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skim Beispielsätze
1. The car sat up and seemed to skim across the surface water like a steroidal jet ski, and still he pushed and pulled at the wheel, desperate for more speed
2. Barks and hoots and hands flap and skim the air,
3. I skim through the diary entries for the years 1950-57 again, looking for any spark of personality, a mention of a friend
4. Idly, she picked up a stone and tried to skim it … it sank … but she didn’t care
5. It is also not as watery as skim milk
6. skim and find the information they’re looking for
7. For those who skim through the video, they may be interested but not 100%
8. Yum—and with a big glass of cold whole milk to wash it all down! (Have you ever drunk that watered-down skim or 2% stuff? Man alive, ya might as well just have a slurp of country creek water rather than…)
9. For example, use skim milk instead of regular milk and low fat cheese instead of regular cheese
10. Finishing things off with a cold glass of skim milk, I retired to the dining room
11. Acron couldn't achieve the height he desired, so he appeared to skim across the pond's surface
12. I skim the wall with my fingertips
13. Tobias’s eyes skim my bare legs, making my face warm
14. I skim the lingering shower water from the back of my neck with my palm
15. analysing the report itself, but only to skim through it
16. I sit at the island, sip my coffee, and slide the paper over to skim through the news headlines
17. So if you’re a bit put-off by the term lifestyle, please don’t skim over this section
18. Both flying slow and nose high, with gear and flaps hanging, looking like two bush turkeys flapping and tossing their heads as they skim the jungle forest looking for a safe place to alight
19. at the time, and I only had about a minute to skim a section that
20. 2% covers up my problems where skim lacks that skill
21. In her friendships she enjoys variety, but they rarely run deep, she prefers her friendships to skim the surface
22. Create a good offer and compelling call-to-action, and present it early in your message – readers skim
23. To begin with, they could understate the money put in and skim cash that way
24. After you have read a chapter in books about investing, making money and improving yourself, skim back through with a highlighter(if they are your books) the bits that make great statements
25. Nick, of course, did not fully appreciate the significance of his find and, instead of explaining, we handed him the diaries and waited while he exchanged his funny little glasses for another pair and began to skim through the copper plate script at great speed
26. With their faces towards the active water, Mitchell felt the long nails Brook sported, methodically skim his back
27. Above them at the surface, he could see snorkelers skim along the top of the ocean, with waves refracting the direct sunlight
28. I slowly started to skim each entry Google has provided
29. Even skim milk is fatty
30. So if you"re a bit put-off by the term lifestyle, please don"t skim over this section
31. His blood boils as he growls back, “God damn it! What happened to the skim?!”
32. Skim the grease off the top and add the stew meat
33. • Give at least 5-10 minutes to skim through the answer sheet that you have not
34. Not only that, but we have also been convinced that low fat and skim milk is best, when nothing could be further from the truth
35. Skim the waters of the deep canyon
36. Bring to a boil, skim off any foam, cover and reduce heat to simmer
37. Nigel picked it up and started to skim through the
38. salvation and eternal life, but they sometimes skim over the fact that
39. See, I am always anxious to get back quickly to the surface of things, anxious to skim lightly over the places where tears, happy or miserable, lie, and not to touch with so much as the brush of a wing the secret tenderness’s of the soul
40. She was, I think, turning over in her mind whether she would give herself the relief of complete unreserve, or continue for a few more days to skim round on the outskirts of confidences
41. (Visi Jet PS, Slim Skim Protein Skimmer), protein skimmers that hang on the back of the tank and those designed for use in a sump
42. monitoring their salinity levels they may notice that it will start to drop as they skim wet
43. Cook on low heat for three minutes and skim off the foam that forms on top
44. Dolores learned to skim the milk
45. • Skim the book: Read a sentence here, a sentence there
46. But you often carefully skim over the descriptions of the scenery to focus on the action of the main characters
