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    Use "explicit" in a sentence

    explicit example sentences


    1. Would God get that specific? Would He be that explicit, so to call Israel the center of the nations? Does God really think that the land of Israel is that important? And what for? If we think that Israel is simply a location or a spiritual metaphor for something else, then we have missed it

    2. He grinned to himself as he pictured her in some very explicit poses

    3. Miss Bunker distributed the packets, gave explicit instructions for each section to be completed, and was explicit in cautioning them against evincing any suspicion or hint of 'cheating

    4. Even though any camera going here would have been considered an explicit film aboard Gordon's Lamp, it was, like Desa had also implied, not a real big deal

    5. In their works, we do not find much in the way of explicit instructions on how to live in harmony with the universe, and we do not know how they taught

    6. My orders are explicit; any more breach of TD protocol will result in a court martial

    7. describe to his opponent explicit recent sexual encounter he had with that person

    8. If you are concerned about Monique, it was she who gave explicit instructions that only you are to be rescued

    9. The Cuban outposts there had been given explicit orders not to fire without orders, pending which the Spaniards gained the city

    10. Whenever a group of individuals gather around to establish a community, it is effected with the explicit understanding that each member is expected to surrender a portion of his or her (―natural‖) freedoms; duty bound to impartially support, in a manner that is not prejudicial to any (single) individual, community laws ratified by popular consent for the benefit of every member of that community, without exception, lest unyielding power and influence fall into the hands of the Quick and Strong

    11. ‘Not yet,’ he’d said in tones that were explicit in saying that the subject was closed to discussion, ‘I’ll tell you when

    12. He was reasonably certain that she shared his opinion concerning the Soviets, but she had not made any explicit comment supporting either political party

    13. from the children, only drawing an explicit trace

    14. Paul laid the plan out in explicit detail down to the smallest element

    15. The Bible is very explicit about the

    16. ” She is more explicit on a similar occasion, predicting the Court will “increasingly” make its decisions “in deference to international law and foreign opinion

    17. As Ishvara pashed me, the veins got more distinct, explicit with every breath he sucked out of me, every gasp of mine he mingled with his own

    18. If it’s alright to “Piss Christ” or spread dung over the Virgin Mary, why not throw a little over Mona Lisa or splatter the Sistine Chapel? How about some explicit graffiti scratched into the marble of the Winged Victory at the head of the grand staircase in the Louvre? A new post-post modern Art of Defacement might come to be recognized

    19. family relatives, and provided explicit details of his former home, including the location of a safe

    20. At his instructions, she retrieved it, but disobeying his explicit orders, she opened it

    21. (he was explicit that this was extremely important) but I should become

    22. explicit that this was extremely important) but I should become slightly more remote or

    23. Invitations for Bids to make explicit that bidders were to specifically

    24. be satisfied without an explicit reservation of those rights with

    25. subject had become too explicit in recent movies and television

    26. non-material and not open to explicit material representation

    27. Research from the National Inquiry into the Teaching of Literacy in Australia found that early, systematic and explicit teaching of phonics is a necessary part of an integrated approach to the teaching of reading

    28. Bolzat had even given explicit instructions to Emily, his nanny, to make him lift the ale barrels every night when he was away, which was often

    29. Little or none of this may be explicit however – it is the

    30. often than not, implicit rather than explicit

    31. explicit, and to rely on those categories consistently throughout a task

    32. By making the implication explicit it will bring us insight

    33. You will gradually remove all your clothes while performing sexually explicit exercises

    34. They"d complained bitterly to their parents that there was to be no Christian service, but on that score Max had been explicit

    35. I think it’s bad for young people to watch porn and explicit sex programs, because of what I said earlier—it isn’t real, and sex without affection and gentleness is a very poor model that harms the development of healthy relationships

    36. He knows her or he would be even more explicit

    37. Coming from seemingly nowhere and everywhere at once, blueprints are faxed and emailed to 1000’s of factories with explicit, detailed instructions

    38. Nudity, explicit sexuality and violence ruled television and, according to rumours, the internet

    39. Chris did and gave Steve explicit instructions on where to find them

    40. The agreement does not have to be explicit

    41. " The elimination of time in connection with the expressed desire of this potential Sovereign of a universe could only be avoided by the direct and explicit act of the will of this God-man to the effect that time, as related to the act or event in question, should not be shortened or eliminated

    42. ” She nodded, called the soldier and gave him explicit directions and spells to locate, track and subdue the magic that was the Dragon

    43. Harold Searles (1979), make explicit use of countertransference, it is still considered to be uniquely developed in response to the analysand

    44. critics been able to begin to develop a perspective that is consistent with and explicit about feminist principles (McGoldrick, Anderson, and Walsh 1989; Walters et al

    45. She faltered promises of explicit obedience, clasping his corded neck as if seeking security from the contact

    46. A girl turns to relationships not justas a result of being reared by the same-sex parent, but through direct and indirect, explicit and implicit, injunctions from both parents concerning limitations that apply to her but not to her brothers

    47. Part of early female training, through both explicit statements and example, involves

    48. That is, the explicit

    49. 6 Even after this explicit warning, many of Jesus' followers interpreted these predictions as referring to the changes which would obviously occur in Jerusalem when the reappearing of the Messiah would result in the establishment of the New Jerusalem and in the enlargement of the city to become the world's capital

    50. "Why was he taken alive? Standing orders are quite explicit

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    Synonyms for "explicit"

    explicit expressed denotative open unabashed unashamed specific categorical sure clean-cut plain clear-cut definite

    "explicit" definitions

    precisely and clearly expressed or readily observable; leaving nothing to implication

    in accordance with fact or the primary meaning of a term