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    Use "corkscrew" in a sentence

    corkscrew example sentences





    1. The corkscrew became a more vertical rolling-scissors movement, and as the speed slowed, lots of other planes in the vicinity became a threat

    2. But that's about as far as I can go with your corkscrew logic

    3. She had recently cut her long, strawberry blonde hair, which had run in corkscrew curls down her back, to a more mature shoulder length

    4. His voice showed his frustration and despair as he watched the young woman fall in a corkscrew path towards the prison�s roof

    5. �The helmet had an integrated radio headset and microphone, with a standard connector dangling at the end of a short corkscrew wire

    6. With the pilot killed instantly, the interceptor fell in a terminal corkscrew dive, hitting the surface of the ocean after a few seconds

    7. Uses the knife of the corkscrew set and cuts the foil capsule neatly around the

    8. Unscrews the cork from the corkscrew

    9. Uses the knife in the corkscrew set to cut the foil capsule neatly around the

    10. “Some witch you are,” he returned with a grin, then came over to pick up the bottle and the corkscrew

    11. “Gavin, so sorry to interrupt but where do you keep the corkscrew?” She said gesturing

    12. presumably in search of the elusive corkscrew

    13. I looked away from the stove, just as the house buggie started to turn like a corkscrew, as through it were trying to drill through something hard within the stove hood

    14. Microwave and corkscrew available in the caravan, I checked that when I booked

    15. Pass me that corkscrew over

    16. He was playing with her corkscrew curls and she had rested her head in his lap

    17. Presently the honoured parent appeared to be adjusting some instrument like a great corkscrew

    18. He said that there was no time like the long ago and no music for him like poor old Balfe, whatever other people might say; and his eyes filled up so much with tears that he could not find what he was looking for and in the end he had to ask his wife to tell him where the corkscrew was

    19. The boy came back with the corkscrew

    20. The old man opened three bottles and was handing back the corkscrew when Mr

    21. Then he took up the corkscrew and went out of the door sideways, muttering some form of salutation

    22. "How can I?" said the old man, "when there's no corkscrew? "

    23. "O, I forgot there's no corkscrew! Here, show me one here and I'll put it at the fire

    24. Round his neck hangs a rosary of corks ending on his breast in a corkscrew cross

    25. Certain possible inventions of which he had cogitated when reclining in a state of supine repletion to aid digestion, stimulated by his appreciation of the importance of inventions now common but once revolutionary, for example, the aeronautic parachute, the reflecting telescope, the spiral corkscrew, the safety pin, the mineral water siphon, the canal lock with winch and sluice, the suction pump

    26. Think about the handcuffs and the corkscrew and the torch

    27. The ME thought he used a corkscrew

    28. I jam the vicious twist of the corkscrew into his neck

    29. He went for her with the corkscrew

    30. I said that he came at me with the corkscrew

    31. The other contents of his pocket consisted of an ivory knife with a corkscrew by Rodgers, of Sheffield; a small, circular mirror, one inch in diameter; a readmission slip to the Lyceum Theatre; a silver box full of vesta matches, and a brown leather cigar-case containing two cheroots—also two pounds fourteen shillings in money

    32. On her way she spotted a waiter’s corkscrew and stuffed it into her jeans pocket with the lock pick; she wasn’t sure why, but it had a blade that might come in handy

    33. She grabbed a bottle of red, let herself out of the house, locked the door behind her, and returned to her hideaway, where she opened the wine with the corkscrew in her pocket and washed down cheese, bread, and meat until she was replete and more than a little drunk

    34. He removed the wine’s little foil collar and stared at the corkscrew until it became apparent how to use it

    35. And she knew as the train pulled away that all these disappearing kids would be the picture in her head when she spoke before the cameras about the future of the company that was her family, and later as she watched her junior colleague and would-be seducee fumble with the corkscrew, and finally in the darkness when he began to snore and Regan was left on her own again, as one always apparently is

    36. Indeed, ’twas a pasty white Thing, as pale as uncookt Pye Dough, and it took all my Coaxing and Reassurance to make it stand up in my Hand—and e’en then I fear’d it should faint again upon the Instant! But I roll’d it in my Hands and then betwixt my Lips until ’twas hard enough to suck upon, and when ’twas slick with Spittle and firm enough for Use, I lifted my Bride’s Finery and sat upon his Cock, teazing and turning in corkscrew Motions until he swoon’d with Pleasure and, i’faith, quite fainted away

    37. The coupling couple jumped apart, which was no easy trick given the corkscrew position they’d been locked in a couple of milliseconds before

    38. Luckily, she pulls out of the dive at the last second and starts gliding in a wide corkscrew above her Pioneer

    39. Tom partly uncovered a dismal caricature of a house with two gable ends to it and a corkscrew of smoke issuing from the chimney

    40. Lopez caught this and gave the corkscrew on the wine bottle a vicious twist

    41. He worked the corkscrew, gritting his teeth and eying me

    42. All sorts of distress met in this procession as in chaos; here were to be found the facial angles of every sort of beast, old men, youths, bald heads, gray beards, cynical monstrosities, sour resignation, savage grins, senseless attitudes, snouts surmounted by caps, heads like those of young girls with corkscrew curls on the temples, infantile visages, and by reason of that, horrible thin skeleton faces, to which death alone was lacking

    43. " He stomped out into the rain and lunged back with a bottle of Le Gorton, which, silently, he opened with a fancy bright silver corkscrew that he pulled from his pocket

    44. 'He came to the door with a corkscrew in his hand—'

    1. the power and corkscrewed up to about two miles above the Base altered his

    2. At some point since he’d last noticed it, the buzzer had been ripped out like an eye from its socket; a single, twisted ganglion of wire corkscrewed from the doorframe

    3. He couldn't breathe! Something squirmed, corkscrewed his cheeks out, bursting his jaws

    1. corkscrewing, boulder strewn path

    2. A corkscrewing path,

    3. followed a corkscrewing route down into the depths of the

    1. corkscrews and levers and so on

    2. The white trails behind the ground-to-air Stinger missiles twisted into corkscrews as the heat-seeking electronics in their noses searched ahead of the missiles for hot engine exhaust

    3. The engineering corps was working like mad, repairing the line, but it would take some time because the Yankees had torn up the crossties, made bonfires of them, laid the wrenched-up rails across them until they were red hot and then twisted them around telegraph poles until they looked like giant corkscrews

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    Synonyms for "corkscrew"

    bottle screw corkscrew spiral wind twist scroll coil convolution curl

    "corkscrew" definitions

    a bottle opener that pulls corks

    move in a spiral or zigzag course