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    patronage example sentences


    1. One day, attracted by the unrivalled opportunities being offered to skilled people by this new broom sweeping through government’s old and crusty cobwebs of social patronage, two provincial public relations specialists arrived in the city determined to make their fortunes

    2. In Scotland, the most extensive country in which this presbyterian form of church government has ever been established, the rights of patronage were in effect abolished by the act which established presbytery in the beginning of the reign of William III

    3. The 10th of queen Anne restored the rights of patronage

    4. In all the presbyterian churches, where the rights of patronage are thoroughly established, it is by nobler and better arts, that the established clergy in general endeavour to gain the favour of their superiors; by their learning, by the irreproachable regularity of their life, and by the faithful and diligent discharge of their duty

    5. There are certain conditions attached to my patronage

    6. The redistribution of that wealth based solely on patronage, whim, and prerogatives of birth

    7. to bribe him a patronage appointment

    8. Implicit in promises of reform was the idea that the opportunities for massive patronage and corruption that this army of aides represented would vanish under nonpartisan administration

    9. He established his rule on the basis of Roman patronage, and with great diplomatic skill and personal charm succeeded in

    10. The fanaticism of the caliph Hakim destroyed the church of the Sepulchre and ended the Frankish protectorate (1010); [it was not only a question of Muslim intolerance] and the patronage of the Holy Places, a source of strife between the Greek and Latin

    11. the patronage of Mary Immaculate and obtain

    12. In State universities the political bias against conservatives in the hiring process amounts to an illegal political patronage operation, and campus funds available for political activities are inequitably distributed to student groups with leftwing agendas (approximately 50 to 1)

    13. Sam didn‘t want pity or patronage so Kirby‘s lack of empathy had little effect on him

    14. You will often thank you customer for their patronage at this point and this is why it is also called the thank you page

    15. businesses in Carson City, thereby gaining the patronage of almost all

    16. As patronage of arcades declined, many were forced to close down

    17. “Welcome, my friend,” she said in an attempt at friendliness that instead came across as patronage

    18. ‘’But certainly, General! Please follow me!’’ Answered at once Mother Thérèse with a big smile, seeing the opportunity to attract the patronage of an organization full of resources and able to help her establishment in those difficult times

    19. Fifteenth century Italy captured some of the spirit of Athens from two thousand years before, and one of the cities at the heart of the Rennaissance was Florence, under the patronage of the Medici family

    20. The patronage had a nice racial mix

    21. funny thing was, Jeremiah could care less about his patronage at

    22. for easy patronage still addiction gains the eye of wrinkled brows common string and the

    23. I can hardly go to the Taoiseach to suggest that he hands over sovereignty of his country to you, whereas you could go to him to suggest that a unified Ireland and a lasting settlement would be possible under your auspices and with your patronage

    24. I make no apology for taking up this defect in our present system, because it is directly handled in the Church Patronage Bill which is being brought before Parliament

    25. I am not anxious to see patronage concentrated in one set of hands

    26. The sage was happy as the ashram was in the royal patronage

    27. With the advent of the Sultans and the eclipse of the Rajas, short of royal patronage, the Brahman intellectual pursuits took a back seat

    28. What with the deprived social patronage adding to their economic woes, they became moribund to end up being the parasites and it is probable that the prejudices that bedevil the Hindu spirituality might have been the products of the idle minds in those lazy Brahman bodies

    29. patronage of a strong military power

    30. To move under the patronage of the soul, to get lost in the pursuit of the self-

    31. I say, when you read the rest of this fortress you will see how Al’lah overwhelmed and embraced all the creatures with His compassion and protected them with His patronage and favor

    32. Scott Stonebridge, he’d also done his internship under her father’s patronage, so he knew Kathy and her family well

    33. After a near riot the brigadier declared the venue out of bounds to the troops and the nightclub went bust for lack of patronage

    34. Reputation in business takes long to establish and once established , in spite of poor business policy, the company still remain in business for a long time before it can shut shop due to lack of patronage

    35. At the time, I thought he was just taking his patronage of Satania too far

    36. enjoyed much royal patronage, and consequentlymuch of his work is now in the galleries of

    37. Northern Europe threw its religious patronage system away almost completely when the Reformation happened

    38. Southern Europe rotted in its religious patronage and its Divine Right of Kings

    39. While the culture of mass conformity, mass fear, mass stupidity, mass insanity, and mass obedience called Nationalism … slid down into worse and worse levels of rotten corrupt patronage

    40. As the layers of patronage shrank: secrets piled up

    41. The impersonal slavery of Ancient Rome is connected to impersonal patronage of Feudal Europe

    42. The impersonal patronage of Feudal Europe is connected to the almost non-existent, completely inhuman patronage of Modern Capitalism

    43. He clearly had the patronage of

    44. excited about the journey that I was on, and grateful for his patronage and I would help in

    45. The prosperous patronage with which he said it, made him look twice as big as he was, and four times as offensive

    46. Stryver, exuding patronage of the most offensive quality from every pore, had walked before him like three sheep to the quiet corner in Soho, and had offered as pupils to Lucie's husband: delicately saying "Halloa! here are three lumps of bread-and-cheese towards your matrimonial picnic, Darnay!" The polite rejection of the three lumps of bread-and-cheese had quite bloated Mr

    47. He was saying the affectionate word, however, with a far more grudging condescension and patronage than he could have shown if their relative merits and positions had been reversed (which is invariably the case, all the world over), when Mr

    48. "Not in the slightest, and indeed it's an absurdity! I merely hinted at her obtaining temporary assistance as the widow of an official who had died in the service--if only she has patronage

    49. Why? You build a 45,000 tons hotel of thin steel plates to secure the patronage of, say, a couple of thousand rich people (for if it had been for the emigrant trade alone, there would have been no such exaggeration of mere size), you decorate it in the style of the Pharaohs or in the Louis Quinze style--I don't know which--and to please the aforesaid fatuous handful of individuals, who have more money than they know what to do with, and to the applause of two continents, you launch that mass with two thousand people on board at twenty-one knots across the sea--a perfect exhibition of the modern blind trust in mere material and appliances

    50. Morel with a certain glibness and Morel with patronage

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    Synonyms for "patronage"

    patronage trade backing backup championship condescension disdain business clientele keep going patronise patronize support assistance aegis benefaction encouragement commerce custom shopping traffic tolerance sufferance deference

    "patronage" definitions

    the act of providing approval and support

    customers collectively

    a communication that indicates lack of respect by patronizing the recipient

    (politics) granting favors or giving contracts or making appointments to office in return for political support

    the business given to a commercial establishment by its customers

    support by being a patron of

    be a regular customer or client of