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    aquatic example sentences


    1. It has become more than a cook's court now, it is where the top aquatic food chefs compete at large elaborate counters with flaring flames and loud sizzling

    2. Aquatic plants need a steady supply of oxygen to keep them alive and thriving

    3. Monique had felt no concern – much less any guilt – for the others below when (as one of the chosen) she’d been confined to deep aquatic complexes, then polycarbonate domes as the world decontaminated

    4. ‘…at this time the larvae, which are reddish orange with black spots and are known as red efts, leave the water and spend the next few years on land…living under stones and logs in damp, wooded regions…the larva eventually return to water, develop adult coloration, and spend the rest of their lives in an aquatic habitat…’

    5. When they fell asleep sitting up, the autonomic aquatic system kicked in

    6. The Wyverns looked awkward, lumbering, animals on land, a far cry from their native aquatic home

    7. In the first edition of The Origin of Species, where he wrote he had observed bears floating for hours in the water with their mouths open eating insects floating on the surface, said: "I see no obstacle to a race of bears becoming, by natural selection, more and more aquatic in their structure and habits, with an increasingly large mouth, to produce a monstrous beast like a whale "

    8. had been woven in the form of a giant aquatic serpent wrapped

    9. tional, aquatic, and speech therapy services

    10. It is also possible in this locality to do nature walking or mountain biking to enter the estuary of the Chilkat River, to contemplate inspiring views of high mountains, observe wild flowers, aquatic birds and migratory oceanic mammals

    11. a deadly amount of salinity and aquatic species that used to dwell

    12. “For two hours all the competing couples will engage in contests of pure skills that are considered important in the militaries of their races; that is humanoids will compete in archery, swordplay, spellcraft for attack and defense, and so on, while couples of selkies will engage in contests of aquatic combat skills, underwater sabotage, et cetera

    13. Her mate’s slight edge in aquatic agility was not enough to prevent him from being overwhelmed by the larger pair when they caught him at the bottom of the lake and attacked him with short swords

    14. “I wonder if other aquatic predators have been deposited in the water through the random portals generated by the Dire Queen

    15. A group of aquatic hunters, calling themselves the Nozroth, has infiltrated the major schools of fish

    16. “By all means proceed, Aquatic Friend,” said Lord Taliesin

    17. A coin was flipped and Constable Green was sent, arriving in the City the same afternoon as a triple murder behind the Aquatic Centre, and a media furore over the shooting deaths of two innocent teenagers by a nervous police officer

    18. There’s still this funny little aquatic race of creatures having a smashing good time down there

    19. It was as if thousands of huge, land-bound, and slovenly beavers had been at work, but all the beavers I have ever known were of normal size and behavior, aquatic and meticulous

    20. "She's the lead legal counsel for Aquatic Expeditions, graduated top 5 in her law school class at Stanford

    21. My first day of employment at Aquatic was winding down

    22. High on the center-most part of the building, Aquatic Expeditions was spelled out in blue in large block lettering, with a large metallic anchor centered in between

    23. Aquatic ran two production shifts and they both overlapped between 5:30 and 6:00 in the afternoon in order for the day shift to brief the night shift on what they had done

    24. He was a local and had been at Aquatic for three years

    25. The second incident occurred in the production building at Aquatic, early Friday morning

    26. but also aquatic life in the sea, and life in the sky

    27. Attracts the aquatic lives to live in it

    28. You can’t smelt ore or develop writing in an aquatic environment

    29. An example is Big Fish and Life Aquatic but these films are the majority

    30. ‘’I remember what happened a century ago, when local micro-organisms and primitive aquatic creatures were found to populate the underground oceans of Europa, Callisto and Enceladus

    31. The crimson depths of the Red Sea writhe and boil with strange aquatic life

    32. He really had to admit, that he really did think this had to be as close as a human could get to being completely aquatic

    33. he’s spent at the Aquatic Preservation

    34. that aquatic society thing TK did?

    35. ten fliers, but does not expect you will need any aquatic warriors

    36. aquatic and marsh plants

    37. God placed the dragon in the abyss of water because he claimed the aquatic life to his creativity

    38. aquatic vegetation was thick, and the water flowed clear

    39. Water lilies and other flowering aquatic plants formed coves along the river's

    40. They were totally ignorant of the plethora of aquatic monsters attracted by the new shiny spaceship

    41. The UUIAO, or Universally and Unanimously Insulted Aquatic Organization, has many times unsuccessfully lobbied for the proper recognition of water dwellers

    42. “We believe their evolution into an aquatic creature was directly caused by our presence on the planet

    43. “What can you tell us about the Groller transitioning into an aquatic creature?”

    44. The new aquatic Groller finally found the source of the sacred movies

    45. Plus we might have seen some interestingly rare aquatic creatures

    46. Most of the affected organisms were marine or aquatic in

    47. Noise pollution or sound evolution; water pollution or aquatic reorientation; air pollution or pulmonary adaptations? All are extinctions and transcendences

    48. Griffiths is President of the Aquatic Safety Research Group, LLC

    49. teaching Aquatic Risk Management programs internationally

    50. the risks of an aquatic facility are those parents who

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    Synonyms for "aquatic"

    aquatic seafaring naval marine navigational maritime

    "aquatic" definitions

    a plant that lives in or on water

    relating to or consisting of or being in water

    operating or living or growing in water