47. No one gets addicted to skim milk, for example
48. so that your prospects can skim the contents, and still see the full force of your message
49. I ask you my silly questions, as you call them, and you skim on the surface
50. In fact, the only reason he would go along with this rip-off was that as soon as they had the money, he would skim some off the top
1. After a few years of nothing but Christmas cards and the odd stilted letter between the two women, which Sheila skimmed over rather ineffectually, Don’s job in Italy ended and they went home to Scotland
2. and skimmed across the roof tops, turning dead-head flowers to
3. Casually he threw a flat stone and it skimmed across the river, falling just short of the bank on the other side
4. She wears no make up and has skimmed her hair with the brush
5. Andy’s memory went into fast rewind as he skimmed over the events of the last few weeks; he debated speedily which bits he could safely put in and which it would be best to leave out
6. He looked back over his responses and skimmed his essays, the looked to be sure there were no other pages of the test which he might have overlooked, satisfied, he replaced his paperwork in the envelope, wrote his full name upon the flap, and raised his hand
7. The little offals of their own table, their whey, skimmed milk, and butter milk, supply those animals with a part of their food, and they find the rest in the neighbouring fields, without doing any sensible damage to any body
8. My hands skimmed across his chest to lay flat against his firm abdomen
9. I skimmed through the parts that had nothing to do with the demon
10. But those moments had already skimmed past on the stream of time, like the hot streams of water washing over her
11. blubber melted into oil where it was skimmed off the surface,
12. Jack skimmed through the book, a reflection on how he wanted to
13. Her eyes skimmed over the bookcases filled with classical literature
14. ‘I guess being saved more than once is too much to expect from Him,’ Elekka said, watching through the view screen as the XK3 skimmed above the seabed, unnervingly hitting the odd lump of rock
15. The three Officers skimmed through the statements and I could see their eyebrows lifting
16. Far away, so faint that she almost missed them, two stars skimmed across the horizon
17. His free hand skimmed over my body, up from my thigh, under the shirt, and then he was pulling it off over my head
18. “You will see,” he murmured as his lips skimmed my ear
19. Another thing they didn’t know was that Brian skimmed their profit and, the longer it went on, the bolder he got
20. In a couple of minutes, he’d skimmed through most of the folder and he had picked up the second one
21. Taking a minute to gather his thoughts as he skimmed once
22. Tomo’s boat skimmed quickly over the water towards the waterfront
23. I skimmed through the pages while spending every moment wishing that I was outside with the others
24. and the dross comes to the top, where it is skimmed off
25. Keep well skimmed
26. Finally, in an outburst of anger, Ijyu threw everything into the trash and decided to prepare only a few slices of whole-wheat bread with skimmed milk for Kami and Yania to eat
27. His e-box was full, and he skimmed the notes which looked urgent
28. Unmistakably from a glossy picture skimmed over too many times
29. of the Heavenly God skimmed off as much as was
30. The years since graduation were skimmed quickly –
31. Anointed of the Heavenly God skimmed off as much
32. The pointy missiles skimmed over her head, and there were three thuds as they embedded in the shed wall behind her
33. The pink boat skimmed along for the ride
34. it skimmed the water next to the ducks, the gem landed into a set of wild bushes
35. His fingertips skimmed over the bump Greta had
36. Emily had by then skimmed through his report
37. His eyes skimmed through the diary
38. My shadow skimmed the ground and the people that were outside looked up and pointed
39. into them whereas in the past, I’ve skimmed over
40. skimmed rapidly through the chapter and had a good basic idea of what Lucid
41. Luckily he had just skimmed the top of the hill, only hard enough to break off the tips of his propellers and bring the Anson in for a wheels-up landing, nose down and tail skyward in the wheat field
42. We skimmed through the lists of games saved on the hard
43. She picked up the second one to wear, Suraj stamped on the accelerator, the chapel flew out of her hand, skimmed past Jags' nose and bounced off the drum in the corner
