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    Verwenden Sie „aware“ in einem Satz

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    1. going to be someone who is focused on achieving your goals then you have to be aware of that

    2. Be aware of that time us it to do

    3. need to be, in order to have that?” When they are innately aware of the answer to that question, they would immediately do what they needed to

    4. Again, I am not telling you to cut this stuff out completely but be aware of how often you are consuming it

    5. If you find yourself eating fast food a lot, be aware that there are healthier food options out there

    6. ” Kira was aware of becoming slightly irritated

    7. aware of your intuition and take the small actions necessary to honor those intuitions

    8. Be aware that even young people may hurt themselves with home appliances or swallow nonfood items such as cleansers if they are left within reach

    9. As most couples are aware, men and women respond differently to stress

    10. I don’t know if I believe that dreams are God sending us messages like my mom does, but I do think sometimes that I know things that I don’t know when I’m conscious and aware

    11. Once you become aware of your truth, you will come to know that all things are possible

    12. We were aware of the fact that the universe is abundant, and that anything was possible

    13. Use your intellect and intuition to become really aware of yourself

    14. One should not be afraid of persons but be aware of the consequences of one’s actions

    15. As gardeners, we must be aware that many plants are dangerous when ingested

    16. So unless we listen, we do not become aware of his response

    17. Trying to comfort her, though horribly aware that there is nothing I can say which will make things better, I sit beside her uttering soothing noises, one arm round her shoulders as she sobs for some minutes

    18. I go in and shake hands with the man standing behind the desk while at the same time I am uncomfortably aware that he is scanning what I am wearing, leaving me with the disconcerting impression that he knows what colour my knickers are

    19. And hell itself was aware of this

    20. ’ I reiterated calmly, more than ever aware of how much

    21. All that Smith was aware of was the equivalent of a cosmic itch, and

    22. aware of self and place and time, and of the difference between places and times and

    23. I was surprised at how quickly I became aware of alternative ways of interpreting my strange new home

    24. From having heard the others talking, I am aware that when ‘kissing’ people on stage, one merely pretends and makes it look as real as one can

    25. I am also aware that in some congregations there have been matters brought before

    26. Maybe because he saw on some subconscious level he was already aware of how close Wambach was to losing it

    27. That said, I am very aware that it will be different again when we have an audience out there

    28. The nicotine rush faded almost as quickly as it had hit me, leaving me feeling slightly nauseous but suddenly very aware of something new and wonderful

    29. It is imperative that we are aware

    30. be easier to deceive her? Adam went into sin fully aware of what he was doing

    31. As we walk around the Acropolis, I begin a conversation that is hopefully a start of a new, candid relationship with my son, "Apollo, I realize you are aware why Seth and the other members of the Corsair will be here tomorrow

    32. Aware at first of only my own shuffle and ache, I gradually began to distinguish other movements and routines within the close confines of these bare walls

    33. This writer is well aware that the matters discussed in this chapter are essential in a

    34. You alternate between the absolute frustration of never being able to make physical contact, aware all the time that the only thing separating you is the lath and plaster of flimsy internal walls

    35. Slowly, as if a soft, breezeless tide were creeping up a gently sloping sandy shore line, I became aware of waves in the distance, and slowly I tuned into the echo of my exhalations

    36. He was very aware of how well 3D reality could be simulated

    37. As soon as they were awakened back in 2332, he was aware that Brasil had only grown stronger while they slept between the stars

    38. There was something feral about Beniamin’s mannerisms, as if he were a rabbit in a deep, dank warren, aware that ferrets were already prowling the tunnels and that there was no chance of escape

    39. "We are aware of that, although I understand he is still returning some data?"

    40. A steady hum … something alien? … machinery? … the woman in the bed became aware of consciousness … and with that broader wakefulness came other sensations

    41. ’ Kara explained, all too aware of how tenuous it all sounded

    42. When we become more aware of a new desire – something that

    43. but it does empower us to become aware of what resistance is

    44. Be aware of

    45. As you become more aware of what your body does in

    46. All that Smith was aware of was the equivalent of a cosmic itch, and he endured the madness of the itch because he was impotence personified, that impotence inherent in not quite understanding the concept of the scratch, Smith unwittingly agreed with the future earthly Buddha in that He found the unformulated conjecture of eternal peace to be vexatious and maddening

    47. To love silence, Smith realised, meant that as the creator He had become aware of self and place and time, and of the difference between places and times and selves, none of which could ever have existed in a true void

    48. questing for truth to become fully present and aware as to

    49. In turn, more people are going to learn about the contest when you use the social media site to promote it, and you are going to receive more response and more photos for the contest when a larger audience is aware of it

    50. still not aware that the snap would come,

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    Synonyme für "aware"

    aware cognisant cognizant mindful apprised informed advised notified familiar with enlightened apprehensive conscious observant appreciative attentive alive sensible