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accuracy Beispielsätze
1. Strapped under each arm he carried ornate forged steel blades, ceremonial daggers, razor sharp, designed for surgical accuracy
2. ’ He said with uncanny accuracy
3. He explained that he was keeping a record of everything that was taking place; he insisted on accuracy in everything
4. Andrew was astonished at the accuracy of this young mans hand
5. For his part, the great politician broke off from his prepared text and brought his verbal guns to bear on the heckler, just as he had done with unfailing accuracy so many times before
6. He seemed to possess a sublime accuracy and alacrity with a football that he had never been aware of before
7. to possess a sublime accuracy and alacrity with a football that he
8. Their accuracy showed that they were well prepared and apparently had been practicing for very long time
9. At a flick of Kai’s hand a barrage returned the gesture, but with deadlier accuracy
10. accuracy of the representation but, if it was correct, then the
11. Allcock lifted the bill and went over the listed items of fare with Harry, After establishing its accuracy, he offered pointers for determining the appropriate surcharges and tip
12. paper attacker with pinpoint accuracy
13. After that, she had a fantastic résumé for leadership, accuracy, and durability
14. regain his pinpoint accuracy, Roman had the game in hand when he stepped on the
15. 'With a wind like this it could reach the moons,’ he murmured, as the rain began to lash his tent with unerring accuracy
16. Though she gained some accuracy by standing on a coiled rope, Nerissa’s missiles had no effect
17. with surprising accuracy, use that to your advantage
18. There is something that requires precision and accuracy
19. However, filtering also limits your ability to see the world as it is, and casts doubt on the accuracy of what you think you know about reality
20. I must likewise observe, that the accounts I have received of the prices of former times, have been by no means quite uniform and consistent, and an old man of great accuracy and experience has assured me, that, more than fifty years ago, a guinea was the usual price of a barrel of good merchantable herrings; and this, I imagine, may still be looked upon as the average price
21. By supplying them, as nearly as he can judge, in this proportion, he is likely to sell all his corn for the highest price, and with the greatest profit ; and his knowledge of the state of the crop, and of his daily, weekly, and monthly sales, enables him to judge, with more or less accuracy, how far they really are supplied in this manner
22. The accuracy of numerology is another testimony that life on Earth is not haphazardly planned
23. ‘But it’s calibrated to be within fifty pico seconds accuracy
24. The reader, I believe, may depend upon the accuracy of both accounts
25. The ones who did make it to shore fell prey to either the mines machine guns or got entangled in the barbed wire on top of this were the bloody snipers who picked people off with deadly accuracy
26. “Maps the only maps I have seen of this peninsula came from some pre war tourist guide and so had no accuracy what so ever and I truly believe that the devil himself would give this place a wide birth let alone any tourists
27. They question the accuracy and validity of the information recorded in those texts
28. In short then: Showing evidence of the Bible’s supernatural design, the proven accuracy of the many facts within our means to accurately analyse, then we should also be able to rely on the information for which we have no verifiable answer
29. 4 The discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls in the Qumran caves between 1947 and 1956, confirmed the accuracy that was maintained over centuries
30. When a modern-day manuscript is compared to one found in the Qumran collection, the remarkable reliability and accuracy with which the scribes copied the documents, is evident and the teachings contained in these documents, is found to be identical, with some stylistic variances and slight variances on spelling here and there
31. We should look out for prophecies, that were predicted and then fulfilled with 100% accuracy, by verifying events from history
32. None could correctly predict the future with clarity and accuracy as the Bible does
33. The number of predictions about future events contained within the Bible and the fact that we find that all events that have occurred in our past, came true with 100% accuracy, not failing once in accuracy or timing, should leave one with sobering thoughts about the events predicted for our future
34. The fact that more than two thirds of all prophecies in the Bible have been fulfilled on time with 100% accuracy, should convince us of the accuracy of prophecies still to be fulfilled
35. Returning to the prophecies about Jesus, we have only touched on three Messianic prophecies that have been fulfilled by Jesus with 100% accuracy
36. The survey and valuation of Silesia was made by order of the present king, it is said, with great accuracy
37. When he read it, he was so impressed with the accuracy of it, that he provided the Jews with incentives to return to Jerusalem and rebuild their city
38. Comparing this prophecy with what happened on the night when Cyrus invaded Babylon, we also have the following passage in Daniel where we see remarkable accuracy in the events that took place
39. To construct the patterns, models or the numerical design in the structure of the text, while at the same time predicting events in the distant future with 100% accuracy, both in the surface text and in codes embedded in the text, would be absolutely impossible for a human to achieve
40. H: -- Penning prophecies of future events before they happen, ensuring that in all cases each prophecy is fulfilled with 100% accuracy and immaculate timing in every respect
41. Each letter on each page in the original languages has been placed exactly in its position with the utmost accuracy and intent
42. With this track record of absolute accuracy, how should we approach information that is provided in the Bible with regards to events that will only happen in the future or information about the Creation account? Should these be treated differently? Are we supposed to apply our own interpretation of information contained in the Bible for which we are unable to provide verifiable evidence? Especially when we know that for all cases in which we are able to collect data, the Bible’s accuracy is proven to be 100% true
43. How then should we treat those statements or sections from the Bible which we are unable to verify authenticity? Would it be accurate to assume that if we can prove 100% factual truth in all cases, would it be fair to treat the sections or passages for which we lack the evidence or foresight into the future, with exactly the same attitude? Would it be stretching it too far to think that we can demonstrate scientifically that the Bible as a whole is a supernatural unity and that we can accept with certainty that it contains true information on all aspects - even on subjects that we are unable to validate, due to our limitations? If we know that the information contained in this Book, predicted events that would happen in the future with 100% accuracy and continue to predict future events which we cannot assess from our point in time, should we not pay serious attention to what it says about those future events?
44. The rent of houses might easily be ascertained with sufficient accuracy, by a policy of the same kind with that which would be necesary for ascertaining the ordinary rent of land
45. Even if we do not understand all the mechanics and processes that God used to perform his creative work, we know, based on the provable accuracy of the Bible, that the sequence of events as recorded in the Bible, has to be accurate
46. Based on the Bible’s accuracy, when it comes to prophecy, we know with 100% certainty that this will happen sometime in the future
47. This is because the seven-wood swings as easily as a six-iron, but gives the golfer more distance and accuracy
48. He had even mapped the cycle of their activity; developed a mathematical formula of dynamic patterning that could predict a future action with ninety-eight per cent accuracy
49. Though there were no means of testing the accuracy of this statement, it must be accepted with the proverbial grain of salt
50. But then, the same knife-clad man was sitting here, drawing her pictures with—she leaned closer for a good look—amazing accuracy