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    1. Cockroaches utilize their antennae to pick up chemical signals from the air

    2. Consequently, Miss Bunker was obliged to utilize the Council Chambers for both exemption testing and the first few weeks of the term

    3. He encouraged Onk to utilize his powers of invisibility for snooping around the palace, so long as he remained visible while in LeCynic's presence

    4. You need to utilize your mind and not let your emotions get out of control

    5. If we keep this logic in our mind constantly, we will definitely utilize our remaining time here on Earth productively, to create moments aligned to our true feelings

    6. Whether conquerors of laity utilize teaching to draw

    7. the role of hegeomai, we could also utilize the

    8. The comm systems had the ability to utilize satellite relays, the problem of course being he would give away his position

    9. and which moves you decide to utilize, there are certain

    10. An individual should utilize proper discretion (whenever possible) when engaging in (public) conversation; especially when that individual‘s perceived style or manner (of speech) or ―problematical expressions‖ might be ―misinterpreted‖ or considered offensive to certain members of his or her audience

    11. Since we had half a day until the camp would be operational, I decided to utilize the time to try to get some information about my family

    12. How much longer is our nation expected to fill the coffers of rogue nations that routinely utilize its (oil) revenues to finance our destruction! One can only hope that once public concern supersedes its off-handed complacency by making its presence felt in Washington, that its (collective) impact will hopefully override the perennial lip service that oftentimes passes itself off as a genuine commitment to solving this dilemma

    13. I would also be honored if you could explain some of the delicate techniques and methods you are about to utilize

    14. You know, His Majesty’s government does not have a favorable view of individuals who utilize a variety of pseudonyms in travelling about

    15. These utilize strategic resources like breaking down complex problems into parts, making comparisons, retrieving memories, and relying on progressively more intricate mental models of the world and our own minds

    16. After utilization of those resources, they become available in the market so that other organizations utilize them

    17. This Current Account “Personal” doesn’t utilize any type of physical money; all its value occurs through electronic entry for the Computational Monetary System so that the economic agents and social agents accomplish payments of products and services that are available for the Coordenational Structure

    18. This signifies that nobody obtains to utilize MyCRACOMPUTER or another alive or dead person’s single document to accomplish payment transactions, to receive income or to use as personal identification

    19. Generation of Income for Totality of the People, Organizations and Countries causes the great motivation for corporations to enter as agreed organizations, external suppliers participate in the new systematics and external customers utilize the rendered services by the innovative Coordenational Structure, wherever

    20. The external suppliers can only utilize these virtual monetary resources through services rendering solicitation in the Coordenational Structure

    21. This term gives confidence and credibility so that any institution becomes an agreed organization, participate in the Project and utilize the new systematics to reach its goals with success

    22. It is to utilize the nonprofit organizations of the Third Sector, that is, to do with that the organizations act in block totally coherent so that they accomplish the great dream: Another better world is possible!

    23. It is to utilize the First Sector, that is, the public law corporation or the State for implantation of the XUSING Project to act from top to bottom

    24. Another advantage is the receipt of sufficient income in that every individual receives income to utilize products or services and every corporation public or private receives income to produce the wealth, without being loan and without payment of interests

    25. Or simply a trademark as the administrators of cards does, for instance to utilize the trademarks: XUSING, NETWORK of the USE, XUSING Project or XUSING Card

    26. Besides, they utilize its own resources, without the indebtedness need and without depending of the money of the others

    27. for the State in Virtual Coin so that they utilize as

    28. for collective use and they utilize its Current Account

    29. § 2nd - In the option of Electronic Meeting, it will utilize

    30. All receive in Virtual Coins and they utilize those credits in its Current Accounts “Personal” through the solicitation of services rendering of the agreed organizations that is offered by the Coordenational Structure

    31. It is the new monetary systematics that doesn’t utilize the physical money

    32. There is not as to utilize this money out of its production or to embezzle for fraudulent ends

    33. Therefore, the cycle of the utilization of the generated wealth with its products and services happens when the individuals utilize the credited income and received with abundance in Virtual Coin “Utilizational” to only accomplish transactions of payments with the organizations that render them services so that they validate the process of those organizations

    34. The cycle of the production for generation of the wealth with its products and services happens when the organizations utilize the Virtual Coin “Real” in the transactions of payments with other organizations so that reciprocally each one always validates the process of the another with the intermediation of the payment for the Virtual Bank

