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    1. waking, which, at seventy-four years of age, is finally taking its toll

    2. I willed myself into a state of pseudo-dysentery, but the stress of the previous twenty-four hours was taking its constipational toll

    3. The emotional strain of the last month is taking its toll of me now that I don’t have to pretend any more; I feel I could sleep for a year

    4. has taken it’s toll on his self esteem

    5. ‘Ercolano has been reburied under a pyroclastic flow, it is still steaming according to the latest report but the volcano is still erupting, so the final toll isn’t known yet

    6. They fought like mad but the battle was beginning to take a toll even on them

    7. You were both fervent, dedicated people - you had to be - but, as he grew older I think his conflicts began to take their toll and so his heart grew weaker until, in that dressing room, in that final moment, it gave out and without warning his struggles were over

    8. But in spite of that emotional toll, they were making great progress

    9. toll on the patience of our law makers

    10. death toll rising inexorably and with the losses experienced by

    11. She loved what happened at each end, but the flying time took a toll on her

    12. He said all emotional excitement of last few days was taking physical toll

    13. The death toll mounted but still they came forward

    14. ” He described the gardens, the town, the church, and his factory all with such fondness it made Harry wonder what a toll it must take on him to be away from his home for such long business trips

    15. The bridge toll is two pennies and it’s foot traffic only

    16. All in all the news wasn't as good as she’d hoped, but it wasn't as bad as it could’ve been, but it had taken its toll

    17. such traffic were forbidden, and were forced to pay a toll

    18. morning were taking their toll on his temper

    19. Where the kids had positioned the bell to toll, every hour on the hour, keep her wondering throughout the night

    20. Once they wound their way in, there was a little toll booth that said due to the entertainment provided within there was a ten penny toll

    21. The heat and constant sandblasting was taking a toll on the team

    22. was taking its toll

    23. ‘Just dial this toll free number,’ he said

    24. strain of the day took their toll and he drifted off into a

    25. 'The toll is

    26. Already, he saw the dark power’s toll in his most loyal guards

    27. Those jagged blades took a heavy toll

    28. tower outside began to ring and toll the fifth hour after

    29. But the constant need for preparedness was taking its toll

    30. Exhaustion and disappointment had finally taken their toll

    31. The lack of food, drugs and heating had taken a massive toll on the survivors of the initial pulse and now, a mere three months on, Nathaniel estimated that a full fifty percent of the population were dead

    32. Eventually the last toll point before

    33. Carrying the staff of King’s Wood had taken its toll

    34. took its toll on me

    35. have taken a toll on you, and all that astuteness of yours has

    36. at all!” and this scene took a heavy toll on me! I drank two

    37. chains of providence have taken a toll on you, as on all of us, but

    38. Perhaps something is taking a emotional toll on you

    39. "Back when I was still in Code Sanguinary, my wife, Telia, and I were having trouble having kids and… it took a toll on our relationship, so… I tried some Vex to take the edge off

    40. It may also mean that your communication with others is having a toll on you in some way, either directly or indirectly

    41. To dream that you see or pass a toll booth refers to a sense of entitlement that you have over some area of your life

    42. If you pay the toll, then it signifies your appreciation for the things you have and the things you have access to

    43. If you drive pass the toll booth without paying, then it indicates defiance

    44. This tale was taking its toll on him and it hurt Zarko to see his father like this

    45. All the stresses and strains of the fast-approaching wedding finally took their toll on her and she suddenly felt tired to the bone

    46. With no one around to keep up regular maintenance on the highways, nature was taking its toll

    47. People paid little attention to Sammy because scarcely anyone liked his aunt, and this dislike of her took its toll on Sammy’s social life

    48. The extra effort had taken its toll and he was forced to rest, before he collapsed from exhaustion

    49. They climbed slowly up the two ladders, the extra effort taking its toll on their already feeble energy reserves

    50. When the carriages which pass over a highway or a bridge, and the lighters which sail upon a navigable canal, pay toll in

