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    1. Recent studies have shed light on this phenomenon

    2. If it was a naturally occurring phenomenon, Archimedes could predict it

    3. This phenomenon is

    4. “Right, it could be that this whole phenomenon he's picking up is part of a self-replicating network that was released by Brasil a hundred years after we left

    5. Counted among the best of the newest matchmaking phenomenon of the advanced

    6. privacy of your home as you exchange news and views, there's a lot this phenomenon has

    7. " That was still seven months away and he doubted that this phenomenon would continue into the Kuiper belt because it was too warm for condensates to form

    8. "There are other phenomenon that can effect instruments," Thom said

    9. I want to go back and re-examine that impactor to see if it shares this new phenomenon

    10. They were discussing the phenomenon they were chasing, which they had already observed even before they finished the calibration

    11. I have seen this phenomenon on countless occasions,

    12. This inexplicable phenomenon is not restricted to the

    13. and that the phenomenon of trapped emotions will

    14. This result is a phenomenon I call “overload”, which

    15. this phenomenon the “Heart-Wall”, and here is how

    16. Terry and his magic shin pads were a phenomenon; they

    17. Belatedly, he realised that he was experiencing that phenomenon

    18. He took out his pocket watch, opened it and read again, Time is the uniquely subjective phenomenon

    19. ” Then he continued, “This inner halving, or doubling, is precisely what gives rise to the fractal phenomenon

    20. Lastly, however, although I studied Jung extensively in school, I never read anything about his studies into ‘occult phenomenon

    21. see this phenomenon – not wanting to look a gift horse in

    22. "You do understand that those extra chances you gave him have made this expedition a planet-wide media phenomenon and cost all of us the opportunity of ever sending more probes to the surface?"

    23. On the opposite end of the spectrum a similar phenomenon takes places while life goes on forever and ever, in an endless loop, where the past meets the present and goes on with its incessant renewal and evolution

    24. Scientists considering the phenomenon from this limited angle can rightly come to the conclusion that the space-time notion is finite

    25. In fact, no scientist can fully explain the phenomenon and neither can I

    26. Personal experiences lead me to believe that the phenomenon is not only possible but that we realize it on a regular basis, in one way or another, without being conscious of the fact

    27. Puberty saw the return of this phenomenon for one night

    28. The resident physician couldn’t explain the phenomenon

    29. Tohm laughed aloud, “Yes, Time is the uniquely subjective phenomenon

    30. A glimmer of recognition and far deeper understanding of the wrinkle phenomenon welled up within her

    31. “If it's any help, we of Breuges have always privately held out the faint hope it might be some cosmic phenomenon that would do for us what our scientists couldn't

    32. a phenomenon often called the ‘Global Cooling’), which will then take the planet to the next Ice Age

    33. Today, there is even an International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS) for those who wish to obtain more information on such a phenomenon

    34. This phenomenon is consistent with the notion that the creative process is a continuous one

    35. Approaching the Lyridian-7 region, this was the edge of where the phenomenon was known to be affecting space with its most intense sign-wave

    36. Chris was beginning to conclude that it could not be a natural phenomenon, for two reasons

    37. Only a year ago of local time Zorandi himself had experienced the merest fraction of a second of this phenomenon; it sent him back to his childhood

    38. A time dilational phenomenon as a layer around an opposing force

    39. With our energy at an all time low, in the midst of the desert, someone screamed, “A sandstorm!” We stared at the on-coming phenomenon

    40. 4 If we wanted to perform an experiment that would prove that galaxies and other celestial objects in space are in general moving away from us, how would we go about doing this? The initial thought that led people to believe that objects are moving away from Earth (and that the Universe, as a result of this, is thought to be expanding), originated when they encountered the red-shift phenomenon when viewing the majority of stars and/or galaxies

    41. We touched on this in previous chapters, but will now look at this phenomenon in a little more detail

    42. 5 Considering that the majority of the science community accepts that the speed of light has always had a constant value; the only explanation that would fit this phenomenon, would be to assume that objects are in fact, moving away from us and that the red-shift, is caused by the resulting Doppler Effect

    43. What makes this phenomenon even more mind-boggling is the fact that we are working here with a genealogy – people’s names

    44. This phenomenon is found throughout the Bible, in both the Old and New Testament

    45. The next phenomenon that we will consider is that of Equidistant Letter Sequences or ELS that are found in the original text of the Bible

    46. This phenomenon was first discovered in the 1200s AD by rabbis who had devoted their lives to the preservation of the original texts contained in the Bible

    47. If we analyse this phenomenon somewhat, it is logical to expect the word “Torah” to be found at various intervals throughout the Torah, due to the length of the word

    48. If we consider the accurate letter skips that are used in each case, the unique and defined starting positions in each book, and the patterns that are mirrored around Leviticus; it is statistically much more improbable that this phenomenon occurred as a result of mere chance

    49. For this phenomenon to have been included in the text by accident, we would have to multiply our already impossible odds of constructing the numerical structure of the text by another 3,000,000 to obtain the odds of this being a result of chance

    50. Although some sceptics of this phenomenon have found similar patterns in secular books, their results were within statistically expected values

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    Synonyme für "phenomenon"

    phenomenon circumstance aspect appearance fact happening incident occurrence miracle prodigy wonder