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    Use "efficiently" in a sentence

    efficiently example sentences


    1. To manage our weight and maintain optimum health, we have to focus on eating efficiently

    2. doesn't appear to make a difference to how efficiently he defends them though

    3. Tiny Robot Archimedes, however, had built his ship efficiently enough so that it would traverse the extent of his vision of the ocean: 2

    4. Duties to family and friends and to one's business or profession will be more perfectly and efficiently performed

    5. She efficiently helps me drink some more water and tidies the bed

    6. Trying to keep out of the way of the crew, all rushing around doing totally incomprehensible things very efficiently while Drens directs operations, I duck under some ropes to stand by the rail taking in the scene on the shore

    7. It need not be a very large potato as apparently the smaller ones work just as efficiently and I must say more conveniently

    8. ’ She said efficiently, handing me a glass of warm water

    9. Still casting black looks at me, he efficiently demolishes the camp

    10. Jane, nabbing the four young people as she goes, efficiently takes it away to chop up and the guests start milling around the room

    11. We take the plates into the kitchen where he efficiently stacks them in his dishwasher before filling the kettle and getting out a cafetière

    12. Efficiently, Chrissie dug out a bucket from the cupboard and stood at the sink watching it fill with hot water

    13. Allcock's still made hooks, of course, but Harry was most taken by the planing machines and commercial lathes churning out components so quickly and efficiently

    14. It’s just as well that there was a great heap of dictation waiting for me … at least with that I didn’t have to think about what I was doing … not consciously … it’s odd how I can just transfer the words I hear through the headphones to my typing fingers without actually affecting the rest of my brain … meant that, while my fingers efficiently typed the words going into my ears, my mind was busy walking on the hills with Simon

    15. Harry was last to enter the room and carried the plans his team had so efficiently prepared

    16. Brian described the heist from his point of view impressing Babs that his murders were done efficiently

    17. It will very efficiently conserve your energy

    18. They faced the crowds and would spot any disorder quickly and deal with the matter efficiently

    19. The high quality vitamin C and other rich nutrients in carrot juice efficiently nourish the skin, preventing dry skin, psoriasis and other skin blemishes

    20. ’ Fendrin breezed out, followed efficiently by his associate

    21. His doubts were wiped away on seeing the clinically white interior under an efficiently bright bioluminescence

    22. efficiently, he was determined to ransom the next Yankee ship

    23. In other words, without the right vitamins and minerals, these processes do not operate efficiently

    24. Parliaments were sovereign (above the law since they were the law) in order to govern efficiently

    25. Gonzalez headed for the roof staircase without a backward glance, knowing his orders would be carried out ruthlessly and efficiently

    26. This program will be contracted by public and private interests who will assume joint ownership rights in this collaborative effort designed to (efficiently) usher commuters, travelers and shoppers alike to their appointed destinations without (much) fuss or bother

    27. The only difference separating either political party was the notion that Republicans believed they could ―deliver the goods‖ more efficiently than Democrats

    28. The medical staff efficiently transferred her from the one slab to the other

    29. Josie and I held onto each other tightly, watching curiously as the medical staff swiftly and efficiently did what they were trained to do

    30. Katrina was not the ―fault‖ of the Federal Government although I would agree that coordinated evacuation and subsequent relief efforts, especially at the state and local level, could have been conducted more efficiently

    31. The trip there and on to Puerto Cortes was unnecessary in his opinion, because Juan controlled things quite efficiently, but Gordon insisted

    32. Is that much understood now? Am I coming across? Can you reestablish the true position you are in now? Can you fathom that in my greater scheme of things you and your ’people’ are a nuisance I want to deal with efficiently and move on? Or are you that infatuated with your pet idea of a free world that you have been completely cut off from reality? Perhaps you might be thinking it will all sort itself out in the end, aren’t you? How preposterous a notion! I can only find it natural to nurture such gross misconceptions since you are little more than infants, barely able to stand on their own two feet

    33. ” It concluded that, “the group who followed the healthy longevity routines showed a decrease in brain metabolism, suggesting that their brains operated more efficiently, with less glucose fuel

    34. He was pleased to hear how I got to manage my mind efficiently, focusing on all the good stuff and reducing all the rest to life’s normal burdens

    35. shall carry it out quickly and efficiently

    36. A few more minor issues cropped up, but they were dealt with efficiently

    37. To manage this sector efficiently, we must follow several basic guidelines

    38. Thankfully cell corporations were testing their products before it got to the consumer like they did in the old days, efficiently

    39. traffic more efficiently throughout the city by

    40. Had Gretchen not done her job so efficiently Tom might have seen that it was Merilee who rolled across the pavement, stopping against some strange leather clad legs

    41. insulin that can react promptly and efficiently to anything you feed your body will result

    42. it will start to achieve that energy output more efficiently

    43. They simply don’t have the strength to break down food efficiently,

    44. The ideal solution would be to create a Twitter list that allows you to narrow in on specific users by grouping them into categories, and manage the information that you receive by efficiently organizing the topics that you are interested in learning about

    45. and more efficiently than their staff

    46. efficiently than their staff

    47. nowhere and together the three of them efficiently assembled the

    48. basically survive more efficiently: The brain

    49. Thus, if it appears that the accused had the ability and opportunity to perform his duties efficiently, nevertheless, he may be found guilty of this offense

    50. with my hands on my hips watching her hands move efficiently and

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    Synonyms for "efficiently"

    efficiently expeditiously clearly practically reasonably sensibly

    "efficiently" definitions

    with efficiency; in an efficient manner