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    1. ’ I said, kicking myself for the fatuous comment as soon as I hear it

    2. Looking through people and at the fatuous décor inside night clubs has become a tedious necessity

    3. Actually, inasmuch as instinct is an organism"s hard-wired behavior not under conscious control, it seems to be fatuous to speak of man as having an instinct for self-preservation

    4. present inspiration to you-- not only a shield from the fatuous thoughts which

    5. The audacity in trussing him like a pig and tormenting him rankled the pompous fat man much more than any fatuous threats

    6. truly fatuous and inhuman at that time!

    7. the river? So he can sit in a chair and fish for a few hours of his fatuous life on the

    8. Really one is very fatuous

    9. "Yamsi"--on the very quay-side so to speak--seems to furnish the Shakespearian touch of the comic to the real tragedy of the fatuous drowning of all these people who to the last moment put their trust in mere bigness, in the reckless affirmations of commercial men and mere technicians and in the irresponsible paragraphs of the newspapers booming these ships! Yes, a grim touch of comedy

    10. Why? You build a 45,000 tons hotel of thin steel plates to secure the patronage of, say, a couple of thousand rich people (for if it had been for the emigrant trade alone, there would have been no such exaggeration of mere size), you decorate it in the style of the Pharaohs or in the Louis Quinze style--I don't know which--and to please the aforesaid fatuous handful of individuals, who have more money than they know what to do with, and to the applause of two continents, you launch that mass with two thousand people on board at twenty-one knots across the sea--a perfect exhibition of the modern blind trust in mere material and appliances

    11. She was a ship commanded, manned, equipped--not a sort of marine Ritz, proclaimed unsinkable and sent adrift with its casual population upon the sea, without enough boats, without enough seamen (but with a Parisian cafe and four hundred of poor devils of waiters) to meet dangers which, let the engineers say what they like, lurk always amongst the waves; sent with a blind trust in mere material, light-heartedly, to a most miserable, most fatuous disaster

    12. This gossip of the inland Campo, so characteristic of the rulers of the country with its story of oppression, inefficiency, fatuous methods, treachery, and savage brutality, was perfectly known to Mrs

    13. In the contests that broke out at the end of his rule (which had kept peace in the country for a whole fifteen years) there was more fatuous imbecility, plenty of cruelty and suffering still, but much less of the old-time fierce and blindly ferocious political fanaticism

    14. The fatuous turmoil of greedy factions succeeding the tyranny of Guzman Bento seemed to bring his desire to the very door of opportunity

    15. The “kindness” for which fatuous fools like Mohmohtahny patted themselves sanctimoniously on the back was actually the greatest cruelty they could possibly have shown the heretics consigned to Zhynkyns for sorting and cleansing!

    16. You may have heard some rather fatuous remarks of Lord John Roxton's which seemed to imply that there was some—some resemblance " ——

    17. Several other women also chimed in, with an animus which none of them would have been so fatuous as to show but for the rollicking evening they had passed

    18. But they would not have adopted his suggestion had it not been so exactly congenial to their own temper of arrogance and tyranny and contempt for the people who meekly, year after year, presented themselves for the shearing with fatuous bleats of enthusiasm

    19. In his present situation I have no hesitation in saying he looked fatuous and grotesque

    20. It exploded the fatuous policy that causes the appearance in this city of those senseless, antiquated spectacles—food for neither adult nor juvenile—known as “Drury Lane pantomime,” a form of entertainment that in its native land has begun to languish

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    asinine fatuous inane dull foolish depressing inapt dreary dim uninteresting