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    Use "attendee" in a sentence

    attendee example sentences


    1. As it happens, it is a Granny & Grandpa afternoon and, as Fred is a keen G&G attendee and frequently spends the afternoon crawling round the floor with the children, it makes sense to include the kids in the festivities

    2. When I finally stopped drinking, I became a regular attendee at an AA meeting

    3. attendee excited about real estate – and sell a $3,000 to $5,000 “advanced”

    4. The manager was going to check if there were any attendee registers at the convention throughout the week in order to identify exactly which events Spalding had attended

    5. When an attendee breathes deeply, it probably means that he wants to interrupt the conversation and express his point of views

    6. In the future, I was determined, that there would be a series of press announcements, and at each announcement each attendee would be credited with the award

    7. Nevertheless, John was a fringe, casual attendee at

    8. Some are more structured giving the attendee a

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    Synonyms for "attendee"

    attendant attendee attender meeter

    "attendee" definitions

    a person who is present and participates in a meeting