    35. utilize his gift of changing the state of matter

    36. With the backing of our emotions, the intellect can sharpen our innate talents and utilize them to our advantage

    37. But most unfired feeders utilize heat to a slight extent, although they do not actually cook the food

    38. Whatever your unique situation, it's how you utilize the space you have and how you discover ways to add more storage solutions (as needed) that makes a difference

    39. It concretizes and wants to utilize at once in the service of

    40. interpreted as a need to eat organic food and utilize homeopathic and alternative medical

    41. She insists she is looking for the right opportunity for me and one which will utilize my talents to the fullest

    42. Once we have achieved low vibration, then we can utilize the path of light which is our vehicle for our soul through Hell

    43. How often are we truly happy with something? If this facility had the support to utilize it more effectively, it might become something that has power to change the world

    44. We may need some help, but we all have the ability to utilize faith to the advantage of our spirit AND our body

    45. Why do these men come to the small towns from the big cities if the help was so good? The homeless population includes those who are disabled, but the corporations have the ability to utilize all of them within a system designed that way

    46. The 701 was next to us, and had to utilize a manual feeder and

    47. If you want to utilize Twitter as a sales or marketing tool and generate quality leads that lead to sales and conversions, then making an emotional connection with your target audience is absolutely essential

    48. In Hypnotherapy we can guide the unconscious to utilize its enormous power to come up with

    49. to their bank and utilize existing lines of credit or request increases

    50. instance, a patient who wishes to improve their health can utilize

    1. Hundreds of calorie-burning muscles are utilized simply by walking

    2. That artificial sugars must be broken down by the digestive tract into simple sugars before they can be utilized by the body, and thus they put an undue strain upon the system

    3. Just as the caterpillar devours the plant it will return as a butterfly to pollenate, the Livingsons utilized and nurtured the forest, the mountains, the meadows and the waters

    4. We are built of several centers or brains, each with a capacity and function for which purposes it alone should be utilized

    5. ) Proceeds from said funds shall be utilized for the maintenance of the school house, furniture and implements of instruction therein contained and affiliated, textbooks, and the annual salary of a teacher

    6. Stanley Harry was utilized in other ways as well

    7. utilized all the branches of the military

    8. No longer able to stand on her own legs, she utilized the bridge's rusted iron railing as a crutch, and with whatever strength she had left she dragged herself across

    9. That being the case, he must have had great power, but he never utilized a lick of it

    10. But the tactics utilized had proven wisely chosen

    11. developed Roman world that utilized currency over a

    12. Historically, strong wood materials were utilized in most deck

    13. to be much more of a concern, other alternative materials for deck construction were utilized

    14. Do you wish for me to endure a thousand years year of extreme boredom while I wait for the convicted criminals and terrorists to escape from hell so that we can kill them again once and for all at Armageddon? Why not just kill them now properly and get done? I think the system in heaven is ineffective and the known intelligence is poorly utilized

    15. Colling found that, even though none of his German acquaintances wanted to discuss the proceedings, and few of his fellow soldiers found the subject more interesting than the most recent major league baseball team standings, almost all the DP’s at Camp 146 followed each day’s developments closely, and consistently voiced their opinions about the defendants’ guilt and the most suitable forms of execution that should be utilized

    16. This technique can be utilized in a wide and varied number of

    17. In fact he utilized it to intensify his

    18. It has to practice new monetary system without the limitations of the coins utilized at each country, without isolation of the individuals or of the corporations

    19. Accomplishing this intention, we utilized new paradigm of alternative human society that substitutes the existent models

    20. Also, we utilized economic and political force of billion of excluded people to exhibit that everything is possible when we changed the systematics

    21. The Project with its actuation form avoids that 80% of the resources get lost in the means (processes) and it guarantees that these resources are utilized fully in its ends (result)

    22. invested money stays untouchable; it will only be utilized as guarantee for reliability and credibility of this Project

    23. This will be made through the adhesion and actuation of nonprofit organizations that will indicate members for its administration according to Social Statute always through the criteria of the utilized methodology for creation and operation of these organizations according to the Systemic Theory of Usuarism

    24. doesn’t let the credited income to be utilized for other ends or being embezzled

    25. In this fictitious example, Brazil paid its foreign debt with its own coin and it utilized less than 20% of everything that already spends annually with the foreign debt service

    26. Dad utilized the best he could with what he

    27. They were to provide DCF with home school plans they had utilized from 1999

    28. Also, it evaluates the maintenance of the quality of the utilized materials and rendered services, as well as if the waste, use of the physical money and unproductive resource are being eliminated

