Usar "silent" en una oración
silent oraciones de ejemplo
1. The drive would have been silent if it weren’t for Kevin
2. Even the birds were silent
3. Giving advice is tempting, but it is better ninety percent of the time to remain silent unless asked
4. It is certainly difficult to remain silent when you see your grandchildren making poor decisions
5. On the other end of the line, her handler stayed silent
6. The secluded point to which one withdraws, is found to lie within oneself; the silent place in which the life of the soul is contacted is that point within the head where soul and body meet
7. The world was silent for a moment but then there came a footstep in the snow,
8. If the truth could harm others, it might be better to keep silent
9. All was silent amid the
10. Both fall silent
11. The class falls silent, waiting
12. He went silent, his whole body tensing in anticipation
13. He was silent for a moment before giving me a square look in the eye
14. He was silent for a minute, hopeful
15. The house too remained hushed and silent
16. All was silent, bar the
17. The door opened slowly, swinging on silent hinges to reveal a blackness so
18. The terrified man remained stubbornly silent
19. Except, Johnny then realised that all was not silent
20. As I had predicted, we resorted to getting a take-away but even so, we didn’t eat until nearly ten forty-five – a silent meal - after which, by tacit agreement, we all went to bed
21. He’s silent for a moment when I have finished my recital
22. said a silent prayer for the young Englishman’s soul
23. Stephen is silent for a moment as though annoyed about this
24. He was not down there with them filing onto the cold stone benches of Susa on a blustery evening, forced to bear silent witness to pronouncements they hardly supported
25. but he remained silent
26. After only a few seconds of silent flight with the debris field passing below, Burn’s voice spoke in his ear
27. The rest of the disciples stay silent and calm, as if that were something absolutely natural, something you see every day
28. There is the vocal minority and the silent majority in most business
29. I retreated back to the safest place I knew: the silent world of Marwan Tayeh the hostage
30. Numb now, I gazed at the silent television screen, watching black and white figures move through a scene of domestic strife, unable for the moment to comprehend what a lawnmower might be used for
31. I think the trip took about two hours, the second of which was one long febrile, mad-dog but inevitably silent tirade
32. So also, if you are the silent reserved type and the other person too is the silent reserved type, the there wil hardly be any dialogue at all! The word over here is “compatible
33. The television in the kitchen was silent
34. They did have some silent little motors that could move them sedately thru the canals
35. For a moment or two, she twirled in a spasm of incredible intensity; then the sorceress fell silent, wrapped herself in her black mantle and vanished in an ethereal green cloud
36. They were silent awhile
37. “This is one of the countless Cities of the Dead; This is where souls with an affinity to the elements of air and water come, after the loss of their physical body,” he explained with a silent voice and an enigmatic smile
38. "Alan is not, and we know that in the right hands he cannot keep silent
39. In a corner, Citizen Marat’s severed head, trailing veins and cables, ground out one last phrase on behalf of the revolutionary committee of the brotherhood of new men before dropping its eyelids and falling permanently silent
40. Kara very sensibly stayed silent until he had worked it out of his system
41. Those that are silent until called upon are those that speak more – even with using fewer words
42. Somehow he managed to evade all the welcome and noise and bustle and sneak her into the house and along the shadowy, silent hallways to her bed chamber
43. For all that, she was immensely grateful for his mostly silent, supportive presence
44. of tears cried into cut glass when the house fell silent
45. warehouses stand stocked and silent,
46. comes the silent song bird
47. Luray was silent awhile, then said, "I think I've had two children of this body in my life, the one with Knume at the beginning of the 52nd, and another one back in the 41st, fourteen centuries ago
48. As he got closer, he had to be even more silent or they would hear him and peer intently in his direction again
49. giggles and they too were silent
50. A real nice crossbow and some arrows caught his eye, silent, but deadly