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    Use "concatenation" in a sentence

    concatenation example sentences


    1. third string by concatenation

    2. ing all those concatenation to make a new stochastic encrypted data

    3. As a result of this unfortunate concatenation of attitudes, there was much collusion between some Jews and the Russian invaders of Poland in 1939 and again in 1945

    4. It could not have been done in the absence of free trade, of the fortuitous concatenation of a new continent, of the Industrial Revolution, and of English cultural heritage

    5. statement where both concatenation function and pipes

    6. be used with concatenation like VOU-0001, BS-0002-00

    7. Bind variable colon (:) should be used while expression on concatenation

    8. It was a pictorial sheet, and Jo examined the work of art nearest her, idly wondering what fortuitous concatenation of circumstances needed the melodramatic illustration of an Indian in full war costume, tumbling over a precipice with a wolf at his throat, while two infuriated young gentlemen, with unnaturally small feet and big eyes, were stabbing each other close by, and a disheveled female was flying away in the background with her mouth wide open

    9. The machine had begun, and a moving concatenation of three horses and the aforesaid long rickety machine was visible over the gate, a driver sitting upon one of the hauling horses, and an attendant on the seat of the implement

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    Synonyms for "concatenation"

    concatenation chain

    "concatenation" definitions

    the state of being linked together as in a chain; union in a linked series

    the linking together of a consecutive series of symbols or events or ideas etc

    a series of things depending on each other as if linked together

    the act of linking together as in a series or chain