    1. darkness the deep, booming bells of the Cathedral tolled for

    2. Church bells tolled close by,

    3. As the clock in the hall tolled six, she knew she was running behind schedule, as usual

    4. A bell tolled above their heads, and Russell looked around, realizing it was time

    5. A nearby clock tower tolled ten times

    6. All tolled, I got four, and then the pilot

    7. Thunder tolled ominously across the dark sky

    8. Thunder tolled again and with it the clouds tore open and rain fell so thick that the sea and sky were indistinguishable

    9. 'Your Majesty! Truly, this is a miracle passing belief! The great bell in the citadel has tolled your dirge, days agone

    10. She had been born and raised in a city six hundred miles away, a gloomy city where on ghostly nights the coaches of the viceroys still rattled through the cobbled streets, Thirty-two belfries tolled a dirge at six in the afternoon

    11. She kept on thinking about him during the arduous muleback crossing of the hallucinating plateau where Aureliano Segundo had become lost when he was looking for the most beautiful woman who had ever appeared on the face of the earth, and when they went over the mountains along Indian trails and entered the gloomy city in whose stone alleys the funereal bronze bells of thirty-two churches tolled

    12. The bells of All Hallows tolled and a small crowd gathered

    13. The next Saturday afternoon as the Town hall bell tolled out the time of five-thirty in the afternoon Olin prepared to set up the demonstration of the railroad track that was to be moved by a thread that never touched it

    14. As the steeple bell tolled out its rich tones at the finish of the service the reverend opened the large front doors and stood on the top of the granite steps to wish each member of his congregation a fare thee well

    15. Those vibrations cause the ringing of the bell as it is tolled

    16. When the clock at St Mary’s tolled midnight, Jeffrey and Alan had

    17. The bell tolled again--once, hollowly

    18. The death knell to their doctrine would have tolled

    19. The Kingdom will rise from the ashes of old, bound by a love that cannot be tolled

    20. As the death-rattle became stronger the priest prayed faster; his prayers mingled with the stifled sobs of Bovary, and sometimes all seemed lost in the muffled murmur of the Latin syllables that tolled like a passing bell

    21. The two gentlemen remained at the house for about half an hour and as they went away the mournful sound of the Town Hall bell - which was always tolled to summon meetings of the Council - was heard in the distance, and the hands remarked to each other that another robbery was about to be perpetrated

    22. tolled the hour: loud dark iron

    23. From the belfries far and near the funereal deathbell tolled unceasingly while all around the gloomy precincts rolled the ominous warning of a hundred muffled drums punctuated by the hollow booming of pieces of ordnance

    24. The cathedral bell tolled, and the four of them stood up and went out

    25. After the three o’clock bell had tolled and his last laggard pupil had slogged off to field-hockey practice, he would pack up the Italian-leather satchel he’d splurged on with his first paycheck and strike out toward the brownstone blocks north of Washington Square

    26. bells in the towers tolled solemnly

    27. City, ran to the bells and tolled the alarm; and some blew the trumpets sounding the retreat

    28. Four murders, they tolled… Four black cops

    29. I shut my eyes and tried to drift off, but the tiniest voice tolled in my head

    30. Church bells tolled in the distance

    31. The distant bell tolled again and he was listening to it, but Mother could not hear it

    32. It was three o’clock; the church bell tolled as I passed under the belfry: the charm of the hour lay in its approaching dimness, in the low-gliding and pale-beaming sun

    33. When Archbishop Dante de Luna died, bells all over the province tolled unceasingly for nine days and nine nights, and the public suffering was so great that his successor reserved the tolling of bells for the funeral services of the most illustrious of the dead

    34. The world was harsher here than in the shadowy cabin, and the bells caused greater grief, even if one did not know for whom they tolled

