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    abolish Beispielsätze


    1. 14 For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us; 15 having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace; 16 and that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby: 17 and came and preached peace to you which were afar off, and to them that were nigh

    2. The religions of those nations that only bore bad fruit will be abolished and all nations will go to Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles (Isaiah 2:2, Zechariah 14:16)

    3. But there is an ultimate fulfillment of when the Kingdom comes and they are abolished

    4. The whole demonic presence is abolished

    5. He declares that He will completely abolish the wicked rulers and the wicked men that blaspheme and desecrate His name among the nations

    6. from (her) his dreams: the old curse abolished, evil without power

    7. Chemicals are not likely to be abolished

    8. 11“From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the

    9. These natural obstructions to the establishment of a better system, cannot be removed but by a long course of frugality and industry ; and half a century or a century more, perhaps, must pass away before the old system, which is wearing out gradually, can be completely abolished through all the different parts of the country

    10. Though the feudal system has been abolished in Spain and Portugal, it has not been succeeded by a much better

    11. and that she would suffer the Consequences… being as brilliant as she was, she abolished The realm of mathematical possibility which minimized time To pure “now” for the purposes of objective analyzing

    12. It is only in the western and south-western provinces of Europe that it has gradually been abolished altogether

    13. Slavery continued to take place almost universally for several centuries afterwards, till it was gradually abolished by the joint operation of the two interests above mentioned ; that of the proprietor on the one hand, and that of the sovereign on the other

    14. Great Britain is, I believe, the only monarchy in Europe where the oppression of purveyance has been entirely abolished

    15. He has abolished death and brought life and immortality to

    16. It is the interest of such a sovereign, therefore, to open the most extensive market for the produce of his country, to allow the most perfect freedom of commerce, in order to increase as much as possible the number and competition of buyers ; and upon this account to abolish, not only all monopolies, but all restraints upon the transportation of the home produce from one part of the country to mother, upon its exportation to foreign countries, or upon the importation of goods of' any kind for which it can be exchanged

    17. Those presents, it seems to have been supposed, could more easily be abolished altogether, than effectually regulated and ascertained

    18. , accordingly, though he did not embrace himself the greater part of the doctrines of the reformation, was yet enabled, by their general prevalence, to suppress all the monasteries, and to abolish the authority of the church of Rome in his dominions

    19. In Scotland, the most extensive country in which this presbyterian form of church government has ever been established, the rights of patronage were in effect abolished by the act which established presbytery in the beginning of the reign of William III

    20. The constitution which this act established, was allowed to subsist for about two-and-twenty years, but was abolished by the 10th of queen Anne, ch

    21. Soon after the Revolution, therefore, it was abolished as a badge of slavery

    22. In order to satisfy the people, the rich and the great were, upon several different occasions, obliged to consent to laws, both for abolishing debts, and for introducing new tables; and they probably were induced to consent to this law, partly for the same reason, and partly that, by liberating the public revenue, they might restore vigour to that government, of which they themselves had the principal direction

    23. Now just what does that statement tell us about her mind set? Still mired in slavery? Well, between England and America, we abolished it, and not without cost

    24. is not the perfect solution, (a relatively handful of densely populated states strategically allied could conceivably influence the course of an election), abolishing it would further erode the (already) marginalized impact of voters residing in thinly populated areas

    25. The EEC‘s Socialist Agenda has been constructed in a manner that seeks to eliminate (grassroots) autonomy altogether by gradually abolishing (national) social and cultural customs, imposing criminal sanctions against forms of behavior considered inappropriate or incompatible with standards of political correctness, superseding local political and legal authority with supranational (political) bodies and international courts, and (surprise!) imposing membership requirements mandating that each participating nation legalize abortion on demand, to mention few of its initiatives

    26. I envision a day when class distinctions, with the exception of two, (Master and Servant) will be formally abolished

    27. What: The genocide of the slave trade and slavery, central to the American economy from colonial times until it was abolished in steps

    28. The US international slave trade was abolished by Jefferson and Congress in 1807, though an internal slave trade continued until abolition

    29. The irony is that American presidents often more strongly opposed slavery at the start of US history, when much of the US public did not yet, and were more likely to be defenders of slavery as the time came close to it being abolished

    30. ) None of the other future US states were practical for plantations, so it was merely a matter of time until slavery could be abolished by vote

    31. A final slave revolt at last forced Spain to abolish slavery

    32. Lincoln won the Civil War, keeping the United States united and abolishing slavery

    33. This is far from abolished, but it is still a great achievement

    34. In those southern areas that remain Union, slavery will be abolished

    35. Confederate apologists often claim the Confederacy would abolish slavery on its own

    36. Cotton price collapses might be the only thing to lead to abolishing slavery

    37. The Thirteenth Amendment formally abolishing slavery was passed under Lincoln

    38. That one simple move would abolish the astronomical profit and, for that alone, criminals would abandon the trade, exactly as when similarly prohibitive liquor laws were repealed

    39. We now have an even greater reason for abolishing the EPA for since the election of Barrack Obama the

    40. It is obvious that the Congress is trying to curb the EPA but an even better solution is to abolish it

    41. project to clean up our environment generally complete and abolish the EPA and turn over the

    42. the above problems are due to our government"s obedience to environmental groups and abolishing the

    43. abolishing this department and allowing the states to solve our energy problems

    44. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration should be abolished

    45. So, let"s abolish farm subsidies and the federal Department of Agriculture and save a bunch of

    46. The National Labor Relations Board should be abolished

    47. Since it is so clearly prone to issue decisions that favor one side or the other and since it is foreign to our form of government it should be abolished

    48. However, these do not have to be abolished entirely

    49. In addition, class action lawsuits should be abolished since they really are a way to enrich

    50. We should abolish the Department of Energy and we will not need to

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    Synonyme für "abolish"

    eliminate liquidate eradicate obliterate remove annul cancel