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    retaining примеры предложений


    1. It was still hard to imagine that this had all been purchased with eleven retaining balls from hospital cart latch-pins

    2. For a few moments, I stood there and looked around wistfully, retaining a strange nostalgia for a wonderful experience that now seemed to have happened thousands of years ago

    3. into it while retaining whatever bucks you could spare

    4. At the dead end, for it was the wrong path after all, Dalzor lead them up on the stone retaining wall

    5. Upon the exportation of some foreign goods, of which it was expected that the importation would greatly exceed what was necessary for the home consumption, the whole duties are drawn back, without retaining even half the old subsidy

    6. If he employed it as a farming stock, in the cultivation of land, he could raise the rate of his profit only by retaining a greater portion, or, what comes to the same thing, the price of a greater portion, of the produce of the land; and as this could be done only by a reduction of rent, the final payment of the tax would fall upon the landlord

    7. In an attempt to protect me from flying cars, the poor animal had turned himself into a retaining wall, molding his torso around my


    9. These Heroes have been reborn countless times throughout history, sometimes retaining memories and abilities from past lives

    10. A far cry from the old systems, designed for a global population, divided between the market-driven capitalist West and the mainly socialist Eastern Alliance countries, retaining stability for decades, as did its population

    11. ” I said as I tried to fasten my seat belt while retaining some equilibrium

    12. Slipping into the driving seat, he undid the retaining clips and pushed the button that folded the collapsible roof back into the rear compartment

    13. Addressing his well wishers, his boyish countenance revealing signs of age however retaining its youthful glimmer, his delivery, once flawless, however a tad slower and unsteady, I was suddenly overcome by fits of tears

    14. The key to retaining political power, of course, is to replenish the political caldrons of potential victims or those in ―need‖

    15. The Articles of Confederation were conceived as a federation of ―United‖ States with each state retaining its own sovereignty and independence apart from assigned powers (otherwise) delegated to the federal government

    16. Although it is unlikely that aging societies will……or could, for that matter, be restored to their former rank, (age has a manner of setting limits on its own resiliencies or ability to heal itself), each retains a remarkable capacity (or genius) for transforming itself into something new, that is vibrant and wholesome although not altogether new however retaining, in some manner, its former character; allowing a society to maintain its relevancy in a changing environment in search of a ―new‖ identity

    17. The Present is informed by History; rejecting its failings, whenever appropriate, while retaining its merits

    18. Exiting his room, Elohat saw Dymos sitting astride a metal vent pipe, struggling to undo the retaining nuts on an inspection cover

    19. The practice of telling stories was their way of retaining the Wood Sprite history

    20. yet retaining outlines of that

    21. The Sioux, for instance, had brought their case for retaining the Black Hills before modern

    22. instead of retaining it; if only he knew that he could have enhanced

    23. sexual pleasure by retaining it rather than ejaculating it; if only he

    24. benefits of retaining semen

    25. experts on the subject have added that just retaining the fluid in the

    26. They have explained about retaining the power and moving the

    27. have understood, believed and practiced the theory of retaining sex

    28. love and romance that one can truly attain the expertise of retaining

    29. One was that retaining the semen would create

    30. Is it true that retaining this energy creates creative power?

    31. retaining their sex energy and transmuting it but those of you who

    32. salvation, while still retaining the status of God’s firstborn son, the leading one, the Lord

    33. retaining the superstition of the Jews

    34. Because Macmillan continually criticized me via phone, letter, and fax despite his receiving glowing reports about my performance from Admirals McGarrah and Martin, and Captains Passantino and Shafer, in the “front office,” and from all three of my ACOs—Platt, Krummel, and Schroeder—urging my promotion for purposes of retaining me, Macmillan and Kominers both continued to deny my promotion to -14, at one point raising the tautological point that because Pressly worked in OOX, I no longer had the required “direct report

    35. great many privileges and benefits, such as retaining their uniform, unit structure and chain of command

    36. He seated himself on a low retaining wall beside her and gave her a quick peck on the cheek, not wanting to break her concentration by giving a more thorough greeting

    37. 5 And Antiochus seeing him said 6 I would counsel you old man before your tortures begin to taste the pigs's flesh and save your life; for I feel respect for your age and hoary head which since you have had so long you appear to me to be no philosopher in retaining the superstition of the Jews

    38. Will not the Lord therefore because of this conduct of yours regarding His Spirit act in the same way and deliver you over to death? Assuredly I say he will do the same to all those whom He shall find retaining a recollection of offences

    39. Once past the peak of the half-moon bridge our tasks eased, and we managed to stumble into a shelter on the island, dropping the sacks but retaining our sweltering hoods

    40. After that the scalpels moved higher, from the drumsticks to the thighs, and still the basilisk would not die, retaining its spirited viciousness until killed outright by butchery of its abdomen—rolling and twitching on its belly in a parody of attempted escape

    41. retaining an impeccable calmness, yet his voice hinted at a

    42. Chris Meeks' mind was not so good at retaining the manufactured pseudo-memories

    43. humans were also capable of acquiring and retaining considerable more routines, of a more

    44. Nevertheless, my mind was all white and pawned in retaining its valued findings, if there was any, I did not understand it!

    45. Finally, seeing that she could not keep on retaining the words any longer, said:

    46. Those on the right had fared slightly better with 1 still retaining its roof

    47. By the time Chris looked up, all he could do was watch in horror as the big car punched its way through the wood and steel mesh in a shower of broken fiberglass and sailed through the retaining wall of the overpass, heading for the shopping precinct far below

    48. Tyrus, retaining his demon form, walked over to where the Devil was seated and

    49. He hit cat-like on his feet and one hand, instinctively retaining his grasp on his saber hilt

    50. themselves again as children, while retaining their adult perspectives

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