    35. He put his hand on the driver’s shoulder and asked him, shouting into his ear, for whom the bells tolled

    36. He spoke from facts, when he said that the night-bell never tolled for fire in Richmond that the mother did not hug her infant more closely to her bosom

    1. could hear the tolling of the town’s church bells -

    2. alarm bell started tolling

    3. There was a terrifying resonance about it, like a bell tolling at midnight

    4. Through the belling of the voice which was like a tolling of triumph over the ordered laws of a sane planet, a human sound anchored Conan's mind from its flight through spheres of madness

    5. After sterile weeks he came to an unknown city where all the bells were tolling a dirge

    6. From his lonely workshop he could hear the martial music, the artillery salutes, the tolling of the Te Deum, and a few phrases of the speeches delivered in front of the house as they named the street after him

    7. The only human note was the first tolling of the bells for mass

    8. There is a tolling bell

    9. “Can you help me?” she asked, not knowing whether he would be able to hear her in the distance with other carts, horses and sleighs rushing by and with the bells tolling throughout the city

    10. (The tolling for the dead is heard

    11. (They stop tolling the death bells)

    12. The evening Angelus is tolling from the church upon the hill

    13. , the tolling of a bell, to announce prayers for

    14. One of these was to observe the time on the face of the clock in the town hall during the course of the day and night, and to ring the large bell in the tower of the building tolling out each hour and half hour

    15. It is written that when he was awoken from his troubled dreams the mountain rang like a bell tolling

    16. With the tolling tolling bells' perpetual clang,

    17. The bell began tolling

    18. Then, with the Olympic bell tolling in the background, he turned, rose on his toes, and touched the torch to an enormous bronze cauldron on a tripod

    19. Insistent bells are tolling

    20. Louder than any crack of thunder that I’d ever heard, the detonation rolled away through the orchard, but in the aftermath a solemn tolling continued in my ears, as if I were not atop a two-story building but were inside the bell tower of a cathedral

    21. Cannon to the south, and they might be tolling the knell of Atlanta’s fall

    22. ' The words, in that clear, child's voice had the ring of a bell tolling,

    23. Somewhere near, a passing bell was tolling

    24. You sound like a funeral bell tolling," said Grandfather

    25. There was a feel as if a great bell had just stopped tolling

    26. The train curved away, gonging it's under-sea funeral bell, sunk, rusted, green-mossed, tolling, tolling

    27. Again I looked out: we were passing a church; I saw its low broad tower against the sky, and its bell was tolling a quarter; I saw a narrow galaxy of lights too, on a hillside, marking a village or hamlet

    28. His mother asked him in alarm where in the world he had been, for they had looked everywhere for him so that he could attend General Ignacio María, the last grandson of the Marquis de Jaraíz de la Vera, who had been struck down that afternoon by a cerebral hemorrhage: it was for him that the bells were tolling

    29. In his youth, the ritual of the tolling bells had been included in the price of the funeral and was denied only to the indigent

    30. When Archbishop Dante de Luna died, bells all over the province tolled unceasingly for nine days and nine nights, and the public suffering was so great that his successor reserved the tolling of bells for the funeral services of the most illustrious of the dead

    31. But he was sure that the bells were not tolling for Jeremiah de Saint-Amour, who was a militant unbeliever and a committed anarchist and who had, moreover, died by his own hand

    32. They had planned to be together on Pentecost until she had to return to school, five minutes before the Angelus, but the tolling of the bells reminded Florentino Ariza of his promise to attend the funeral of Jeremiah de Saint-Amour, and he dressed with more haste than usual

    33. Florentino Ariza was sure that the funerary honors could not be for Jeremiah de Saint-Amour, but the insistent tolling filled him with doubts

    34. Instead, he was seized by terror: the fantastic realization that it could just as well have been himself for whom the death knell was tolling

    35. She heard loud mourning in the streets, and the tolling of bells in the minsters and the chapel towers; she asked the people the meaning of the knell and of their tears