44. Johnson was a secret partner with his attorney, Ed Clark, in Clark’s money laundering business for years that skimmed profit off of government military contracts as a subcontractor to the contracts that went to Texas businesses because of Johnson’s influence (Blood, Money, & Power: How LBJ killed JFK, by Barr McClellan, 2003)
45. Lucky for us, the ocean was relatively calm, and the boat easily skimmed across the dark blue of
46. Wickland carefully skimmed through each of the twenty or so letters for any inference of hostility
47. But, without hesitation he skimmed over the water through the concentrated barrage to drop his torpedo accurately towards the “Gneisenau's” stern
48. That so-called private residence outside of Capetown had been in reality like a European Renaissance castle and had cost tens of millions of credits to build and furnish, with the lot paid with the help of the public funds skimmed off by Zembelo during his tenure as governor of Africa
49. judge quickly skimmed over the names but there must've
50. Pulling the fifth planet from its normal orbit and making it spiral down closer to the red dwarf star, the brown dwarf then skimmed the surface of the red dwarf, ripping huge masses of hot solar material from the red dwarf while itself losing part of its mass in the exchange
1. that billows in skimming breezes,
2. Belatedly, I send a thought skimming across the waves to the woman I never really knew … she’d have been about the same age that I am now … that thought stuns me
3. The wind was sharpening now so I shoved my hands into my pockets and quickened my pace, darting about and skimming round the corners and making good headway till I turned a corner and almost ran into a large woman chopping wood right in my path
4. It didn’t seem to bother him; he concentrated on skimming stones
5. He’d told Angie a little about the dig, skimming over the nastier aspects, saying that it had been a wild goose chase – well, it wasn’t so far from the truth
6. down the length of the river to see the NN helicopter almost skimming the water
7. But my grandchildren had the best idea they used their flat surf skimming boards and that worked a real treat
8. Dawn did as he told her and a clay shot high into the air, skimming over the tops of the trees
9. How Peggy longed to be skimming over the snow instead of
10. She had a slight advantage, she said with a wry, toothy grin: she knew the building intimately, having crawled through its every recess and been a life-long party to the tenant rumor mill, while the knowledge of the owner’s lawyer was limited to what little the skimming building superintendent had revealed and what was public record
11. The man of the house was skimming through the paper and taking little part in the conversation
12. A bartender he fired for doing a bit of his own skimming reciprocated by telling the owners what he thought Brian was up to
13. In East Germany, courtesy of another Ministry of Information tour, he saw trainloads of crops that were the property of the people without any middleman involved, who previously got rich skimming the profits that rightfully belonged to the farmers
14. ” She sidesteps her desk, skimming the surface with her finger
15. He touches my face, his thumb skimming my cheekbone, and his eyes are on mine, intense and insistent
16. skimming over the pharmacy coupon, and stormed straight into
17. Monica saw another boat skimming along the river with a water skier
18. She was skimming my books
19. At one point she joined me in the cockpit, leaning against the transom with her head back, a smile curving her perfect lips as she surveyed the cumulus skimming overhead
20. Raider missed an elbow, skimming the Vapors head, who then
21. He was in his car skimming through Mrs
22. they all lived by skimming the tithe
23. Lords, and they all lived by skimming the tithe
24. Within months the mob is pleased with the results and blind to Avery skimming half the take before it leaves the country
25. Being on a flying horse, skimming over the waves at a hundred miles an hour with the wind in my hair and the sea spray in my face—hey, it beats waterskiing any day
26. He found a secluded area overlooking the northern mountains, and watched the clouds skimming across the mountain peaks, the mountains themselves looking gray and depleted
27. Standing on the poop, he watched the serpent-like ship skimming lightly over the waters, and landsman though he was, it was evident to him that the Argus would never win that race
28. These are the concepts of surveying, scanning and skimming,
29. "Hey! An eggbeater! Heading right this way," he muttered, seizing the glasses and staring at the black flying machine skimming across the water
