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    Use "evangelical" in a sentence

    evangelical example sentences


    1. Evangelical author William West states the same thing in his book The

    2. of very reputable evangelical theologians maintain that this

    3. Again, the same thing is said in another evangelical commentary:

    4. this subject is one on which there is no unanimity among evangelical

    5. EVANGELICAL BOOK CLUB: "A thoughtful case for an opinion that

    6. In addition, I do not believe that polls have considered the strength of the Evangelical Christians who this time have decided to vote, and will do it in defense of traditional values and against same sex marriages, embryonic research, abortion and the Democrat’s opposition to the selection of well qualified judges whom the president has submitted for senate confirmation”

    7. Even then, people of staunch and Calvinist evangelical conviction were having difficulties with some of the more rigid aspects of the Westminster Confession of Faith

    8. Since then, the evangelical tradition in the Church of Scotland has shown an almost obsessive preoccupation with doctrine

    9. When I first entered ministry in 1969, there was a real spirit of optimism, especially among the new breed of younger evangelical ministers

    10. (This is rather more helpful than the familiar categories of evangelical and liberal which have ceased to have any clear meaning

    11. There are now a confusing number of evangelical associations and pressure groups representing a wide cross section of views

    12. St George’s Tron was a flagship of the great evangelical tradition within the Church of Scotland

    13. As a result of the 2013 Assembly, another prominent evangelical church, Holyrood Abbey in Edinburgh has stated its intention to leave the Church of Scotland by 2015

    14. It seems as though much of the evangelical church has followed the lead of contemporary society in that debates on important issues apparently cannot be carried out unless accompanied by mud-slinging and aggressive insults

    15. However, in recent years, it has tended to return more strongly to its evangelical roots

    16. I would go further and say that the finger points especially at the evangelical part of the church, much of which seems to be obsessed with very worldly issues such as numbers, buildings, equipment, power, control and money

    17. These evangelical churches have to succeed

    18. I have even heard some evangelical ministers and elders criticise the Church of Scotland’s own social outreach, as though it was something to be shunned and avoided

    19. I remember disgracing myself with some evangelical brothers some years ago in Aberdeen when a crusade was promoted in the city entitled “Christ the Answer”

    20. So, I stated earlier that by the time I had finished my first year at New College, I felt comfortable in my position as a mainstream Church of Scotland evangelical

    21. Raised in Canada in the 1940s and 50s by evangelical Protestant parents, she was the oldest of five children

    22. Examples of the extremes are Evangelical Christians who promote love and happiness and are seemingly overjoyed with their mission, versus those people who are raised in extremely negative and sometimes violent cultures, who may carry those scars and this baggage with them all of their lives

    23. The first realtor with whom we listed was an Italian fellow named Paul who was a born again evangelical Christian who snowed us by bringing us wine, lots of wine, which his father bottled at home

    24. After introducing the Evangelical, the young host asked Mr

    25. I crashed in my motel room with takeout food, called the nursing home to speak with mother, and then alerted my estranged brother (evangelical Christian who is rightfully convinced that I will burn in hell for eternity) of my arrival

    26. But it’s not only the sleazy televangelists that trouble me, but it’s also the evangelical groups that are never finished soliciting a donation via emails and letters in order to “expand” their ministry

    27. Did Paul do this: please Macedonians tick a box and pledge your denarii? Do these people not know that God is judge: he puts down and he exalts (Psalm 75:7)? To be honest, there are very few big evangelical groups I want to see prosper, but try telling them that! I’m not against churches collecting money to produce quality resources, but at the end of the day the early church in the 1st Century and the Chinese church in the last century exploded to gargantuan proportions with a few pennies and dusty sandals

    28. Evangelical Dictionary of World Missions

    29. Even in the most Evangelical of the churches I have

    30. Following the announcement of the decision Swordsmen and Evangelical Christians massed

    31. During the break, the evangelical cadets were invited to retreats hosted by the headquarters of one of the more aggressive evangelical organizations headquartered nearby

    32. The evangelical organizations protested in the public media and in their captive information outlets

    33. “You realize that every Christian evangelical in camp is going to seek you out for special attention and not all of that will be benign?”

    34. Evangelical Christians have been harassing Jews a lot longer than the Swordsmen

    35. More white-led evangelical churches support missionaries, but apparently do not understand the critical importance of sending out African Americans

    36. One black pastor stated at the congress that African Americans in their denomination were not only Christian, but were committed evangelical Christians

    37. Therefore, the Congress on Africa enjoyed remarkable racial unity, vision, funding, mobilization experience, evangelical doctrine, student power, education, and the will to mobilize thousands of African Americans for missions

    38. Contrasting their lives and ministries provides a case study about the reasons why many African Americans do not participate in evangelical missions

    39. Unable to attend segregated evangelical colleges himself, Pastor Handy taught his students the Bible using the Scofield Reference Bible’s notes as their training curriculum

    40. New England was settled by a people who held evangelical doctrine above all price

    41. With a single exception, every old Puritan pulpit in Boston and vicinity was in the possession of men who scorned the evangelical creed

    42. Rockefeller who funded liberalism’s attack on fundamentalists and evangelical missions

    43. The well-documented truth is that black and white Christians held the same evangelical beliefs about the Bible, although these beliefs were distorted for both by white racism

    44. Proctor failed to write that since his seminary days, the Lord has been creating a movement of strong black evangelical leaders who reject white liberal theology

    45. Evangelical black-led churches are growing and replacing liberal churches as community builders

    46. During this crisis, evangelical Christians, both black and white, joined me in taking great personal risks to intervene with families there

    47. To the shame of segregated evangelical whites who believed the true Gospel, liberal whites took radical steps to help African Americans during times of their worst suffering

    48. Today, 90 percent of oversees missionaries believe evangelical doctrine

    49. Most white evangelical missionaries hold with unwavering conviction to the Bible’s teaching that Jesus Christ will return again

    50. Most evangelical Christians disregard, ignore, or consider extreme the white leaders who confront the status quo racial systems

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    Synonyms for "evangelical"

    evangelical evangelistic pious fervent spiritual religious apostolic orthodox

    "evangelical" definitions

    relating to or being a Christian church believing in personal conversion and the inerrancy of the Bible especially the 4 Gospels

    of or pertaining to or in keeping with the Christian gospel especially as in the first 4 books of the New Testament

    marked by ardent or zealous enthusiasm for a cause