    29. - Amount of utilized financial resource in the

    30. Everything happens without need of new indebtedness because every resource already existent is utilized

    31. v Success evidence, because other innovative processes already utilized diverse cities with all its population to practice a new technology

    32. Budget for the Own People to Solve the Social Problem and the Lack of Income In this topic, we utilized the Last Sector or the people as one of the three strategies for creation of Bank3Sector

    33. Analyze the results, accompany the values that only tend to grow because they will never be withdrawn or transferred for somebody, either they will be utilized for payment of products or services

    34. components that were already utilized to return to

    35. that the actions and the resources can be utilized by any

    36. without they are utilized for lucrative exploration (economic

    37. The utilization of this credit can only be utilized in the use of products and services that are offered by the agreed organizations

    38. Its principal characteristic is the double actuation, that is, when it is utilized by the individual it has the function of usufruct of the wealth; when it is utilized by the corporation it has function of production of the wealth

    39. It is only utilized by the external suppliers

    40. and utilized by the body

    41. Huge stones were utilized to build massive cities and monuments so that

    42. Hate is utilized to cover up their fear

    43. Huge stones were utilized to build massive cities and monuments so that we could see evidence thousands of years later after the Earth has suffered trauma

    44. Mike heavily utilized my legal talents on the Montana Rail Link matter at the Livingstone switch yard where MRL’s “predecessor in interest,” Burlington Northern, had created one of the U

    45. method utilized to control the mind and body bringing it into a

    46. Magicians who utilized the light of the source and who thought in this new way began to call themselves sorcerers, while mages who used the heat of the stone also adopted these new attitudes, and thus began wizardry

    47. Unfortunately, this substantial amount is not utilized to serve their well-being, instead

    48. They utilized strange and terrible sorceries as their primary means of combat, against which there was initially no defense, and from which there is no healing

    49. There were conflicts over whether and when radio-telephone (voice) or Morse Code should be utilized

    50. Other international rescue organizations have utilized the techniques and lessons learned from Captain Walter"s adventurous and prolific career in search and rescue and law enforcement operations

    1. retractable awnings utilizes a motor for their successful operation

    2. Although I don‘t question the advantages of time; nevertheless, I can‘t help feeling that our ―personal‖ interactions have been compromised somehow; have become less intimate and perhaps less cordial operating in an environment where the ―letter‖ writer has become a quasi extension of the apparatus it utilizes to compose its ―letters‖; such mediums of thoughts and emotions flowing together, whose spontaneity no longer provides sufficient time to assimilate what‘s been written

    3. I find it quite troubling whenever an (activist) judge eagerly concedes the legal ―rights‖ of a terrorist (at the risk of endangering the lives of law-abiding citizens) who would otherwise nullify, without pause, the very laws that he or she conveniently utilizes for his or her own (legal) advantage

    4. Generation of Income for Totality of the People, Organizations and Countries This Project utilizes the existent resources with efficiency of the own agreed organizations of the Third Sector

    5. Although the Third Sector utilizes billion of billion dollars annually in collected resources, there is always inadequacy of resources, because it only transfers and it doesn’t turn the durable wealth

    6. The manpower of the Third Sector is free from wages, duties or imposed because it utilizes billion of anxious volunteers to solve the social problems

    7. ( user04) This Theory utilizes the following elements: a) Coordenational Structure is new organization style in that there are not hierarchy or organization chart to accomplish any socioeconomic intention with low cost

    8. Its administration makes use of every park of existent computers in the residences and in the agreed organizations; it also utilizes as interface the terminals in cybercafé, providers, telecenters and registered external suppliers, among other means

    9. This functions as the people’s single document and it also utilizes the Algarismo LEAK® with the use of the biometry that identifies the equipment and its user for the fingerprints, iris or the shapes of the face

    10. We closed this step and we affirmed that the Virtual Coin has bigger utilization power than the physical coin, because any organization (creditor) utilizes the received monetary resources in its production in the services rendering way for the Coordenational Structure in any country, without there is conversion for physical money or acquisitions in definitive properties

    11. The XUSING Project makes possible the integration of all the organizations of the countries and communities in the world to solve national and international problems in an enormous social partnership in global network of information without any loss or additional cost to the participators, it only utilizes the same existent or collected resources of sponsors with productivity gains

    12. It utilizes the potentiality of the Last Sector, that is, does with that billion excluded people in the world join to solve its own problems through this new systematics and organizational structure