30. Unconsciously, Garnet Reed was zigzagging towards the aerial machine skimming across the water
31. The three escorts were skimming only about a hundred metres above the treetops as he continued to shadow their every move
32. Steam shot out of the pot, skimming their heads, Musafir checked on the rice
33. Then there is documentation of cash skimming in Tennessee and the resulting suicides of two state officials involved
34. fact that Joey had been skimming money from me for the past
35. Besides extracting the liquid, or skimming, there were suggestions about burning off the oil as well as using chemical dispersants
36. barrels of oil had been reclaimed by the skimming equipment of Alyeska
37. The crooks are not satisfied with skimming what the US buys for cash; they went into borrowing money (to up the cash available) and stealing that against the credit of the people of the United States
38. Robertson then saw something that amazed and confused him: a Japanese ZERO fighter that had been diving hard to try to catch up with Ingrid’s P-40, which was going at a merry 300 miles per hour while skimming the sea and never flying straight for more than a couple of seconds, apparently miscalculated his altitude or his safety margin to come out of its dive
39. The first American air attack on the fleet that day actually took place just before sunset, with over twenty P-40 fighters zooming over the beachheads at high speed and skimming the waves, targeting first the surviving landing barges and shooting them full of holes before the Japanese fighters on top cover could even react
40. He then staged a victory flypast, coolly skimming just a few feet above the heads of everyone on the hill
41. A bomb dropped by a diving B-25 struck and exploded on the NAGATO as the six RP-38Ns and six TBF-1s were coming within five kilometers of the battleship while still skimming the sea
42. He ended his flight with a low, downwind landing approach, skimming the tops of the trees in the process, flying deep into the valley where he executed a spectacular, high bank, stalling, one hundred and eighty degree, hammerhead turn back into the wind, no more than a hundred feet above the football field, and coolly finished his flight with a pin point landing on the grass, right in the middle of the pack up area
43. Wickland, who had been skimming the dossier again, replied, “Me too, but it is interesting that he apparently doesn’t have any priors
44. She then looked towards the sea and opened her mouth wide from surprise: at least twenty strange machines with rotors pointed upwards were approaching quickly from very low altitude, nearly skimming the waves
45. Their shuttle then flew off, skimming the flat, icy surface of Eris at low altitude while heading south
46. He allowed the aircraft to drop below the deck line of the ship, literally skimming the water
47. More than likely, it will just glance off our atmosphere and head back out into space, very much like skimming a stone over water, but, well, it’s hard to say, exactly, which is the outcome without further analysis
48. around because of the favors she did for him, even though he knew she was skimming
49. through the waves like a knife, skimming the water like a pebble
50. He picked up a sea-smooth pebble from his feet, and sent it skimming through the air, low and
1. 'How erratic was she?' I asked, curiously Bunty skims over her mother's condition in her diaries although Bert did mention it
2. He skims the edge of the crowd and slips into a gap at one end of the small upstairs bar
3. The Fixer turns the page of the paper and skims an
4. better scores than the person who skims through a few chapters
5. I hand him my holotab and he skims through the data
6. The interiors it skims seem distorted, as in a body reduced to its skeleton
7. Al skims the plate down the counter like a quoit
8. “Anyway, the subject skims the joy off a pan of conversation
9. As you look over the pond westward you are obliged to employ both your hands to defend your eyes against the reflected as well as the true sun, for they are equally bright; and if, between the two, you survey its surface critically, it is literally as smooth as glass, except where the skater insects, at equal intervals scattered over its whole extent, by their motions in the sun produce the finest imaginable sparkle on it, or, perchance, a duck plumes itself, or, as I have said, a swallow skims so low as to touch it
10. I would follow the flight of a bird threading its way in the pure transparent air; now it skims the water, now disappears in the azure sky, now suddenly comes to view again, a mere point in space