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