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    perfection Beispielsätze


    1. It was art, perfection, ultimate… Ackers stopped in his unrestrained admiration

    2. with all perfection, it can only ever last for the briefest moment

    3. the chandeliers in slowly decreasing tones of pitch perfection before being absorbed

    4. Absolute perfection, Johnny thought, would be a glass of chilled Bollinger,

    5. We can reach perfection

    6. he smelled again the viscera of sweet perfection, except that in the telling of these

    7. Silence was a perfection of void and nothing

    8. In spite of the perfection of Paradis, and the certainty that every setting on every houri in his palace was a far greater symbol of delight than any of them, he missed the mothers of his children

    9. I played the part of the pouting three year old to perfection

    10. She seemed almost translucent, but deep and ancient in her marble perfection

    11. perceive it as a gift of perfection, it is helpful to

    12. together in utter perfection

    13. in utter perfection for the Optimal Outcome of ALL

    14. and the perfection of absolute simplicity,

    15. The character necessary for that City is absolute perfection

    16. and his skin is airbrushed perfection,

    17. The effort needed for the perfection of this advanced posture will greatly improve your powers of concentration and in addition to the benefits to the muscles of the arms and torso the deep breathing will help congested lungs and bronchial tubes and the posture tones up the entire nervous system

    18. a hazy memory of perfection,

    19. Their bodies are brought to physical perfection, and their minds share the knowledge

    20. They were changed in appearance; they were stronger, more muscular, their bodies fine-tuned to perfection, every inch leaders among men

    21. It is beautiful to look at, and when I explain the benefits of this lovely asana you will surely want to keep practicing it until you can perform it to perfection

    22. Don't chase too hard toward the least significant digits of perfection," Byia told her

    23. Who else can heal as they can? Who else can restore a body to perfection as they can do? I think this is a gift from them to you and Sam

    24. Calling on every ounce of his experience and all of his blithe abilities, honed to perfection through dealing with cabinet crises and the terrier snappings of the gutter press, the great politician read through a few pages silently

    25. His goal scoring reached ever-greater levels of perfection and he was instrumental in helping his country fight their way to third place in the next World Cup

    26. His goal scoring reached ever-greater levels of perfection

    27. and a never ceasing perfection toward that end, at any level

    28. perfection of the being that is yourself

    29. do this because we do not understand the truth about the perfection of

    30. be experienced for what it is — perfection

    31. Be joyful about al decisions as they always bring to you perfection in

    32. They were all well cleaned and nicely battered, toasted to perfection and served inverted, hottest on the bottom, so they could commence powering thru them as soon as the basket was set in front of them

    33. attendees were dressed to perfection, the guys reluctantly in their suits and ties, and

    34. She was very pretty, brown hair and brown eyes, calves of perfection

    35. Yet also he was clearly aware of the orange rays, the eerie hooting of the lumin’s song, the softness of the tiny leaves beneath them and the perfection of her skin to a level beyond that given by mortal senses

    36. The simplicity and perfection brought a smile to his face

    37. For six years he’d been on a steady ascension to perfection

    38. He had to admit, as much as he sought to train himself to physical perfection – he was tired

    39. Tetloan’s form was still far from perfect, but like the One Elf taught him; what he lacked in perfection, he could compensate for with brute force and power

    40. Unclothed she was a shining vision of unmodified perfection

    41. In Great Britain, and some other northern countries, the finer fruits cannot Be brought to perfection but by the assistance of a wall

    42. That the vineyard, when properly planted and brought to perfection, was the most valuable part of the farm, seems to have been an undoubted maxim in the ancient agriculture, as it is in the modern, through all the wine countries

    43. The poor, in order to obtain food, exert themselves to gratify those fancies of the rich ; and to obtain it more certainly, they vie with one another in the cheapness and perfection of their work

    44. In order to see it to perfection, some elves spent their lives on a single piece of work -- nearly a millennium

    45. Though it is late, therefore, in the progress of improvement, before cattle can bring such a price as to render it profitable to cultivate land for the sake of feeding them; yet of all the different parts which compose this second sort of rude produce, they are perhaps the first which bring this price ; because, till they bring it, it seems impossible that improvement can be brought near even to that degree of perfection to which it has arrived in many parts of Europe

    46. perfect, and so the idea resists, as the perfection is not

    47. He was the mirror-opposite of Mila Dosanti: she was a sexual goddess that embodied perfection of the human form

    48. She not only flaunted her perfection, but enhanced it with the Oneness, ensuring that it was impossible for all who neared her to take note of her stunning beauty

    49. the verge of perfection

    50. Yet with the age of Aquarius—ego no longer holds The focus; but rather the entire social stratosphere is Born out of the unconscious: a coming of Capricorn’s Use of the perfection of science only found in the Collective unconscious reveals itself through history

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    Synonyme für "perfection"

    perfection beau ideal idol paragon flawlessness ne plus ultra consummation realisation realization fulfilment achievement culmination ideal superiority faultlessness incomparability supremacy model quintessence standard idealisation idealization ultimate crown precision accuracy correctness rightness exactitude goodness virtue holiness