    36. 'What's this!' he said, blinking lazily at Alice, and speaking in a deep hollow tone that sounded like the tolling of a great bell

    37. This ended, in prolonged solemn tones, like the continual tolling of a bell in a ship that is foundering at sea in a fog—in such tones he commenced reading the following hymn; but changing his manner towards the concluding stanzas, burst forth with a pealing exultation and joy—

    38. I mentioned " the shares " on purpose, but of course not with the idea of tolling him the secret Prmce Sergay had told me the day before

    39. "This is Moscow, white-stoned Mother Moscow," said Peter Ivánovich, rubbing his eyes in the morning, and listening to the tolling of the bells which was proceeding from Gazette Lane

    1. high tolls from pilgrims

    2. annoyance came from the frequent tolls they were forced

    3. If it is not kept in tolerable order, the navigation necessarily ceases altogether, and, along with it, the whole profit which they can make by the tolls

    4. If those tolls were put under the management of

    5. When that great work was finished, the most likely method, it was found, of keeping it in constant repair, was to make a present of the tolls to Riquet, the engineer who planned and conducted the work

    6. Those tolls constitute, at present, a very large estate to the different branches of the family of that gentleman, who have, therefore, a great interest to keep the work in constant repair

    7. But had those tolls been put under the management of commissioners, who had no such interest, they might perhaps, have been dissipated in ornamental and unnecessary expenses, while the most essential parts of the works were allowed to go to ruin

    8. The tolls for the maintenance of a highroad cannot, with any safety, be made the property of private persons

    9. The proprietors of the tolls upon a high-road, therefore, might neglect altogether the repair of the road, and yet continue to levy very nearly the same tolls

    10. It is proper, therefore, that the tolls for the maintenance of such a work should be put under the managmnent of commissioners or trustees

    11. In Great Britain, the abuses which the trustees have committed in the management of those tolls, have, in many cases, been very justly complained of

    12. The system of repairing the high-roads by tolls of this kind, it must be observed, is not of very long standing

    13. If mean and improper persons are frequently appointed trustees ; and if proper courts of inspection and account have not yet been established for controlling their conduct, and for reducing the tolls to what is barely sufficient for executing the work to be done by them ; the recency of the institution both accounts and apologizes for those defects, of which, by the wisdom of parliament, the greater part may, in due time, be gradually remedied

    14. A great revenue, half a million, perbaps {Since publishing the two first editions of this book, I have got good reasons to believe that all the turnpike tolls levied in Great Britain do not procduce a neat revenue that amounts to half a million ; a sum which, under the management of government, would not be sufficient to keep, in repair five of the principal roads in the kingdom}, it has been pretended, might in this manner be gained, without laying any new burden upon the people; and the turnpike roads might be made to contribute to the general expense of the state, in the same manner as the post-office does at present

    15. First, If the tolls which are levied at the turnpikes should ever be considered as one of the resources for supplying the

    16. Though it may, perhaps, be more than doubtful whether half a million could by any economy be saved out of the present tolls, it can scarcely be doubted, but that a million might be saved out of them, if they were doubled ; and perhaps two millions, if they were tripled {I have now good reason to believe that all these conjectural sums are by much too large

    17. But the turnpike tolls, being continually augmented in this manner, instead of facilitating the inland commerce of the country, as at present, would soon become a very great incumbrance upon it

    18. Thirdly, If government should at any time neglect the reparation of the high-roads, it would be still more difficult, than it is at present, to compel the proper application of any part of the turnpike tolls

    19. Of this kind are the duties, which, in French, are called peages, which in old Saxon times were called the duties of passage, and which seem to have been originally established for the same purpose as our turnpike tolls, or the tolls upon our canals and navigable rivers, for the maintenance of the road or of the navigation

    20. If the turnpike tolls of Great Britain should ever become one of the resources of government, we may learn, by the example of many other nations, what would probably be the consequence

