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    1. The Word, Head of the Church, Provider, Resurrection,

    2. that God only move in the church

    3. Have you considered turning to the Church as they could

    4. This does not mean the Church does not have to

    5. It is a myth that some church people thinks that God is

    6. they went into the church in first place

    7. Beside I think it is crazy to model around the church

    8. read about in the bible and in church history is still

    9. always in our lives? The answer is simple, the church got

    10. Paul prayed for the church to see

    11. This is very common in the Church these days

    12. Worshiping God in the Church is not

    13. Church is subjected to time set for that worship service

    14. Rev: 2:1: Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; these things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his

    15. God will restore back His glory to the church

    16. Moreover, God’s glory should not end in the church but it

    17. don’t want to see your power and glory in the church

    18. and those we heard about in Church history

    19. Christopher—back then Topher went by his full name—had always loved going to the Unitarian Universalist Church in Titusville every Sunday

    20. Christopher felt a guilty thrill about going to church on Sundays

    21. She and Topher used to get high after church and debate spiritual truths, at least before his anxiety got worse and couldn’t leave the house

    22. It was about how singing, especially in a congregation like in a church, was actually beneficial to one’s health

    23. It’s a large village with a very active social spirit and I know Emma and Adrian get involved in a lot of the activities which, as has been the case throughout the centuries, are in the main organised by the church generally and, more specifically, by the vicar

    24. The fact he talked Emma into having Barney baptised at the church says it all really – Emma is not what you would call religious minded

    25. Jewish leaders called the speech “a step backward” and were disappointed by the Vatican’s anti-Semitism, believing that this speech will cause some Jews to close dialogue with the Catholic Church

    26. A church? A bar? None of the obvious places for seeking

    27. Probably the local church collecting for something

    28. outdated, that it was characteristic to the early Church only

    29. However, we are the same Church! The Church is

    30. But in the church she attended

    31. As we drive back though the village, I look about myself with interest, I’ve not been to this part of the world much … nice little church they’ve got there … looks old

    32. "I could be a clone?" she asked, picking up on the very pregnant 'might have been' and worried that she was committing the greatest sacrilege the church knows

    33. "We and they may be all that survives of the Pan Solar League and the Christial Church

    34. All the authority given by Jesus must be manifested through the Church,

    35. all things to the church,

    36. Church have such authority on the earth which we have not realized yet,

    37. time I could only be in two places: at my son’s bedside and at church

    38. church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the

    39. strong faith, then act wisely – call the elders of the church who believe

    40. hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own

    41. “One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity; (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of

    42. ” When the leaders of the church are

    43. strong and teach the word’s of Christ then great things will happen in the church

    44. members of the church

    45. The church must always seek to be led in the manner in which God has set forth in his Word

    46. and is presently working with the Lone Star Church of Christ in Falls of Rough, Kentucky

    47. Since there remains such an urgent need for more qualified elders in the Lord's church it behooves all of us as preachers to realize more our responsibility in teaching and training these men

    48. reliance upon him and have thus created a "pastor" system of church government that is foreign to New Testament teaching

    49. Let it be noted first of all that the preacher is not a pastor of the church unless he is qualified and has been appointed as such in the church

    50. prayer when it comes to directing the affairs of the church

    1. Since 2005 he has home churched with families in the

    2. spider churched in the pages of the Mothers book

    3. They're often more firmly united than those who have been churched

    1. is common in our churches today

    2. churches that are full of God’s glory

    3. How do we justify the exploitation of poor, wastage of food, raping women, killing people, settling disputes through war, grabbing land to build temples, churches, mosques in God’s name and minting money on the name of faith and so on

    4. Failure to perceive the spiritual principles of the leadership involved in the eldership has led to many destructive, devastating, and disastrous results in too many churches

    5. Paul instructed the churches of Galatia on how to deal with those in sin

    6. It is becoming more apparent in bulletins that more churches are more interested in softball, basketball, camping, and

    7. Churches must start teaching young people about what it means to be a servant of Christ

    8. This should be the first consideration of all the churches of our Lord

    9. However, "Majority and/or Minority Rule" is not concluded in many churches of our Lord today

    10. Decisions have to be made in churches which have no elders

    11. Traditionally, in churches of Christ, decisions in churches without elders have

    12. The impact of this Feminist Revolution on churches of Christ can be seen in a growing

    13. be in their positions of service today, many churches would not be in existence, and most congregations would languish! Women have taught other women, their own children, and

    14. your women keep silence in the churches, for they are not permitted to speak; but they are Ch

    15. How? It is because when you examine the life of Paul and the words that he wrote to the Churches abroad, you find that his character is so Christ-like that we must conclude he and Christ were indeed one

    16. Many of our churches that practice the Spiritual gifts abuse them

    17. Heaven forbid that we even start to think that what we see practiced in our Charismatic churches even slightly resembles what we see in the Book of Acts

    18. If our churches are not united, then we need to repent and desperately seek the God who has torn down the dividing wall of hostility

    19. ’ Joris pointed out gently ‘Here and in Italy you will find churches much like the ones you would see on Earth but the Catholic church didn’t spread much further than this; there are some churches like this in France, but very few

    20. A break-water, the quayside, two churches, village houses and fishing boats

    21. He always liked churches, that was one of the things that comforted him the most about religion was the grand spaces where it was practiced

    22. With the popularity of Christianity it became customary to build new churches over alternative temples of worship in an attempt to obliterate earlier influences

    23. But if any man seems to be contentious, we have no such custom, neither the churches of

    24. Fortunately, I bought a local paper last weekend … mainly because there was write up of the concert in it … but I’m pretty sure I saw something about services at local churches in it

    25. incense (it wasn’t as popular in the churches of Troyes)

    26. churches opened their doors and

    27. Georges Cathedral is one of the tal est wooden churches in South America

    28. of churches and museums

    29. churches and testing the acoustics, or something), and

    30. magical as we explored the churches, streets and squares

    31. Seven churches of the region of Asia Minor are addressed, as

    32. It is interesting that five of those seven churches were

    33. It is interesting that He called three of the five churches to

    34. The churches of Sardis and Laodicea had become complacent in

    35. Much in the way that God revealed to the seven churches of Asia

    36. To the five churches

    37. I see a breed of church planters arising that birth churches

    38. filled with people from other churches

    39. focus on the problems within their churches, cities, and families

    40. churches there did not become like leaven in their community

    41. I mentioned earlier churches could get a booth at the local

    42. In 2009, many of the churches came together to worship and

    43. I told several stories of congregations that gave to other churches who were in need

    44. churches shared what they had, including their pastors and

    45. The example of the churches

    46. of Scotland, of Geneva, and of several other protestant churches, may satisfy us, that in so

    47. Churches or denominations are about guessing what God wants from us

    48. Too often missionary churches have done irreparable harm to native societies before they received proper study," Elmore said

    49. not a specified leader of Christian churches at that

    50. churches, Jesus is shown mostly during his

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    Synonyme für "church"

    church church service church building christian church house of worship temple tabernacle denomination congregation persuasion affiliation Christendom pope rite prayer ritual mass meeting oratory