    13. The operational cost is practically zero, because it utilizes all the organizational resources that already exist

    14. This can be made with the simple change for our new socioeconomic model that utilizes the complete and innovative Computational Monetary System

    15. The people can participate with the resources that already have because indirectly already paid 80% of everything that it receives in taxes and costs of the production because it provides the economic viability of the market, when it utilizes the aid received to supply its basic necessity through resources of the family credit, scholarship, unemployment compensation, social projects and assistance programs, such as: daycare center, shelter, support to the senior and lacking child, food, habitation, health, education, clothes, basic sanitation, minimum income, zero hunger, among others

    16. Use Technology that utilizes the technique of the

    17. The system will cancel the Virtual Coin, if nobody utilizes it, without causing damages the economy

    18. Therefore, the simple change in the organizational systematics occasions high reduction of the social cost, it also produces immense reduction in the cost of the organizations, besides benefiting all the people and mainly the environment because it avoids the immense burning of resources with mistaken current system that utilizes the consumerism to leverage the economy

    19. With this, it will put an end to the misery, hunger and social abandonment with cost zero, because the new systematics utilizes its immense resources with productivity and low cost

    20. Society utilizes religion and has a commitment toward truth and knowledge, but in the end it may mostly serve the ego

    21. A person who routinely utilizes

    22. experience based on continual individual and group work, that utilizes the

    23. Network marketing is a legal and legitimate business model that utilizes methods of

    24. The parable utilizes the material and natural as a means of introducing the spiritual and the supermaterial

    25. which utilizes alliteration (repetition) in ways that other polysyl-

    26. Whether it’s a local residence or a building for a business, construction and remediation can result in an edifice that utilizes much less energy than those in the past, resulting in helping to save the planet

    27. The coach utilizes what is happening in the session

    28.  Utilizes a variety of tools and techniques to interrupt the

    29. unrest urges him to action, and he utilizes all his spare time

    30. The drug alternative may be the only way in certain instances, but not the way society utilizes them – as a way of life

    31. The great thing about this new substance is that the deck is less harmful to people and the environment, but also utilizes materials that previously would wind up in the landfill

    32. Batters, their pitcher mainly utilizes two pitches, a nasty fork ball that can catch you fishin'; and his high heat

    33. The book utilizes Albert Einstein’s famous remarks on making things as simple as possible, but no simpler

    34. is so easy for our body to store that it utilizes fat last

    35. Example 22 utilizes triplets and ends with a bend

    36. This technique utilizes artwork, modeling, dance and other creative activities to interact with our conceptual thought forms

    37. Sustainable Art utilizes the edges by eschewing excess

    38. Color breathing utilizes the focus of the mind combined with

    39. He utilizes the gods as powerful symbols of the cosmic forces that are within human beings, but, through the personage of Ulysses, he gives more importance to humans than to the gods

    40. The team utilizes a combination of on-tool manual

    41. have a client Report Catalogue which utilizes SQL stored

    42. Without the euphoria of spiritual fruit in the human spirit, the primal beast utilizes the opiate of intoxicating drinks, compulsive consumption of “sweet” foods, narcotics to influence the sleep cycle, or inhaling mood-altering substances

    43. This alternative two-step utilizes a fairly common but

    44. foremost, the Great Seal of the USA utilizes the ancient star-angel-seal time code to perfection, along

    45. There are sites that provide this assistance like HotJobs, America's Job Bank, and Monster that utilizes resources and convenience for people to look for jobs

    46. The following workout utilizes only a barbell to work not only the entire body directly but the abdominals indirectly, too

    47. In some countries the maximum amounts set by banks can be frustratingly low, so we end up searching around for ATMs with a higher limit that also happen to be compatible with the PLUS system our card utilizes

    48. It will help you frame your own unique PlayBook that best utilizes your strengths

    49. This utilizes processor clock cycles that could otherwise be running applications or performing other important tasks

    50. The result is a signal that utilizes more bandwidth but is louder and easier for a receiver to detect

    1. The approach should fit in the community context, reinforcing the traditional value of respect for the elderly in order to strengthen informal, family care for older people while utilizing their influence to solve day-to-day problems and obtain the cooperation of village population to the government

    2. Utilizing your team member’s contacts will increase the speed at which

    3. The dogs ‘metabolism functions by absorbing nutrients as fast as it can into the body and then spending the fasting times, when there is nothing in the gut, utilizing and rationalizing all these nutrients and clearing toxins from the system