    21. Such tolls, no doubt, are finally paid by the consumer; but the consumer is not taxed in proportion to his expense, when he pays, not according to the value, but according to the bulk or weight of what he consumes

    22. I do believe he was mistaken in his „For Whom the Bell Tolls," where he stated that the death of any man diminishes him

    23. Nine of the ten cities with the highest civilian death tolls during World War II were victims of Allied bombing, not Axis

    24. The Body Count: The list below is limited to the wars with the highest death tolls directly caused by the Cold War between Communist and anti-Communist forces

    25. After rudimentary attempts at conversation, Colling gave up and took out a copy of For Whom the Bell Tolls that he had found among Cousin Jerry’s things, and read while his escort sat stoically, his PPSh sub-machine gun in his lap, staring fixedly out the window

    26. Later in the morning, Colling was seated in the library where he and Kwonowski had waited for the Countess, reading another Chapter in For Whom the Bell Tolls, when Hermann put his head in the door and told him they had visitors, and to stay out of sight

    27. We made frequent stops to load and unload cargo and pay tolls

    28. The massive brutes were in the business of excising tolls from those who sailed the river; the coin they bullied from such hapless travelers—one hundred years’ worth of ill-gotten gains—was hoarded in vast piles underneath the desert

    29. Soon she was off down the road and with thoughts of what they could do for the afternoon, she soon found that she was nearing the tolls to get on to the autostrada

    30. All I had left in my pocket was money for gasoline and bridge tolls to go home

    31. Someone has to collect the tolls on the interstate

    32. While taking candy from a baby might appear easy, there are emotional tolls to consider

    33. all business-related tolls and parking fees

    34. Besides, Humfrid had a historical reputation of being what many would call a ‘robber baron’, a local lord who abused his powers and privileges and plundered the others around him by extracting undue taxes and tolls

    35. As for my people paying royal taxes and tolls to King Charles, he better forget that! In case that he didn’t understand this yet, he and the other nobles that have been abusing their powers and mismanaging their fiefs around Europe will from now on keep their seats only at our sufferance

    36. She came back after a few minutes and went to Joseph, who was waiting nervously for her verdict on his merchandise: if he didn’t make a significant profit on the sale of his merchandise, then his trip to Toulouse could well turn out to be a net loss, due to all the travel costs and various road tolls during his long trip from Saragossa

    37. there were lots of cameras and pay tolls on the turnpike and

    38. and pay tolls that ran parallel with the turnpike that would

    39. Considering his record of accomplishments, he has predicted exact death and injury tolls for the California calamity and the exact demographics

    40. Natural disasters are happening togather with Syria and Iraq having death tolls around the clock

    41. @ThoreauITover Ask not who won or lost, for the voting booth tolls not for you

    42. you are the one for whom my heart tolls

    43. I got my opera-glasses and examined him with equal care, trying to stare him out of countenance; but though a small he was also a bold boy and not to be abashed, and as I would not give in either we stared at each other steadily between the tolls till nine o'clock, when the bell-ringing ceased, service began, and he reluctantly went down into the church, where I suppose he had to join in the singing of the tune to which in England the hymn beginning 'All glory, laud, and honour,' is sung, for it presently floated out into the quiet little market-place, filling it with the feeling of Sunday

    44. They had stopped using the highways in order to save money on the tolls and also to see more of the landscape

    45. Schoolboys began carrying spare LIT-TISSUE tolls in their satchels

    46. Do not wonder for whom the mountain tolls

    47. When Mount Doom tolls again, Gadiel will return to claim all of FirstWorld

    48. For Frank the Bell Tolls

    49. When the bell tolls I expect you to be in the Great Hall

    50. Life in the palace ran to the mournful tolls of the bell in the

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    Synonyme für "toll"

    cost price toll bell destruction sacrifice loss losses waste tax duty assessment charge customs