Use "grassland" in a sentence
grassland example sentences
1. The countryside is flat as a board and mostly grassland, burned over by the summer sun
2. A stick whacked at a clump of waist high nettles, sending fragments of the sting-laden leaves scattering across the rough grassland at the edge of the meadow
3. It is an open landscape with few trees and the land rises steadily towards the rocky hills we can see in the distance; stretches of scrubby grassland are interspersed with dense groves of olive trees and, as Drens said, dry stone walls carving up the landscape, as well as islands of tall, dark stands of yet more pines
4. He hesitates on the edge of the trees before plunging across the stretch of grassland which surrounds the Naveta … it looks far larger than I remember: a massive prehistoric building looking like an upturned hull of a boat, hence the name
5. Four men are racing across the grassland towards us, one of them has a weapon of some sort strapped to his shoulder
6. Joris pauses on the edge of the grassland and I nearly walk into him, I’m so lost in my thoughts
7. The open grassland gradually turns into thin woodland and then becomes denser
8. they would have to cross open grassland to get to it
9. Most of the grassland had suffered including the Clearys so there was no trail though the grass leading to the Cleary back door
10. Of course other interpretations may become available as new information enters the mix, and if a more open grassland environment replaced the forested one, it would have been lovingly preserved in the collective memory of all who came after
11. In the aftermath this time, only a broad savanna of grassland emerged
12. The vegetation changed from scrub to marsh to jungle to forest to grassland as we followed the river upstream first south then southeast, then south again, finally reaching Tamalameque on the sixth day
13. We rode through the city, which was very large, larger than Tlatelolco and Tenochtitlan together, and spread out toward the northeast from the east bank of the river in the midst of an extensive grassland dotted with lakes
14. The terrain of this region was what was what the locals called “puna”—coarse grassland that saw little rain
15. Once we had left Anishinabe territory, the forest gave way to grassland
16. At first, it was intermittent; then the grassland predominated except along the rivers
17. We had our first freeze at the same time the grassland gave way to forest
18. It was preferable to the rather dry grassland farther west and much nicer than the desert I was approaching in the east
19. Along this way I would find grassland that I could follow all the way to the prairie in the east
20. All he remembered about the east was that there was grassland and then forest and many great rivers
21. It gradually sloped upward to a sort of plateau where I found the promised grassland on the second day
22. There were no settlements in the grassland, but I would occasionally pass a group of hunters or travelers along the way
23. They controlled a large grassland south of wide tidal river that was really more of a bay
24. ” Anyway we had run out of grassland and into another pine forest that had given way to a juniper and pine forest when we reached Ayun’ini’s special place
25. We found some grassland in this area as well as a Chono village
26. Looking down the western slope of the hill that they had climbed as they moved out of the main camp, they could see that it eased gradually into more level, dry grassland
27. With no pass to the east within sight, they had followed their cattle westward into a semidry grassland that now slowly opened up before them
28. The old man made the decision to overwinter here and shortly after they had settled in, the rains came, turning the dry grassland into green pasturage
29. main camp, they could see that it eased gradually into more level, dry grassland
30. grassland that now slowly opened up before them
31. The pace was not as reckless as it would at first seem, for every rider knew all too well that there were very few obstacles or trees populating the immense grassland that lead to the capital Tarctiania
32. As soon as it stopped, open grassland gave views up an incline to the lightly wooded hills above
33. The land varied from sloping rough grassland dotted with ancient eucalypts, to low hills and increasingly dense rainforest that became steep forested slopes down which tumbled several streams and waterfalls creating excellent pools
34. The road and surrounding grassland leading up to the sturdy wooden fence looked down into the ring of houses
35. Boran and Norm’s research gained momentum and, in 1977 the first banana was picked from a tree grown in a large orchard section of grassland created within the cavern
36. In all it was 250 acres of fertile grassland
37. grassland can produced 100,000 dogs annually
38. Before Joey’s eyes was grassland with a mixture of yellow and green grass, and large, brightly colored flowers
39. between the high grassland plains to the west and sultry Mozambique below
40. Tyre tracks leading through muddy grassland to the water’s brink showed point of entry with no indication the vehicle had braked, or attempted to avoid its fate
41. And his reward for wanton slaughter was grassland enough for more horses than he could ever ride, and more slave girls than he could ever bed
42. The shoulder sloped down through thick forests and ended at a vast plain of tall grassland
43. Before reaching the mountain range, the craft veered left, and passing the next range, flew over a wide valley of tall grassland
44. where you would find the farms and grassland where the Native
45. By mid-afternoon, the grassland had given way to rocky foothills with sparse spiny plants and loose rocks that caused frequent trips and slips
46. To their left, the land was flat grassland as far as the eye could see
47. East is where you would find the farms and grassland where the Native Americans, and so many occupants of the general vicinity, had learned to communicate using English over the last few years
48. Finally, we opened onto grassland and could see the lodge
49. And then they hopped on a new mount, and did the same to that horse, and so –on and so-on…Because they were determined to raze human cities to the ground: and create grassland for horses
50. ‘Where am I?’ he thought, gazing across the grassland at the trees a few