    4. Of the two, Humankind, above all earthly creatures, is (the) more adaptable to its immediate environment by virtue of its superior intellect and remarkable ability to manage change by utilizing the tools of Reason

    5. Everything will occur, without infringing the law, utilizing the same rule of the game for accumulation of the money

    6. ( user01 and user03) Other objective is to create, to operate and to maintain Bank3Sector in diverse countries, utilizing at least 16,807 nonprofit organizations in each one of them as essential members

    7. Those organizations or communities should be juridically formed or in formation, utilizing its collected resources as social investment capital to participate of the Project and to complete each Area of Activity that is the part of innovative Coordenational Structure



    10. The agreed organizations present its results to the Area of Activity AUDIT, utilizing the instruments of control of the quality (Items of Control and Items of Verification) that will be presented in dynamical reports and they become available in an on-line way for Internet in total transparency

    11. b) It is utilizing certificate of the public debt (national debt and foreign debt) that is donated Bank3Sector directly in the beneficiary country

    12. 4) It increases locality of reference by utilizing instruction cache

    13. utilizing the latest technology to provide

    14. design team on the job, utilizing an in-house

    15. ments by utilizing state-of-the-art accounting

    16. Utilizing the mathematical transitive property, that is, if a = b and b = c, then a = c, one

    17. Some efforts and progressive towards this proof has been conducted utilizing random number

    18. Researchers later in this book will add to this point of curiosity utilizing vantage points

    19. utilizing stones that weigh tens or hundreds of tons? It does not, and instead

    20. We are egotists utilizing excuses to define who we are, and then quote the Bible so we can cover up our lack of commitment to truth

    21. Where does our current recorded history explain the construction techniques utilizing stones that weigh tens or hundreds of tons? It does not, and instead suggests they do not exist or were built by hand

    22. with one another- thus utilizing all types of

    23. Imagery in meditation is the act of utilizing one’s ability to

    24. As one continues in the habit of utilizing visualization in meditation they become more attuned to their inner

    25. Utilizing online sources, electronic publications and shared experiences, solving common problems together is definitely the wave of the future

    26. By simply utilizing the C

    27. was also successful in stimulating the growth rate of plants utilizing water

    28. By forgiving colleagues their mistakes and utilizing their talents will eventually bring success to the leader and the project

    29. Sinhalese brothers at Colombo, evolved the idea of utilizing for that purpose

    30. He has very nearly mastered the technique of utilizing the energy of the spiritual drive to turn the mechanism of material achievement

    31. This is possible by utilizing the forces of the Creative Mind to do your

    32. Thus, when you eat more oranges, you are actually helping your body in utilizing your stored fats as sources of energy

    33. "Have a surveillance satellite conduct a high density scan utilizing infra-red of these mountains

    34. subject matter referenced, in this License were drafted utilizing the terminology of

    35. Each was convinced to talk, utilizing the experience of both squads

    36. systems and structures the client has but is not utilizing

    37. We have been utilizing nanotechnology the last three weeks to cure the three of you

    38. Some insist that utilizing the wind won’t thwart climate change

    39. We know about wind and solar, but on the February 23, 2012 episode of The Nature of Things with Canadian scientist David Suzuki, he made mention of utilizing geothermal energy, an exciting development that emits no harm to the earth

    40. Your growing ability to sterilize your observations down to their true natures came by way of highly damaging experiences, and arduous retraining utilizing your enormous energy to access and accept ‘what is’ as a matter of course

    41. The big-time plantation owners could have paid workers a decent wage but instead chose to rake in the profits by utilizing workers who were subservient to them

    42. He emphasized that scientists of Japan are utilizing a source known about for years, geothermal

    43. With the intent of utilizing similar procedures as before, he now put on a hefty set of handlers gloves that looked old, but useful

    44. There is also a triple crossover method, where instead of using 2 lines, you will be utilizing 3 lines

    45. Mitchell kept his head immobilized, while searching the area for any night pirates who may be utilizing the boy as a decoy to rob an unsuspecting individual

    46. the proceeding of the early morning crowd busily utilizing the muddy

    47. This is the power of leverage in the form of utilizing the talents and resources of other people

    48. By utilizing the skill of his Chief-of-Staff, quite an efficient military leadership might have emerged

    49. The Health Board distributed a cassette utilizing affirmations to stop smoking

    50. It is interesting to note here that Nigerian firms are utilizing the web as an effective medium for getting a message out to the world

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    Sinónimos para "utilize"

    utilize apply employ use utilise exploit make use of work run bestow